Ming Zuo

Chapter 1487 Shaolin Kung Fu

Chapter 1487 Shaolin Kung Fu
"With a weak force, you rushed to meet the enemy at night, not afraid of the harsh environment, not afraid of close combat, and finally won a complete victory. You have also found the trace of the enemy's general, and you have no merits."

The whole battalion regretted letting Azig and Boheto go, but in the eyes of the high-level, they did nothing wrong.

After all, Azig is old on the battlefield and has rich experience. It is human nature to find a weak point in the defense and break through.

The entire battalion has no more than 500 people in total, and it is at night, so the advantages of weapons cannot be brought into play.In hand-to-hand combat with five or six times as many enemies, 700 people were killed.

This record, even if it is placed in the field army, is still outstanding.

It doesn't make sense to write a demerit to the whole battalion just because Azig and Bo Hetuo broke through the siege.

In fact, in the eyes of high-level officials, they did not expect to trap Azig to death in the mountains in one fell swoop.

Speaking of which, the three security guards formed horns and echoed each other, seemingly foolproof.But in the end there are only three security divisions, and the strength and combat effectiveness are there.

If they attack against each other, they still have the confidence to compete with the Qing army.But this kind of spread out in all directions, wanting to strictly guard against the vast mountainous area, and not let the Qing army run away, is really difficult for the strong.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the Qing army had run out of food and had lost its vigor, Hei Yunlong and the others would never have dared to arrange troops like this.

The battle in the mountains lasted for more than ten days, and the results were quite brilliant. There were already more than 3 Qing troops killed and captured.

In other words, there are less than [-] remaining Qing troops.

Even if these people are really let go, it will not be able to reverse the overall situation.

And according to the report, the number of troops led by Azig is less than a thousand.

It is still thousands of miles away to go north to Luliang.

No one believed that Azig could emerge from the Luliang Mountains unharmed.

Maybe this vast mountain will become Azig's burial place.

Although Azig was not caught, a great contribution was lost, but the record of the three security divisions can be ignored by no one.

What followed was a long search and siege, trying to keep as many Qing troops as possible.

Azig finally breathed a sigh of relief after escaping, but the environment he faced was still very harsh.

The mountains in Shanxi seem to be endless. After climbing a mountain, there are countless mountains ahead.

Although the mountains and dense forests can hide the figure, the poor environment made it difficult for the Qing army to find any supplies.

They found a few villages, but only after rushing excitedly did they realize that these villages had been deserted for a long time.

The hungry Qing army could only find prey and wild vegetables in the wild to satisfy their hunger.

However, the weather is getting colder every day, and the trees and weeds are gradually withering and turning yellow.Even if they want to use wild vegetables and leaves to satisfy their hunger, it is impossible.

Fleeing all the way, more and more Qingjun fell dead.

This mighty army that had swept across the world had already lost its energy and spirit, staggering between the sky and the earth like a walking corpse.

The coldness at night in the mountains was even more unbearable. Azig tossed and turned, and fell asleep at some point.

When I woke up, it was already daylight.

What he saw was Bo and Tuo's dignified expressions.

"What happened?"

"Some people got away."

Bo and Tuo's eyes were dim, as if they had said something trivial.

But when the Qing army was strong, deserters were definitely a big deal.There will inevitably be endless searches, and if caught, they will be punished and the whole army will be warned.

But now that someone has deserted, even Azig doesn't want to pursue it.

It has become like this, even if he stays, he will either die from exhaustion or starve to death.Either they were hunted down by the National Defense Forces and killed under musket fire.

It is normal for some people to choose to escape.

Even in the middle of this vast mountain, but also foreigners, where can they go?

Perhaps it would be better to be a prisoner in the hands of the Wehrmacht.If it is discovered by the villagers, it will definitely be a dead end.

The Qing army burned, killed, looted, and did a lot of evil in Shanxi. The people here have long hated them.

When encountering a rampant army, the common people can do nothing but bow their heads and obey their ears, as well-behaved as sheep.But if they encounter the Qing army who is alone, the people will definitely retaliate.

"You must leave quickly, otherwise there may be accidents."

Bo and Tuo thought carefully and had a vague premonition of something.

Soldiers who escaped were likely to fall into the hands of the Wehrmacht, exposing their positions.

"Yes, if you want to leave, you must hurry up."

Seeing that Azig agreed with his idea, Bo and Tuo were ready to wake up the soldiers and hurry on their way.

As a result, Azig grabbed his arm with a very inexplicable expression.

"Don't wake them up."

Bo and Tuo gasped, and couldn't believe their ears.

"My lord..."

Azig showed a ruthless side.

"Up to now, it is only one person who can escape. The more people there are, the easier it is to be discovered."

Bo and Tuo understood, but it was difficult to accept.

After all, such a thing as abandoning the army and running away by oneself has never been imagined before.

Fortunately, Azig made the decision, otherwise he would never dare to do this.

In the tranquility of the early morning, the Qing army who was still asleep did not know that their commander had quietly left the team and fled alone.

Azig and Bohetuo took off all the conspicuous signs, and went into the barren mountains with only their sabers.

Finding a place where no one was around, the two helped each other and shaved off the pig's tail on the back of their heads.

Because the two helped each other, they did not leave traces like Ye Chen did.

Without the encumbrance of the large army, the two of them quickened their pace and just hurried on their way.

This walk is about ten days.

If you're hungry, eat whatever you can find.If you are thirsty, drink the stream water.

After trudging non-stop, the two of them were all ashamed.But I also know that I have gone a long way, and the possibility of being discovered by the National Defense Forces is getting lower and lower.

It's just that the long-term lack of food made the two of them weaker and weaker, and they had to spend a lot of time resting every day.

That night, the two found a ruined temple, leaned against a corner and fell asleep.

But when he woke up, he found that he couldn't move at all.

Looking at the body again, they were all tied up, and they were no longer in a ruined temple, but in a cottage.

Dozens of fierce bandits surrounded the two of them, looking at them curiously.

Seeing the two wake up, a bandit asked, "Where did you come from? What do you want to do when you enter the mountain?"

Bo and Tuo just wanted to talk, but Azig rushed ahead.

"What kind of a hero is a sneak attack? How dare you let Grandpa go, let you have a taste of the power of Shaolin Kung Fu."

(End of this chapter)

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