Ming Zuo

Chapter 1378 You Didn't Win, I Didn't Lose

When the flowers bloom in the warm spring, the Mustard Mountain will be lush and green, like a piece of precious jade inlaid on the earth, and it is also the favorite place for people nearby to visit.

But now, the entire Mustard Mountain can not see a little bit of green.

The trees, flowers and plants on the mountain were either cut down artificially to avoid blocking the view, or they were all destroyed in the fire of war.

Looking from a distance, the whole mountain is barren, only the billowing smoke rushes to the sky.

Under the thick smoke, there is a smell of ripe flesh and blood, which stimulates people to vomit again and again.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, corpses were strewn everywhere, and a large lake of blood was even formed at the foot of the mountain.

The Dongying people are extremely cruel when fighting, and without much flexibility, they can only make a fuss about viciousness.

In order to fight for this mountain, the shogunate army and daimyo allied forces paid countless sacrifices.

After several days of fierce fighting, more than 10 soldiers from both sides died on this mountain.

Both sides fought with little strength, but they refused to stop.

I always thought that as long as I add more force, the opponent will collapse.But often after doing so, the opponent's counterattack is also more violent.

Mori Hidemoto nervously observed the situation on the battlefield, while secretly praying, hoping that Shimadzu Tadaro's actions would go smoothly.

Like him, Tadakatsu Sakai always looked to the more distant West.

Even though he knew he couldn't see anything, no matter how strong his heart was, he couldn't help being anxious.

Compared with the tragic battlefield, the rear on both sides is relatively quiet.

On the side of Buxi Guanyin Temple, the Daming Allied Forces only arranged for more than 1000 people to guard it.

It's really too far away from the front line, and I don't worry that the shogunate army can break through.

And everywhere in the north, the daimyo coalition forces have also deployed.No news has been received so far, so Mao Lixiuyuan did not think that the crisis was coming.

It never occurred to him that the reason for this was entirely because Matsudaira Shinsada's marching speed was too fast.

The defenders everywhere had no time to react, and they were wiped out by Matsudaira Nobusada, where could there be a signal.

Matsudaira Nobu will form the arrowheads with the trainees who are studying in the Xia Guo Military Academy.

These people have learned enough skills, and their combat skills are very high.They used special operations technology, and it was easier to deal with the general Japanese army than the exam.

"My lords, the enemy's strength is only one thousand. This is a god-given opportunity. I have made up my mind to attack, and I invite you to follow. Even if you die on the battlefield today, the glory of the shogunate will last forever."

The [-] shogunate troops took out their weapons and followed Matsudaira Shinsada to burst out of the valley.

Everything came too fast.

The defenders of the granary only saw countless enemies rushing towards them, and the only thing they could feel was despair.

The guard's eyes were shattered, he couldn't think about it, and the messenger wailed in despair.

"Immediately inform the general and send reinforcements back quickly."

The messengers went rolling and crawling, and no one was sure whether it would be too late.

Seeing the panic-stricken appearance of his subordinates, the guard knew that there was no way out.

"Our duty is to guard the food and grass, and there is no room for loss. Even if we die in battle today, we must never run away. For our family and for our descendants not to become slaves, let's fight to the death!"

The defenders certainly knew the consequences of fleeing.

Even if they were outnumbered, even if their hearts were full of fear, they could only grab their weapons and charge forward to face twenty times as many enemies.

In the face of absolute power, no amount of bravery has any effect.

These more than 1000 defenders are not elite troops, so how can they stop the strongest combat effectiveness of the shogunate army.

Matsudaira Nobudaka killed the last enemy, and even licked the blood on the knife edge with his tongue.

"Rush in and set fire to burn all the food. Then... let's meet the last madness of the enemy."

More than 2 shogunate troops rushed into the granary without hindrance.

Soon, the fire ignited ragingly, and quickly swallowed every granary.

Dry grain is also the best fuel. Once a fire breaks out, there is nothing the gods can do.

When Mao Lixiuyuan received the military situation, his whole body was cold and despaired on the spot.

He turned around in a daze, and he could already see the black smoke rising into the sky in the direction of Buxi Guanyin Temple.

It's over, it's over!

The daimyo coalition was completely defeated!
On a clear day, the smoke from the fire shot straight into the sky, so even Tadakatsu Sakai could see it clearly.

"Yoxi, order all the armies to attack bravely. Eliminate the rebellion, today!"

Before he could finish speaking, the sound of a panicked horn suddenly sounded at his feet.

The generals of the shogunate looked in astonishment, only to see a troop from the south rushing like a tornado.

The soldiers and horses of the general guarding the guards were only a few hundred people, and they fell apart quickly with almost a collision.

In just one stick of incense, Sakai Tadakatsu could even see Shimadzu Tadaro's grim face clearly.

"General, the situation is critical, please retreat quickly."

While making suggestions, Date Zhongzong led his personal guards and rushed out.

Sakai Tadakatsu is the general general, and there is absolutely no room for mistakes.If he can protect Sakai Tadakatsu with his own death, Tokugawa Iemitsu will definitely remember the contribution of the Date family.

Sakai Tadakatsu didn't know where these enemies came from, but he also understood that it was too late to call back soldiers and horses to stop them.

He could only give Date Zhongzong a grateful glance, and fled out of Yuqing Temple in a hurry under the guard of his subordinates.

"General, we have seen Tadakatsu Sakai's flag."

Date Tadamune pointed out by Tadaro Shimadzu.

"Stop him for me, and the rest of the troops will continue to chase after me."

Seeing that the daimyo allied forces only parted to stop him, and the rest went straight to Yuqing Temple, Date Zhongzong felt powerless.

He only has a few hundred people on hand now, and he can't stop Tadaro Shimazu's actions at all.

The news of the general's attack quickly spread to the front, which only lasted for a short while the excitement of the shogunate army.

Even if the rations of the daimyo allied forces had been burned, if the chief general died in battle, the shogunate army would definitely end badly.

Date Masamune quickly distinguished the severity and quickly ordered the troops to retreat.

Seeing the fire in the rear, chaos has already appeared on the side of the daimyo coalition forces.As long as the shogunate army puts more effort, it may collapse across the board.

As a result, seeing the shogunate troops begin to retreat, everyone was baffled.

Or Maori Xiuyuan's reaction was faster.

"It must be the Satsuma clan who succeeded. The whole army made a surprise attack to hold back the shogunate army and buy time for the Satsuma clan."

The situation quickly reversed, and this time it was the turn of the daimyo allied forces to attack.

On the vast plain, more than 40 people fought together.As long as you see that the other party's clothes are wrong, just fight.

The command system of both sides completely lost its effect, and even in the end, even the purpose of the battle was forgotten.

And this kind of melee also caused the casualties of both sides to rise rapidly.

By the end, even Yoshiigawa was clogged with dead bodies.

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