Ming Zuo

Chapter 146 Hou Xun's Strategy

Chapter 146 Hou Xun's Strategy

"Gyeonggi is a plain, and the eastern captives are riding fast. If you wait for Mr. Sun Ge to take up his post, I'm afraid the situation will be gone."

Hou Xun's analysis was very detailed, but it also brought a huge blow to the hearts of the monarch and his subjects.

But he had something even more dire to tell.

"In addition, Zhangjiawan in Tongzhou is the place where grain is collected and distributed. If it is not rescued as soon as possible, once it is captured by the eastern captives, King Qin's army will lose all supplies of food and grass, and instead become enemies. When the situation reverses, our army will not be able to fight even if it wants to It's a fight."

In Zuo Menggeng's ventilation to Hou Xun, Zhangjiawan in Tongzhou was mentioned emphatically.

During the Jisi change, the Hou Jin army was able to toss back and forth in Gyeonggi for several months.In addition to looting enough supplies, Zhangjiawan's grain and grass are the key.

Hou Xun didn't mention this matter, and no one in the civil and military circles of the Manchu Dynasty thought of it.

Chongzhen was so shocked that he almost fell off the throne.

At this moment, he could no longer care about the little dissatisfaction he had with Hou Xun before.

"Does Hou Qing have a good strategy?"

Hou Xun's face was solemn, and his words were astonishing.

"For the current plan, I ask you to go ahead and rush to Tongzhou. One is to save food and grass, so as not to be taken advantage of by the Eastern captives; the other is to pave the way for Sun Ge's appointment, so that Sun Ge will not be wasted."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole court was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at Hou Xun as if they were looking at a fool, but they couldn't help admiring him.

When Hou Jin was raging, he didn't hide in the city properly, but he invited himself out of the city to join the war.This is putting yourself at risk.

But under the difficult situation, Hou Xun was not afraid of life and death, and he stood up boldly. This alone is enough to become a model for the officials.

Chongzhen really had tears in his eyes, and he couldn't help himself.

It's not easy!

It's really not easy!
I still have loyal ministers and talents!

Not only can he put forward good advice and strategies, but he can also avoid danger and share worries for the king.

Chongzhen went straight down the platform and grabbed Hou Xun's hand.

"Hou Qing is really my cadre city! As the saying goes, when the country is in trouble, think of a good general, and he will know his loyal ministers. I have Hou Qing, why worry about the arrogance of the eastern captives?"

Hou Xun made a generous speech.

"The humble minister has a weak body and has no strength to bind a chicken. I wish I could go to battle and kill the enemy myself. If I can break it down for my father, I will die a hundred times without regret!"

Chongzhen was moved.

That's what he is.

Once you think a person is trustworthy, you will be [-]% good to that person.

Of course, only God knows how long this trust can last.

But now the question Hou Xun raised is real, and only Hou Xun is willing to go out of the city to work in such a dangerous time.

Chongzhen no longer was stingy and hesitant, and announced in public that he would add the title of Minister of the Ministry of War to Hou Xun, and give an overview of the political affairs of the Gyeonggi Army.

He rushed to Tongzhou in advance to deal with the grain in Zhangjiawan, and at the same time set up a command center for Sun Chengzong.

Before Sun Chengzong took office, all the armies of King Qin were under the command of Hou Xun.

In other words, Hou Xun has the right to deploy troops.

After accepting the appointment, Hou Xun did not thank him immediately, but rather hesitated.

Chongzhen was in a better mood, and seeing that he was hesitant to speak, he said, "Do you have something to say, Hou Qing?"

Hou Xun gritted his teeth, feeling that he must not forget morality, so he opened his mouth.

"Your Majesty, Wang Sima is good at government affairs. He has outstanding achievements in disaster relief, water control, farmland, and robbery, but he is not silent about military affairs. Respect is the foundation of military affairs, and he is actually super promoted. Wang Sima dare not live up to the grace of God, and is diligent. Since then, I have seen with my own eyes that Wang Sima could not sleep at night. Although there were negligence in dispatching troops and generals, the crime did not lead to death. Responsibility is not his forte, and when he encounters a big accident, he will see his clumsiness in the face of difficulties."

These words were actually quite blunt, almost accusing Chongzhen of acting recklessly in person.

Obviously they don't understand military affairs, so they can't be ministers of the Ministry of War at all.As a result, you see how handsome the parents are, and then push the ducks to the shelves.

Wang Qia is responsible, but definitely not to the extent of death.

Chongzhen listened silently, and the anger in his heart was about to rise again.

But Hou Xun had the courage to do things just now, and put forward specific and effective measures.If he committed the crime on the spot, wouldn't he even lose the face of the Holy King and the Ming Lord?
Aggrieved, Chongzhen had to respond.

"Wang Qia is in charge of the Ministry of War. If you advance, you cannot resist the Eastern captives, and if you retreat, you cannot understand the headquarters. Although the crime is not death-related, the crime of living cannot escape. Hou Qing need not say more, I have my own opinion."

However, this sentence is enough for Hou Xun.

It is impossible for Wang Qia, Minister of the Ministry of War, to not take responsibility for such a big incident.But from a capital crime to a living crime, the result is completely different.

The situation was urgent, Hou Xun didn't dare to delay, and immediately left the palace after receiving the order.He didn't even return home, and rushed to Tongzhou immediately.

While still on the road, I wrote the first transfer order, which was dispatched urgently at [-] li.

