Ming Zuo

Chapter 1401 Crazy Peninsula

The conflict between Mr. Guanghai and his officials is destined to be irreconcilable.

This has been deeply realized at the beginning of the empire's involvement in North Korean affairs.

This is one of the reasons why the empire supported the restoration of Lord Gwanghae.

If we don't let the internal chaos in North Korea, how can there be a chance for the empire?
And the fundamental contradiction between Mr. Guanghai and the officials is very simple to put it bluntly.

Only two words...

That is the name!
Anyway, Injo decided that the two sides could not sit together peacefully and form a new regime.

Because of the recognition of Mr. Guanghai's throne, the officials will bear the identity of rebellion.

If he does not recognize Gwanghae-kun's throne, he will lose his legitimacy again.

Originally, the empire invested a lot of power in the Korean peninsula and Japan. Under the suppression of powerful forces, the two sides could only maintain restraint.

However, when the empire's attention turned back to the mainland, the conflicts between the two sides that lost their suppression immediately began to intensify.

"The opportunity cannot be missed. The governor decided to inspect the border immediately and reorganize the army. Once the opportunity comes, he will send his troops north."

After all, he has a huge force of four field divisions and twenty security divisions in his hands.Any idea will be wiped out in the face of such absolute power.

The North Korean officials unanimously demanded that Mr. Guanghai go to Zhongtu in person to participate in the celebration as a vassal.

It is necessary to revise the history and return justice to ourselves.

"My dear ministers, whether the orthodoxy can be restored is all in one fell swoop."

"Son, the wind and rain have been going on all these years, and the father didn't give you much care, which made you suffer. But now the father has found a son-in-law for you, who will keep you happy and worry-free for the rest of your life. That is Foreign Minister Li Qingquan. Young Master, you are ready to prepare, Father Wang will definitely hold a grand wedding for you."

But who would have thought that when this matter was brought up, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty would immediately boil with anger.

The officials of the Xiaobei faction were all excited.

"Jin Aiqing, what is the attitude of the empire?"

Jin Jinguo's judgment gave Guanghai Jun great courage.

Zuo Menggeng's founding of the country and proclaiming himself emperor became the starting point of the conflict between Lord Guanghai and his officials.

Of course, Jin Jinguo, the leader of the northerners, is completely on the side of Mr. Guanghai.

As a monarch, he has lost a lot of power, and Mr. Guanghai endured it.

In the end, Song Junji, chairman of the North Korean Legislative Council, came forward and rejected Gwanghae-kun's idea from a judicial point of view, completely blocking his plan to reverse the case.

She remained calm on the surface, but when she got back, she immediately asked someone around her to send a message to Xu Xiu to inform her of the situation.

What Gwanghae-kun wants to change is actually Injo anyway.

When Xu Xiu learned that the person she liked was going to marry someone else, she almost went crazy.

He said at the court meeting that since changing the calendar can be implemented, it is necessary to take the opportunity to revise history.

Seeing his face swept away, Mr. Guang Hai finally broke out.

This huge force is already enough to compete with the officials in the north.

Not only that, but Li Hao also raised the flag of rebellion and recruited the people to vow to overthrow Li Zhen.

If the palace is more magnificent than before, it will definitely make the subjects feel the majesty of the king and enhance his prestige.

"Your Highness, Shangguo has set its sights on the north and is always ready to go to war. At this time, Shangguo definitely does not want the mess here to be unmanaged. I judge that no matter what we do, Shangguo will probably choose Accept the truth."

This is a battle for titles.

Why betroth yourself to someone else now?
However, Lord Derong is not a little girl after all, years of homeless and dependent life made her even more sensitive.

This incident made Guang Haijun see an opportunity.

In particular, many events that happened in the past need to be redefined to clarify right and wrong.

Using the new empire as an excuse, he planned to take advantage of the opportunity of universal celebration to renovate Gyeongbokgung Palace to make his residence more comfortable.

It was the many people with lofty ideals in North Korea who couldn't bear him, so they launched anyway and brought North Korea back on the right track.

Unfortunately, according to the current literature, Mr. Guanghai is the real villain among them.

Now that Mr. Guanghai has become king again, how can he bear such a label on his body?

When the conflict between the monarch and his ministers broke out in the south, the situation in the north was even more tragic.

So much so that Li Hao led his cronies to flee Pyongyang and entered the mountains.

They seem to have seen the scene of regaining control of the government and enjoying the splendor and wealth.

From the beginning of the new year, the empire will bid farewell to the long-used lunar calendar and year name, and replace it with the Gregorian calendar that is unified with the whole world.

Lord Derong was dumbfounded.

Her father knew about the fact that she and Xu Xiu were in love with each other!
And it also revealed the meaning of approval before.

This matter has a crucial position in the history of North Korea, and he and many important ministers are participants in it.

Bai Xiaoqi reported an important news to Jin Jinguo.

He hurried back to meet Mr. Guanghai.

No matter what North Korean monarchs and ministers want to do, they cannot ignore his attitude.

It is not difficult to guess Guanghai Jun's mind.

And at the end of the year, an incident happened that completely tore the faces of the two parties apart.

"Don't Prime Minister know yet? There have been major changes in the north, and maybe North Korea's reunification is not far away."

As a result, the officials were angry because he didn't want to go to Xia Guo to participate in the celebration, so they dismissed him unceremoniously.

Li Yu actually beat Fenglin Maharaja Li Hao to kill him.

As long as he thinks that when the outside world talks about him as a king, he will think him as a foolish king, he can't bear it.

No matter how the two sides fight, it will obviously become an opportunity for the south.

Mr. Guanghai finally found a reason to prevaricate, and then decided to win back.

Jin Shangxian and Shen Qiyuan actually scolded him in court, accusing him of ignoring the facts.

The most important of these is the calendar.

The news of the turmoil in the north surprised Jin Jinguo.And the news that Bai Xiaoqi was about to leave Hanyang made him extremely excited.

Now if you want to repair your own palace, what's the point of this king in front of you?
Feeling that he had been humiliated, Mr. Guanghai felt a killing intent in his heart.

Since the empire was rebuilt, all laws and regulations have been implemented.As a vassal of the empire, whether North Korea should also change accordingly has become a major issue.

Of course, the origin is still in the empire.

He even abdicated as a threat to let the ministers make a choice.

In order to make these cronies more motivated, and to consolidate his rule in the future, Mr. Guanghai called his only daughter Derong Wengzhu after completing the arrangement.

"I'm going to pay a visit to King Wuwei immediately."

It was a matter of his majesty and face, and Mr. Guanghai also broke out.

Over the years, the perverse actions of the north have made it impossible for the North Korean people to survive.As soon as Li Hao raised the flag of rebellion, more than [-] people quickly gathered around him.

After Wang Yun returned to China, Bai Xiaoqi, the governor of North Korea, was a veritable emperor.

Therefore, Kim Sang-heon, Shen Qiyuan and others suggested that North Korea should also change to adapt to the situation.

He really wants to break into the palace and begs Gwanghae-jun not to.

But for those who are officials, other skills may be worse, but the sense of smell is absolutely keen.

Xu Xiu quickly discovered something was wrong.

Knowing that something big happened, and feeling impatient, Xu Xiu hurried to find Shen Daoxun.

This is a high-ranking official he doesn't know much about.

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