Ming Zuo

Chapter 1380

Chapter 1380
"East Ocean's civil war has entered into a quagmire stage. Both sides have been seriously injured and have to use their resources to fish. According to our estimates, when the two sides decide the winner, the national power of East Ocean City may be completely bankrupt."

Xia Guo's interior is very busy.

While preparing for the upcoming comprehensive unification, we must always pay attention to the surrounding situation.

After all, the overall strategy is a package plan, and there is no priority.

Instead, according to the actual situation, make efforts in any aspect at any time.

Xia Guo's strength determines that he can be so willful.

Since it is necessary to pay attention to the surrounding situation, besides Dongpu, there is another place that Zuo Menggeng is very concerned about.

"What's going on in North Korea?"

Speaking of this, Chen Zhi's smile couldn't hold back anymore.

"The quarrel between the king of North Korea and the ministers is getting worse and worse, and the two sides have gradually become incompatible. It depends on who can't help it and takes the risk."

"Who do you think will do it?"

Liu Yiyuan quickly made a judgment.

"It must be the King of Korea."

He also gave reasons.

"North Korean officials think they have our support, so they are confident. And they have already taken power, so there is no need to go to extremes. On the contrary, the king of North Korea is always at a disadvantage, and his dissatisfaction is accumulating. He has reasons for taking risks."

After getting this answer, Zuo Menggeng was relieved.

"Admonish Bai Xiaoqi to always remain vigilant and stay out of the matter for the time being. And once something happens, the North Koreans must be allowed to make a choice."

The current domestic situation in North Korea looks prosperous on the outside.But at the top of the interior, it has reached a level of tension.

"Your Highness, news has come from Shang Kingdom that His Highness King Xia is about to enthroned as emperor and reshape Chinese orthodoxy. As a vassal state of Korea, we must not stay out of the matter. Please also invite Your Highness to make the trip in person to demonstrate the special status of our country."

At the court meeting, Shen Qiyuan made a suggestion.

The news that the Xia Kingdom is about to establish the Yuan Dynasty has already spread all over the world, and everyone in North Korea is excited and proud.

Just being happy is not enough, North Korean officials decided to do something special to make North Korea look different from other dependent countries.

And the best way is to let Li Hui rush to Xia Guo in person to attend the enthronement ceremony.

Attending such an occasion as the king of a vassal state, I believe that Xia Guo will definitely feel North Korea's loyalty, and the benefits in exchange are also obvious.

However, Li Hui, who was sitting on it, had a bad expression on his face, and the anger that was pent up in his heart was also boiling non-stop.

He didn't want to go to Xia Guo.

The reason is also very simple.

Although he is the king of the vassal state of Xia, he was originally a courtier of Xia.But as the king of a country, he is the biggest hiding in North Korea.

In North Korea, everyone must crawl under him.

And once he went to the country of Xia, his aura as a king would fade away immediately.

Those who have been kings are naturally unwilling to bow their knees and bow their heads to others.

Of course, Li Hui never dared to say this in public.In that case, the officials present may have to rebel immediately.

But he also has reasons.

"Your Highness is enthroned as the emperor, this is a blessing in the world. I am so fascinated, I wish I could lead the horse and lead the horse for His Highness in person. Alas, it is a pity that Gu's body is getting worse every day, and he is already in a bad state. I can only write a letter to His Highness, and express my sorrow." Heart, I hope His Highness can understand."

Li Hui is over 70 years old, and has been tortured for a long time.It is said that the health is not good, and the reason is indeed sufficient.

After hearing this, all the officials knew that he was lying, but there was nothing they could do.

However, the battle between the monarch and his subjects requires back and forth.

Urging Li Hui to go to Xia Guo was originally asking for a lot of money, and the officials knew that he would never go.

But since Li Hui vetoed this point, he had no choice but to agree to the next proposal.

"Since that's the case, the North Korean side should send important officials to show their sincerity. In addition, please make an order from your highness to celebrate together. Let all places hold grand celebrations to truly enjoy the joy of the people."

As expected, Li Hui couldn't help it, so he had no choice but to say: "Jin Xiang's proposal could not be better, let's implement it accordingly."

All North Korean officials cheered and felt that they had won a victory.

And Li Hui was not so easy to get along with, so he also took this opportunity to start making demands.

Jin Jinchen stepped forward.

"His Royal Highness King Xia's ascension to the throne is really a great joy in the world. Why not take this opportunity and let the government pay for the renovation of Gyeongbokgung Palace. Create a new atmosphere, and congratulate His Royal Highness Xia from afar."

The meaning is also obvious.

I agreed to your request for the national celebration, and you also have to pay to help me repair the palace.

Li Hui has always felt that Gyeongbokgung Palace is too simple and in disrepair.If he can take the opportunity to repair it well, he can spend his old age in peace.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing this request, all the officials frowned.

Kim Sang-heon is even more resolute.

"I hope Your Highness will understand. Since the beginning of this year, the state's finances have been mostly used for infrastructure construction. The bridge on the Nakdong River has invested heavily, and the road from Hanyang to Jeolla Province has also emptied the national treasury. The repair of Gyeongbokgung Palace should be delayed rather than rushed. I also ask my king to suffer for another year, after the completion of various projects, the financial relief will be a good opportunity to start construction."

Li Hui sat still, his hands hidden in his robe were tightly clenched, and his veins were protruding.

"Hehe, Prime Minister Jin is right, but I act too hastily."

After leaving the meeting and returning to the harem, Li Hui immediately exploded.

"These traitors and thieves only know Xia Guo, but where will they be left alone? Are they Xia Guo's courtiers or North Korean officials?"

Jin Jinchen, who was by the side, felt that this was an opportunity, and immediately began to apply eye drops in a gloomy manner.

"Your Highness, if things go on like this, I'm afraid that our North Korea... country will not be a country."

Li Hui stood tall and said nothing.But the gloomy eyes were so dark that ink could drip out.

Beneath the calm surface, a storm is clearly brewing.

At the same time, in the far north, a team is slowly crossing the Yalu River.

A young man in brocade clothes on the boat looked back at Liaodong behind him with complicated emotions.

"Mr. Wang, will coming back this time really help North Korea get rid of the Eastern captives?"

A Han man was by his side.

"Majesty, it's human-made. Over the years, the Manchus have plundered North Korea so much that the people have no means of living. The people's hatred for the Manchus has reached its peak. As long as the Majesty can convince His Highness, when the Xia Kingdom in the Central Plains goes to war against the Manchus, it will be North Korea." A chance to return to orthodoxy."

This young man is none other than Fenglin Maharaja Li Hao.

He and Prince Zhaoxian went to Liaodong as hostages after Bingzi rebelled.

Living under the eaves with his head bowed, he was naturally humiliated, which also made Li Hao's hatred of the Manchus grow day by day.

This time when the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, Dorgon brought Prince Zhaoxian with him.But let Li Hao go back to the country and do his filial piety in front of Li Zhen.

When Li Hao returned to China, he also brought nine Han people with him.

These nine Han people were captured by the Man Qing from the Ming Dynasty, and then they were sent to serve Li Hao.

These nine people never forget their homeland, and agree to cooperate with Li Hao.

The relationship between the two sides has become close rapidly, and they have been secretly planning how to resist the Qing Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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