Ming Zuo

Chapter 1387 Sri Lanka

When the time came to July, the whole city of Jinan was completely hot like this midsummer.

No one can keep peace, all looking forward to the most important day.

On July [-]th, the sky was clear and the sun was like fire.Everything is abundant, and the world is renewed.

Sixth Five-Year, Zhilin, Maharaja's auspiciousness, auspicious.

At eight o'clock in the morning, all the people in the city had already mobilized, gathered on both sides of the main road in the center, and waited patiently.

Many families put up incense tables and three animals, and prepared firecrackers and fireworks.

All the buildings along the street are spontaneously painted in red, carefully cleaned, and shining brightly in the sun.

Zuo Menggeng took off his usual light clothes, and on this day he became solemn and serious.

The crown of twelve pillars is only worn by the emperor when he holds a grand ceremony.

His crown is different.

The outside is even wrapped in gold, and the five-clawed dragon is carved on it.

There are nine pearls on each of the twelve pillars.Each pearl is the size of a thumb, pure white and crystal clear, without any variegated color.

These precious pearls all come from Jilin.Obtained by pearl divers diving into cold water rock crevices, it is invaluable.

If it wasn't for today's celebration, Zuo Menggeng would not be willing to use it.

The dragon robe on his body was also specially made.

It is the most expensive Kesi dyed with gold leaf, so the whole body is the purest golden yellow.

There is also a nine-color real dragon on the outside, which uses nine of the most expensive silk threads and nine colors, and is hand-stitched by the best craftsmen.

At exactly nine o'clock, Zuo Menggeng boarded the imperial chariot and walked out of Xia Palace under the guard of the guards.

From now on, the Xia Palace officially changed its name to the Imperial Palace.

When discussing the founding of the country, all parties felt that the Xia Palace was too simple and did not meet the status of an emperor, so they proposed to build a palace.

Or wait until the capital is captured and move into the Forbidden City.

But both proposals were rejected by Zuo Menggeng.

The members of the royal family are simple and do not need too large a palace complex.

In addition, Zuo Menggeng didn't want an overly large palace to consume too much of the country's finances.And if the royal family alone paid for it, the burden would be too heavy.

All things considered, the Xia Palace is completely suitable.

For his persistence, officials and even ordinary people were all moved.

For thousands of years, when have you seen such an emperor who is so considerate of the country?

Even the most basic enjoyment is given up.

As for the fact that many people were worried that the Xia Palace was too frugal and unable to highlight the majesty of the emperor, Zuo Menggeng's answer made everyone excited in the newspapers.

[The country is strong and prosperous, and no one dares to underestimate my thatched cottage; the country is declining, even if it is a fairyland, it is no more than the enemy's treasure house. 】

Today all the Xia soldiers put on costumes and spread all over the streets and alleys of Jinan.While maintaining law and order, it demonstrates the strength of Xia Guo's martial arts.

When Zuo Menggeng's imperial chariot came out, all the people immediately cheered.

I saw that the imperial chariot was dragged by six white horses, and the height of each horse was the same standard, close to two meters, like a heavenly horse.

Before the imperial chariot, a thousand costumed cavalry were responsible for opening the way.

With the strength of Xia Guo, it is very easy to get a thousand cavalry.But these thousand war horses are all of the same height, and all of them are black in color, which is very amazing.

Not to mention the people of the Xia Kingdom present, even the envoys from various countries who came to watch the ceremony were dumbfounded and stunned.

The imperial chariot has been carefully remodeled so that Zuo Menggeng is not sitting upright inside.Instead, you can stand up, walk all the way, and pay tribute to the people all the way.

Although the people of Xia Kingdom have seen Zuo Menggeng's appearance everywhere, but the meaning is very different today.

Whenever Zuo Menggeng waved his hand, the sound of "long live" resounded through the sky.

The imperial convoy went all the way out of the city and finally came to the foot of Mount Tai.

A grand altar has already been built here.

Zuo Menggeng was led by Zhang Zhenxiu and Huang Zonghui to the altar.

Under the witness of countless people, Zuo Menggeng offered incense to heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, to the sun, moon and stars, to wind, snow, thunder and rain.

After the completion of the ceremony, the salute roared, a total of [-] shots.

This means that Zuo Menggeng has been recognized by all things in the world, and he can call himself emperor and build a country.

Hou Xun was overwhelmed with emotion, walked up to the altar with his head held high, and read out the imperial edict in public.

"Heaven and earth protect and serve the people. The emperor's edict said: Pangu opened the sky and there are yin and yang, Nuwa created people and there are all things, Yanhuang Enze and there is China. Xia Qixin chapter, Qin innovation system, feudalism has been more than two thousand years. The world has changed. , the stars and the moon rotate, everything is new and different from the old world. All my subjects should realize the changes in the vicissitudes of life and the power of following the general trend of the world. Only in this way can we ensure the eternal prosperity of China from generation to generation, eliminate disasters forever, and be the lord of the world forever. For the new, the people are the foundation, and the heaven and the earth are the key points. From today onwards, the country is named China. Wherever the sun and the moon shine, it is my land of China..."

The people who watched the ceremony discussed it enthusiastically, and were very satisfied with the new country title.

Moreover, this country name is obviously completely different from those previous dynasties, especially for the non-Han Xia people, it has more sense of identity.

This is what a country looks like.

The edict has many contents.

In addition to clarifying the name of the country, it also announced the location of the country's capital.

There have been discussions in the outside world before, and it is believed that after the Xia Kingdom is unified, the capital must be moved to the capital.

However, today's edict made it clear that the capital of the country is in Jinan, and it has been renamed Shangdu.

In addition, Nanjing was renamed Nandu.

Those who are thoughtful and flexible immediately sense the mystery.

Since there is a southern capital besides the national capital, is there an eastern capital, a western capital, and a northern capital?

The reason why it has not been announced is because those places have not yet been unified?

In addition to the title of the country and the capital, the title of the emperor was announced, which was the title of the previous year.

Year: Xinzhong.

It's just that the empire didn't record the year with the year name, but issued two calendars, the Gregorian calendar and the summer calendar.

The Gregorian calendar is the Gregorian calendar that is commonly used in the future.

The edict made an explanation in order to connect with the world and facilitate communication with all parts of the world.Therefore, the first year of AD was taken when Jesus was born and Buddhism was introduced into China.

When the Empire was founded, it was 1644.

The summer calendar is the Huangdi calendar, and this year is the 4341 year of the Yellow Emperor.

The lunar calendar that has been used is determined to be the Chinese calendar.

The empire is an open country, so the acceptance of the Gregorian calendar by the people of the empire is very high.

In addition to the above, another important content in the edict is the completion of the name change of Xia Jun.

From now on, the Xia Army was officially changed to the National Defense Force, and the internal organization structure remained the same.

After completing the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, Zuo Menggeng set off again and returned to Wanmin Square.

This is the former Quancheng Square, which underwent a large-scale renovation in order to cooperate with Jianguo.

The brand-new Manmin Plaza is magnificent and vast enough to accommodate 50 people for large-scale events.

And this is the core area of ​​the entire founding ceremony.

Representatives of the National Defense Forces from all over the country have long been waiting in battle, ready to be inspected by the emperor and the people.

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