Ming Zuo

Chapter 1498 New Province

The flat, wide and quiet Heilongjiang, with its darkness from ancient times, seems to never have any waves.

Such river water is really good for sailing.

In the far east, the long fleet is gradually approaching.Bigger than ever before.

In this vast and sparsely populated far north, whenever a fleet arrives, it is always very happy.

The people on the shore couldn't hold back anymore, they waved and cheered frequently, as if they were welcoming their relatives.

But after a while, everyone's appearance became stunned.

Beside the fleet, at the center of the river, another small boat was approaching at high speed.

It was obviously traveling against the current, but the boat had neither sails nor oars, but its speed was as fast as lightning.

In the blink of an eye, they overtook the fleet and reached the shore first.

chug chug chug...

It wasn't until they got closer that the people on the shore realized that the ship had a strange appearance, and there was a big chimney standing in the middle.

The black smoke sprayed frequently, as if a monster was breathing.

Pan Yunlong, who was standing at the bow of the boat, was filled with emotion.

"This steam engine is used on boats, and it is so amazing. If it can be popularized, no matter how big the world is, you can go there. From then on, you don't have to fear the wind and waves on the sea, and the road is smooth everywhere!"

Right beside Pan Yunlong, Qin Luo was sweating profusely.

"It's not working now, and it can barely handle it on the river. But when it comes to the rough sea, the steam engine always breaks down."

Now Qin Luo and Li Meizhi have separated.

Qin Luo focused on the practical research of the steam engine, while Li Meizhi was more inclined to the theoretical research of the steam engine.

After deciding to apply the steam engine to the ship, Qin Luo chose many places for experiments.

However, whether it is on the sea or on the Yangtze River, there are frequent problems due to the turbulent current and tumbling waves.

Later, I heard that Heilongjiang is also a wide river, but the water flow is gentle, so Qin Luo took his team to the extreme north and began to conduct experiments on Heilongjiang.

Not to mention, the gentle Heilongjiang really provided great help.

At present, Qin Luo's team has solved dozens of problems one after another. I believe that in time, the steamship will be realized.

The boat landed smoothly, and local officials lined up to welcome it.

Pan Yunlong and Qin Luo got off the boat hand in hand and exchanged pleasantries with everyone.

Right on the pier, Pan Yunlong read out the decision of the center.

"From now on, Heilongjiang Province will be established. The provincial government will be set up in Hailanpao, and it will be renamed Longcheng from now on. I respectfully serve as the first governor of Heilongjiang Province, and I would like to ask my colleagues for advice."

All the officials present were very happy, thinking about how to administer in the future.

With the advancement of the National Defense Forces, the territory occupied is getting bigger and bigger, and adding new administrative divisions has become the first issue that the center needs to consider.

For example, in this extreme north, because the territory is too vast, it has to be split.

The center has drawn up a detailed plan.

The future extreme north will be divided into three provinces.

Jilin Province already existed, and now Heilongjiang Province is added.

The other is Liaoning Province, which was established after the Manchu Qing Dynasty was completely eliminated.

Although the naming of the three provinces is the same as later generations, the administrative divisions are completely different.

For example, in Heilongjiang Province, in the planning of the center, it starts from Hulun Lake in the west, reaches the junction of Songhua River and Heilongjiang in the east;

As a result, the choice of the provincial government must consider the radiation effect.

Finally, after research, Hailanpao, which has completed the preliminary construction, was designated as the new provincial capital.

With the delta at the confluence of Heilongjiang and Jingqili River as the core, it straddles the vast fertile land on both sides of Heilongjiang. It was renamed Longcheng and became the provincial capital of Heilongjiang Province.

In this way, Dragon City can sufficiently radiate and influence the vast area of ​​the province with its central position.

Harbin, the provincial capital of the future market, has been excluded by the center because it is too far south.

However, because Harbin faces Liaodong across the Songhua River, its strategic location is very important, and it will definitely focus on construction in the near future.

As an in-law of the royal family, Pan Yunlong naturally had a smooth career after coming out of the mountain, so he was appointed to serve as the governor of Heilongjiang Province.

This appointment can also be seen that the center attaches great importance to this land.

The officials of the empire are very efficient in doing things.

Although Pan Yunlong traveled thousands of miles, he did not choose to rest.Instead, a meeting was held immediately to convey the spirit of the center.

"Your Majesty personally instructed that in the future we can focus on reclaiming the intersection of the three rivers of Heilongjiang, Songhua River and Wusuli River, and build it into a granary with rich yields. The Songnen Plain in the southwest will not be developed. Keep the original appearance , in the future we can focus on the development of animal husbandry here and enrich our economic types.”

Regarding the construction direction of Heilongjiang Province, Zuo Menggeng personally intervened.

He put the area that can be cultivated in the Sanjiang Plain and the vast plain area north of Heilongjiang.

As for Songnen Plain, another important granary, agricultural development is strictly prohibited.

One of the most important considerations is environmental protection.

Both the Sanjiang Plain and the Songnen Plain are the most important wetlands in Northeast China, originally playing an important role in regulating the climate.

Later generations developed the two plains, resulting in a great impact on the climate and environment of the relevant area.

But that is also because of the pressure of food production, so we have to do so.

But in the area occupied by the empire today, there are countless lands that can be reclaimed, so it is natural to choose.

Compared with the Sanjiang Plain, the Songnen Plain is still an important transfer station for migratory bird migration, and the famous Zhalong Nature Reserve is located in this area.

Moreover, this area belongs to the traditional grazing area of ​​the Mongolians.

It can be developed according to local conditions by combining environmental protection and animal husbandry.

Preserving one of the two wetlands is a long-term consideration for future generations.

Naturally, local officials have no opinion on this plan.

Today's Heilongjiang Province is very sparsely populated, and the number of ordinary people is not even as large as that of the army. Even if it wants to carry out large-scale development, it is still powerless.

All work nowadays basically revolves around military operations.

The same is true for Pan Yunlong.

"Mayor Ren, after you arrive at Longyuan, you must warn the local garrison and pay close attention to Khalkha Mongolia's invasion. Winter is coming soon, and it is thousands of miles away. It is difficult to provide support here. It all depends on you own."

A young official stood up with a very steady expression.

"Please rest assured that the provincial government, I will cooperate with the military to do a good job in defense."

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