Ming Zuo

Chapter 1466

The Qing army is a fierce tiger in the mountains of Liaodong, but they don't like the mountains in northern Shaanxi very much.

Because the mountains here are bare and yellow, and they are unobstructed at a glance.

Moreover, the mountains here are intermittent and not connected to each other, so they can't hide their figures at all.

This brought great convenience to the Liang army's pursuit.

The Qing army had nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide, so they could only run forward in one go.

However, the roads in the mountain valleys are narrow, and tens of thousands of people are crowded together, causing serious congestion.

At first these people were a little patient, trying to sort things out.But as the Liang army got closer and closer, they just wanted to survive and became crazy.

I don't know who made the first move. In a short period of time, the people who were fighting side by side all slashed their blades at the friendly army blocking the way.

At this time, only those who ran in front were luckier and escaped from the Shura field in the middle.

When Jiang Chaoyun and Zhao Silie led the Liang army to rush up, seeing the Qing army killing each other, they couldn't help but feel a chilling fear all over their bodies.

They wisely stopped the attack, but set up a formation on the periphery, quietly waiting for the Qing army to stop killing on its own.

This kind of situation where the enemy can kill each other without doing it themselves makes them laugh out of their dreams.

The crazy killing made the Qing army completely lose their minds.

If it was said that they were just thinking about killing people and seizing the road at the beginning, they completely forgot their original purpose in the end.As long as it appears in front of your eyes, no matter who you are, you will wave your sword at each other.

This cannibalism lasted for more than three hours.It didn't stop until there were very few people killed and those who were still alive had no strength.

The surviving people collapsed on the ground, staring dumbfounded at the tragedy in front of them, completely unable to regain their sanity.

There are even some people who are completely crazy, and they simply fight back, ending their lives, and finally escaped from hell.

"The whole army stepped forward, and the result was happy when they met the living."

Jiang Chaoyun and Zhao Silie unanimously issued the same order.

It's not that they are cruel enough, but that they understand that after such bloodshed, those who are still alive have completely become lunatics, and it is impossible to come out.

Such a person has no meaning to live at all.

Originally, although the Qing army began to flee, there were still tens of thousands of troops.If the leading general is determined to rectify, it is not that he has no strength to fight.

But after such an accident, the Qing army completely let go of the sheep.

Generals can't find soldiers, soldiers can't find generals.

Even if the general found the soldiers, the soldiers would not obey orders, and even regarded the general as an enemy.

When a catastrophe looms, soldiers and generals are no different from husband and wife, they all want to run away separately.

The Liang army had enough food and grass, everyone was well fed, and they had inexhaustible strength after launching the pursuit.

Although the Qing army fled desperately, they were quickly chased up by them.

In the narrow Yanhe valley, there are scenes of remnants of the Qing army being besieged by the Liang army everywhere.

And listening to the screams of the soldiers behind him being shot to death with bows and arrows, Jin Li's soul was terrified.

Look at the soldiers and horses in front of the brigade blocking the road so tightly that they can't rush through it at all.He also lost his mind under the impatience, turned his head and climbed up the nearby hillside.

But after climbing for a while, he realized that he had taken a stupid step.

The mountains here don't look steep and seem to be passable.However, the top is full of soft loess, and people's feet will immediately sink into it when they step on it, and then they will be pushed down step by step by the loess.

But at the foot, Liang Jun had already caught up.

Jin Li scratched his hands and feet, just wanting to escape from this hell as soon as possible.

But he is wearing a jersey with a red flag on it, so it shouldn't be too obvious on the loess slope.

"General, there's someone over there."

Jiang Chaoyun raised his head, seeing Jin Li's fearless struggle, he couldn't help sneering.

"Shoot an arrow and shoot him down."

The Mongolian cavalrymen who followed at the side raised their bows and arrows one after another, and a black cloud enveloped Jin Li.

Jin Li turned into a hedgehog in the blink of an eye, screaming and rolling all the way down the hillside, falling beyond recognition.

Lazhang Jingjinli, the second-class armor inlaid with red flags, died under random arrows while fleeing.

The pursuit battle between the Liang army and the Qing army was still going on, and it was only after it got dark that it calmed down a little.

Li Guohan looked around randomly, and at the same time moved his body quietly, and found a secluded corner where no one was around.

Only then did he impatiently flip open the armor, revealing a small package underneath.

After opening it, what came out turned out to be half a steamed bun.

Since the army ran out of food and grass, he kept an eye on it and hid the food close to his body.

There are hungry soldiers everywhere now, and he dares not let people see them.And there is only half a steamed bun left, and it is not known when they will be able to break out, so they must save some food.

Li Guohan gestured for a long time, and broke off half of the steamed bun by a third.The rest were just about to put them back into the bag when a pair of eyes suddenly appeared in front of them.

"There is food! There is food here!"

A hungry Qing soldier with green eyes shouted loudly, and at the same time rushed towards the steamed bun in Li Guohan's hand.

Li Guohan's scalp was numb, and he kicked out suddenly, kicking the soldier somersaults.

But the man couldn't feel the pain at all, so he got up again and hugged his leg directly.

Li Guohan drew the knife with his backhand, intending to chop off the man's hand.But because of the awkward posture, he couldn't use any strength, and only cut the man's flesh and blood, screaming again and again.

But after such a short time, another group of soldiers rushed over.

Looking at the mantou who was being protected by Li Guohan, everyone lost their minds.

Even if Li Guohan is wearing a general's armor, it is no longer binding in their eyes at this moment.

I don't know who uttered a roar first, a group of people swarmed up and pressed Li Guohan down firmly.

Everyone has only Mantou in their eyes, and the rest are enemies.

During the battle, smoke and dust billowed, accompanied by people's screams from time to time.It took a full half an hour before the chaos in this small piece of heaven and earth calmed down.

Only one soldier of the Qing army survived, laughing wildly with a little steamed bun the size of a fingernail in his hand.

Even eating such a small amount will not relieve anything, but it is still satisfying.

He opened his mouth, wanting to swallow the steamed bun.But halfway through the action, it stopped abruptly.

It turned out that his body had already been stabbed seventeen or eight times by the sharp blade, and Cyclonus' blood took away the last of his strength.

In the pile of dead people behind him, Li Guohan turned into a puddle of mud, his hands, feet and torso were all broken.He opened a pair of unwilling eyes, unable to stand up anymore.

Angbang Zhangjing, the third class in the Xianglan Banner of the Han Army, and Li Guohan, the son of Li Jixue, were hacked to death by the defeated army while robbing food.

I don't know how long it took, a group of rickety Qing troops passed by here.

Seeing that the corpses that had just died were still steaming all over the floor, although no one said anything, they all moved in unison to completely surround the place.

The sound of gnawing was like a mouse entering the granary, and in the dark midnight, it was like the devil returning to the world.

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