Ming Zuo

Chapter 1489 Jiebao City

Chapter 1489 Jiebao City
"Have you not found Azig yet?"

The battle situation in Shanxi affected the heart of the center.

The death of Doduo and the disappearance of Azig, the two commanders of the Qing army, meant that most of the Qing troops had been lost.

It can be said that the conquest of Liaodong and the restoration of the territory are imminent.

"Soldiers and horses from all walks of life in the west of Shanxi searched and hunted almost every mountain. Although many Qing troops were captured, there was still no sign of Azig."

Hearing the report, everyone present was quite regretful.

If he didn't catch Azig, it would be a little less glorious.

Zuo Menggeng patted the table to draw everyone's attention back.

"At this point, it doesn't matter whether we catch Azig or not. Let's focus on ourselves."

He is about to leave for Shanxi, and the political work in the newly recovered areas still needs to be discussed in detail.

"Next, there are two tasks in Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places. One is to cooperate with the Ministry of Water Resources to control the Yellow River, and the other is to emigrate. The permanent population of the three provinces must be kept below 300 million, and it is absolutely not allowed to exceed this number."

An important reason for the environmental disasters in the northern region is the large population.

Therefore, when deciding to restore the ecology of the three provinces of Qin, Jin, and Hebei, population control is the first step.

In the past dynasty, there is no way at all.But as far as the empire is concerned, don't be too simple.

In the vast far north, including the New World, there is a lack of population everywhere, and no amount of immigration can fill it.

"Fu Yusun has sent several letters in a row, complaining non-stop, asking for a stop to immigration."

Speaking of this, everyone burst into laughter.

Prior to this, the key areas of immigration were Lianghuai, Jiangnan, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places.

The population of Lianghuai and Huaihe Rivers has migrated the most. Although the local governance has been greatly eased, things are going to be reversed now, and the local area has already had negative impacts due to the decrease in population.

The current population of the entire northern Jiangsu region is only less than 350 million.

A single city in Yangzhou accommodated a million people. In addition to the vast northern Jiangsu area, the apportionment of the 250 million people immediately led to a very tense labor force.

Fortunately, Hebei and Shanxi have now been recovered, and Shaanxi will also be ruled soon.

In these barren lands, there are still some wealthy people who can migrate out.

"The Ministry of Water Resources has already made a plan and budget for the reconstruction of the Yellow River. It is estimated that the construction period will be 20 years, and about 50 laborers will be invested. The overall budget is close to 20 billion yuan."

Hou Xun's report made everyone feel heavy pressure.

On the contrary, Zuo Menggeng looked as usual.

"The 20-year construction period will spread the pressure evenly, and the impact on the country's finances will not be too great. Coupled with the continuous supply of wealth from the New World, the Yellow River Control Project in Shaanxi and Shanxi can also start at the same time in the future."

Everyone nodded. When it comes to the development of the new continent, they can only admire Zuo Menggeng's foresight.

"Report, the battle situation in Liaodong."

Long Zuguang walked in quickly and immediately touched everyone's hearts.

When the war in Shanxi gradually subsided, Liaodong became the top priority.

Long Zuguang didn't let it go, and quickly notified him.

"Just fifteen days ago, Deputy Commander Lou Fu of the Liaodong Strategic Group led the troops under his jurisdiction to defeat the Manchurian and Mongolian allied forces on the banks of the Xilamulun River, completely blocking the hope of the late Qing high-level leaders returning to Liaodong."

"it is good!"


"This is really a battle that will determine the world!"

Everyone was very happy to hear that the high-ranking Manchu Qing would never go back to Liaodong again.

But who knows that Long Zuguang's briefing is not over yet.

"In addition, the 34th Division of Public Security and the 35th Division of Public Security jointly defeated the Qing army general Li Sutai in Guangning and approached the city of Shenyang. , Haizhouwei, the soldiers approached Liaoyang. On the Tashan defense line, General Le Xinfeng completely defeated the reinforcements at the Manqing Shanhaiguan Pass, the Qing army general Sikut died in battle, and the Second Cavalry Division has taken over the Shanhaiguan Pass and is advancing towards Liaodong.”

Hearing this situation report, everyone present was a little dumbfounded.

Zuo Menggeng thought about it, and suddenly laughed.

"This group of arrogant soldiers is enough to give Bai Xiaoqi and Lou Fu a headache."

The previous combat plan of the Liaodong strategic cluster had already been reported to the headquarters, and everyone knew about it.But the current situation is obviously completely different from the battle plan.

Bai Xiaoqi was still trekking hard in the mountains of Liaodong, and Lou Fu had a showdown with Dorgon at the Xilamulun River.Both sides are very important, and they are beyond reach, so we will definitely not change the plan easily.

Then there is only one possibility.

The generals below were unwilling to be lonely, eager to make contributions, and advocated without authorization. As a result, the fight was too beautiful, but the situation was very good.

As for what the two coaches Bai Xiaoqi and Lou Fu think, the center does not interfere.

Turn back the time to September.

On the banks of the Xilamulun River, Lou Fu was in high spirits as he watched tens of thousands of troops busy.

"This is a place of great shape. Only one city is needed to control Liaodong and suppress the grasslands. From then on, there will be long-term peace and stability."

Lu Zhiqian stood beside him, unable to agree anymore.

"You are right, we can build the city now, and it will be very helpful for the follow-up operations."

The Xilamulun River Grassland is flat and wide, no matter how many people and horses are thrown here, it will seem like a drop in the ocean.In order to completely prevent the return of the Manchus to the east, in addition to a tight line of defense, sufficient mobile forces are also needed.

However, in order to ensure the smooth operation of mobile forces, it is necessary to have a very safe and stable logistics supply base.

In this way, it is very necessary to build a city that can not only guard the Xilamulun River, but also support the various armies in combat.

Lou Fu is a decisive person, he listened to this opinion, and immediately ordered the deployment of engineering troops from the rear, and began to work overtime by the river to build the military fortress.

Xiang Zuolin, the deputy commander of the fourth division, is very good at entertaining.

"Deputy Commander, now that the city is about to be completed, please give it a name so that it can be passed on forever."

The crowd cheered loudly.

Seeing that a solid fortress was gradually taking shape, and the battle to pacify Liaodong was about to start based on this city, Lou Fu was also excited.

He thought for a while, and said, "This city guards the main road, and it is the only way from the Mongolian grassland to Liaodong. If this is the case, how about calling it Tongliao?"

The concise and concise naming immediately got everyone's approval.

Then the relevant documents were sent to Zuo Menggeng by the communication center.

Knowing the name of the new city, Zuo Menggeng's expression was extremely strange.

Putting everyone aside, he secretly outlined the administrative region of Tongliao on the map, and then sent it back to Liaodong.

Lou Fu opened the file, only looking at the administrative map of Tongliao...

It's really like a Jebao!

(End of this chapter)

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