Ming Zuo

Chapter 1445 The progress of both sides

Chapter 1445 The progress of both sides

There are tens of thousands of people, and there are no boundaries.

What does it feel like to have thousands of people rushing towards us?
If it is an ordinary person, it is very possible to faint from fright.

But in the eyes of Wang Fengshan, commander of the 36th Battalion of the 8th Regiment of the Ninth Division, nothing counts.

The veterans of the National Defense Forces have long been accustomed to such scenes.

And most of the time, the National Defense Forces are fighting more with less, and winning the battle.

Even if their battalion only has more than 1000 people, Wang Fengshan is very confident that no enemy will rush over.

That was true of him, and so was the Eighth Battalion from top to bottom.

Everyone stood quietly at their posts, silently loading ammunition into their muskets.

The soldiers standing in the second and third rows even took out chocolates from their pockets and put them in their mouths.

Eating a piece of chocolate during a fierce battle can replenish physical strength very well.And chewing things in the mouth can also relieve stress.

This is something only veterans know from experience.

Directly in front of them, the Eight Banners infantry led by Shuo Sai was rushing towards them under overwhelming artillery fire.

The most proud and courageous of the Qing army, Bayala, is not much better than the leaves in the autumn wind at this moment.

Personal bravery is nothing in the face of a steel storm.

They have all the skills they can, but they have nowhere to display them.

The National Defense Forces on the opposite side are both far and near, as if they can be touched easily, but they are also out of reach.

Under the artillery fire, the soldiers of the Qing army were killed one by one, and the flowing blood moistened the barren land.

In desperation, they had to disperse even more.

As for whether they can maintain the formation, it doesn't matter anymore.If they are all dead, what else can they use to fight the Wehrmacht?
The long-range weapons of the Qing army were also desperately transported forward, and then hit the National Defense Forces.

Naturally, soldiers of the National Defense Forces would also be injured and killed in such blows, but all of them remained indifferent, standing still, and only concentrated on waiting for orders.

1000 m.

Rockets and mortars also began to join the attack sequence.

The rocket launchers produced by the National Defense Forces are actually completely different from the rocket launchers of later generations.

At the very least, even after exhausting what Zuo Menggeng has learned, he still can't make solid fuel propellants.

The kinetic energy of this kind of rocket propulsion uses solid gunpowder plus gasoline, so it has the capability of continuous propulsion.

But the range is quite lacking.

The farthest can only reach 2000 meters.

As for accuracy, it's all about luck.

Therefore, Yu Lichun set the attack range of the rocket launcher at 1000 meters to maximize the coverage of the rocket launcher.

There is no shelter or barrier on the wide flat ground, and the figures of the soldiers of the Qing army are clearly visible.One after another, the rockets fell down. Although they tried their best to avoid them, the effect was minimal.

Some soldiers desperately raised their shields, but what could they block?

Fortunately, the loading of the rocket launcher was very slow, and after a round of blows, the crashing whistling noise finally disappeared temporarily.

Shuosai jumped up from the ground and shouted desperately.

"Rush forward, cut the barbed wire, and fight hand to hand!"

Although his voice is loud, but his figure is very wretched.At the same time, he watched the opposite side vigilantly, for fear that someone would shoot him coldly.

Through the Korean War, the Qing army has already understood that the National Defense Forces do not talk about martial arts.

Whoever has bright armor on the Qing side is more likely to be shot.

However, those with excellent and bright armor must be generals.

For this reason, Huang Taiji had a painful experience and reformed the clothing of the Qing army.Let the generals become more ordinary, so that they can mix among the soldiers and are not easy to be locked.

But shortly thereafter, he had to change it back helplessly.

Just because although the soldiers of the Qing army were brave and good at fighting, they were all stupid and ignorant.Once the generals become similar to other people, they will not be able to find a backbone.Going to the battlefield is like a headless chicken, not knowing what to do.

There was even a general around to issue an order, but they were all dumbfounded, not knowing who this person was.

If Zuo Menggeng knew the situation of the Qing army, he would definitely scoff at him.

The uneducated army dared to play this trick, it was purely courting death.

Only an army like the National Defense Forces, which is literate from top to bottom, can make generals dress plainly on the battlefield.It can be recognized by soldiers, but it is not easy to be discovered by the enemy.

As for the difference...

Of course, it is a mark that only the Wehrmacht itself can recognize.

After experiencing multiple blows from artillery, rocket launchers, and mortars, Shuo Sai led the soldiers who had escaped death and finally rushed to the barbed wire fence.

Some soldiers took out their iron tongs and rushed forward, trying to open the passage for the whole army.

Wang Fengshan saw it, and immediately raised his hand high.

The orderly standing behind him raised two small red flags in the air.

Wang Fengshan's hand dropped, and two small red flags were quickly crossed and waved.

The five company commanders in the first row saw the signal and blew their whistles at the same time.

The sharp sound of the whistle was like a devil, urging the muskets in the hands of the soldiers.

A row of gunshots sounded like fried beans, and like a torrential rain, the Qing soldiers in front of the barbed wire were swept away.

The distance between the two sides is about 110 meters.

Of course, this distance can't be called far, but it can't be called close either.

At least in the Qing army, except for a few archers with strong physical strength, everyone else sighed at the National Defense Army.

But at this distance, the musket in the hands of the National Defense Army is a deadly weapon as long as it is aimed a little bit.

Of course, after fighting for so long, it's not that the Qing army didn't think of a way to deal with the National Defense Army's musket formation.

While many soldiers fell, the shield soldiers of the Qing army rushed up and joined together.

The large shields are connected in a line, like a wall, at least the muskets of the Wehrmacht cannot penetrate it.

Seeing this, Wang Fengshan immediately asked the messenger to send a signal to the artillery unit.

The mortar company not far behind quickly adjusted its target and smashed shells on the shield formation one after another.

No matter how strong the shield is, it can only resist bullets, and it is powerless against the explosion of shells.

In particular, the mortar shells still fell in the air, and even surpassed the shield's defense.

The Qing army had no choice but to send people to block the shield soldiers immediately after they were killed.

There are also some people who are so whimsical that they actually raise their shields towards the sky, hoping to block the shells from falling in this way.

As a result, it is conceivable that the powerful impact of the explosion made these people the most stupid ghosts.

But in any case, mortar bombing has always had limited effects.

More and more soldiers of the Qing army rushed up, and they cut the barbed wire fence with a handful of large pliers, also carrying the Qing army's earnest expectation of survival.

During the bustle and bustle, some barbed wire fences were cut open.

Before the Qing army was so happy, many scissorsmen were killed.

The person next to him didn't dare to neglect, picked up the pliers and continued to operate.

But is their desperate effort really useful?

There were eight layers of barbed wire, and the Ninth Division frantically wound the barbed wire together regardless of the front and back.

The Qing army did not know how much it would cost to break through the barbed wire formation completely.

(End of this chapter)

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