This transfer order was of course for Zuo Menggeng.

Moreover, the transfer order specifically emphasized that the left can act cheaply.You can make decisions about stationing, marching, and fighting on your own, and you don't need to report to Hou Xun for instructions.

This is tantamount to giving Zuo Menggeng an environment where the sea is wide and the fish leaps, and the sky is high and the birds fly.

As for what kind of success he can achieve and what kind of record he can create, it all depends on him.

Tongzhou was not far from the capital, and Hou Xun entered Tongzhou City that afternoon, and immediately took over the military and political power of the city.

"Send people as soon as possible, gather all the vehicles in the city, and go to Zhangjiawan with me. In any case, before tomorrow morning, all the grain stored in Zhangjiawan must be transported into the city."

When the local officials in Tongzhou heard this order, they were all troubled.

Zhizhou had to stand up and complain to Hou Xun.

"My lord, the local transportation capacity is really limited. Even if all the carriages are dispatched, I am afraid it will be a drop in the bucket..."

Hou Xun was impatient to hear this, and shouted: "If you don't have enough chariots and horses, you go to recruit big households and ordinary people. I only give you one and a half hours. If you don't have enough chariots and horses, I will chop off your heads."

All the officials couldn't sit still anymore, and they all wailed.

"The general government doesn't know anything, all the big households in the city have deep backgrounds, the officials and others..."

Hou Xun slapped the table with a slap, and at the same time put out the Wang Ming flag.

"I have obtained the permission of His Majesty, and everything is to resist the Eastern captives. Those who resist the order and do not obey the order will be punished as collaborating with the enemy."

As soon as this threat came out, the local officials had no choice but to bite the bullet and start confiscating the vehicles.

Under Gao Wei's high pressure, all these officials burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm.It only took an hour to collect enough vehicles.

On the flagpole at the gate of the city, the heads of two big households were hanging, telling the officials and people in the whole city that the new chief political officer really dared to kill people.

Once there were enough vehicles, Hou Xun immediately took action and rushed to Zhangjiawan.

It is still peaceful here, the freight is busy, and there is no sense of crisis at all.

When Hou Xun saw it, he was not polite.Whether it was the grain and grass stored by the government or the grain and grass transported by the merchants, all the grain and grass were confiscated and loaded into Tongzhou City.

Anyone who dares to disagree will be killed without mercy!

At the same time, Hou Xun sent an order along the canal to order all cargo ships coming from the south to stop in Cangzhou and not to continue northward, so as not to join the enemy.

Hou Xun also ordered reinforcements from all walks of life to accept command from now on.

This day is the sixth day of November. On this day in the original history, Chongzhen would hand over the command of all the soldiers and horses to Yuan Chonghuan, but now they are all in the hands of Hou Xun.

Hou Xun also made corresponding arrangements according to the situation of each ministry.

The Datong General Army was stationed in Shunyi to cover the Tongzhou flank.

Hou Shilu, the chief soldier of the Xuanfu, no longer went to Sanhe, so as not to be driven back to Changping halfway by Yuan Chonghuan, and to avoid the pain of traveling back and forth.

Hou Xun directly asked Hou Shilu to come to Tongzhou to strengthen the defense of Tongzhou City.

Originally Caoliang was in Zhangjiawan, but now it has been collected in the city.Hou Xun was not sure whether Houjin would storm Tongzhou because of this, and it was necessary to increase the defense force.

Changping was handed over to You Shiwei to guard the northern wing of the capital.

Liu Ce, governor of Jiliao, was originally in Jizhou, but Hou Xun ordered his troops to turn to guard the imperial tomb.

Liu Ce would have been sent to Miyun by Yuan Chonghuan.

Poor Liu Ce, as governor of Jiliao, was not transferred here and there by Dudu Yuan, but was transferred here and there by Hou Xun.

Anyway, the territory originally belonged to him, so what he said didn't count.

However, after Hou Xun's arrangements, the situation of the various Ming armies was much better.

First of all, the armies from all walks of life did not waste time and supplies on the road because of the chaotic deployment, and they could wait for work at ease while stationed in the strong city.

In addition, Hou Xun also issued death orders to various places.

One is where the various Ming armies are stationed, and the supply of food and grass for the army must be guaranteed.

According to the regulations of the Ming Dynasty, how was the food and grass for the marching troops supplied?

After receiving the transfer order from the Ministry of War, after going to a place, the Ministry of War will not allocate food and grass that day.The military funds will not be distributed to the army until the next day.

If it is normal, there is no problem doing this, and all the troops can afford to wait.

But now is wartime, and the situation changes three times a day, and no one can guarantee when any army will fight Houjin.

If the army is not fed enough, what are they going to fight with?
Moreover, the Hou Jin cavalry came and went like the wind, and they still counted on the Ministry of War to allocate supplies, so they were not afraid of being robbed halfway.

In addition to ordering the local area to provide food and grass for the garrison, Hou Xun also strictly ordered to fortify the walls and clear the fields.

In fact, facing the invasion of foreign enemies, fortifying the wall and clearing the field is definitely a very effective move.

When the invaders cannot obtain supplies in the wild, the only way is to attack the city.

Regardless of whether the siege is successful or not, it will be a huge loss to the attacker.

It was because of Hou Xun's arrival in advance that the deployment of the Ming army became more orderly, and the situation was much better than in the original history.

(End of this chapter)

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