Ming Zuo

Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511
Those who are good at attacking have fierceness as their soul, and they set fire to start a prairie fire like a sweep.

Those who are good at guarding will take perseverance as their bones, and the stormy seas will be taken lightly.

Seeing that the siege of the Mongols is getting more and more intensive, Xu Erlu is not nervous.

"The various ministries maintain their formation, and use orders as the sign, even if they die, they will not be chaotic."

The battalions under the 2nd regiment responded one after another, and their will became stronger.

So what if you are surrounded?

Friendly troops are behind and reinforcements are outside.

As long as more enemies are attracted to the side, then it will be a big victory.

This is the National Defense Force, an invincible and powerful army built by Zuo Menggeng with all his heart.

The order was issued clearly and clearly.

Every officer and every soldier will understand what they have to do and what tasks they undertake.Even if it is possible to sacrifice, it is absolutely not allowed to die in a daze.

Those who sacrificed for victory, brave!

Although I don't know if I can end this battle alive, the 2nd Regiment has no complaints or regrets, and is fearless.

The Mongolian movement is finally in place.

They went round and round on the grassland, running back and forth, just to arrange the best attack formation.

Everything is something in the bones of the Mongolians, and they don't even need any orders, they will be done naturally.

This is a talent that the Mongols are extremely proud of, and it is also the secret of their ancestors' ability to rule the world.

But the Mongols didn't know that it was precisely because they were proud but unwilling to change that they had already been figured out by their enemies.

This is how the Ming army led by Zhu Yuanzhang drove them back to the grassland, and this is how Zhu Di ravaged them back and forth.

The National Defense Force's collection and arrangement of enemy intelligence is more scientific and rigorous, and naturally it has an extremely deep understanding of the Mongols' tactics.

At the moment when the Mongols arranged their formation, turned their arrows, and prepared to speed up, the 2nd Regiment took the lead.

"Ruler 334, positive 5 degrees, let it go!"

Because the 2nd Regiment was shouldering the most tragic mission, Wang Yaowen could only strengthen their strength as much as possible when he was unable to change it.

Ten light infantry guns may not seem like much, but they can maximize the firepower of the 2nd Regiment.

Regarding how to deal with the Mongolian cavalry, the artillerymen of the Wehrmacht were about to throw up after reciting the tactical manual.

Every word on it is engraved in my mind, and I will never forget it in my life.

The moment when the Mongolian cavalry gathered and turned was also when they were most vulnerable.

Because of this situation, if attacked, the Mongols would have no time to evacuate.

In the past, the way to attack Mongolian cavalry was either cavalry or infantry.But on the prairie, these two armies could not arrive instantly anyway.

Even the red cannons of the Qing army will not work.

After all, the range is limited, and the Mongolian cavalry can operate at a slightly further distance.

Manzhu Xili still underestimated the 2nd regiment.

He didn't see the artillery in the center of the 2nd regiment, and he was hit hard at this time.

Ten explosive bombs roared in, without giving the Mongols any time to react, they immediately exploded violently within the range of the formation.

Countless fragments swept wildly, tearing the flesh and blood of the Mongols and war horses into pieces.

The Mongols who were still alive were all terrified, and fled in all directions in total disregard of orders.

This slowed down the momentum of the Mongols' charge a lot.

The pressure on the front of the 2nd Regiment was greatly reduced.

Amidst the sharp whistle, the soldiers of the 2nd Regiment raised their guns one after another in the face of the oncoming cavalry.

On the battlefield, if you don't want to die, you can only kill the enemy.

The musket in hand is the most reliable thing for soldiers.

The Mongols also know the power of muskets, and they toss and turn desperately on horseback, or try to hide their bodies as much as possible, so as not to give the bullets a chance to hit.


The overwhelming rain of bullets came, and most of them were endured by the war horses.

Although the Mongols have learned to put thick leather armor on their war horses, it has to be said that armor is destined to be eliminated from history in the face of hot weapons.

The damage that a small projectile can cause, even as strong as a war horse, cannot bear it.

In an instant, people were turned on their backs, and the formation of the Mongols charging was in chaos again.

Some timid ones actually slowed down the speed of the horse quietly, not daring to charge so far forward.

After all, these Mongols are not as good as their ancestors.

The horses charged very fast, the 2nd regiment fired three rounds of musketry, and the Mongolian cavalry also rushed within the range of the bows and arrows.

They were finally able to fight back.

The Mongols raised their bows one after another to vent their anger.

Cowardly Han people, when your muskets are useless, let's see who is the real warrior.

The rain of arrows was coming, and the soldiers of the 2nd regiment inevitably felt afraid, but they did not escape.

With such a large area covered, I really don't know where to hide.

Moreover, the strict military discipline also kept the soldiers firmly in their hearts. No one could bear the consequences of retreating without an order.

Although many of them are new recruits as security divisions, many ideas have been instilled in the soldiers' minds under scientific training.

Under the rain of arrows, a large number of soldiers of the National Defense Forces were killed or injured, and the rotation formation also showed a slight stagnation.

The Mongols were overjoyed when they saw it, and quickly increased their horse speed, trying to crash in.

But at this moment, shells fell again, taking away all the cavalry in the front row.Those behind were greatly affected, and there were countless people who tripped, fell, and collided with each other.

Although the light infantry was unable to attack, the 2nd regiment still had mortars in its hands.

There is no need to deliberately aim at the enemy, just shoot the shells according to the fixed coordinates.Under the extreme rate of fire, a continuous barrage of bullets was formed 80 meters in front of the musketeers.

The number of Mongolian cavalry who can rush out of this barrage has been greatly reduced.

Hand-to-hand combat between infantry and cavalry soon broke out.

The Mongolian cavalry crashed into the infantry formation of the National Defense Forces, and at the beginning they were able to rampage and kill wantonly with their superb horse speed.But soon, the horse could not be bumped, and the charge slowed down, and was immediately attacked by bayonet dense forest regiments of the National Defense Army infantry.

The Mongolian cavalry sat on the horse, although they were condescending, but the target was too obvious.

A soldier with loaded bullets shot him and killed him on the spot.

The scimitar in the hands of the Mongols is too short to compare with the length of the bayonet.Under the stabbing, one by one fell down like a blood gourd.

The first batch of Mongolian cavalry to rush into the front line is rapidly decreasing.

However, their casualties gave Manzhu the opportunity to practice rituals.

A larger group of Mongolian cavalry has rushed up like a tidal wave.

This is the fatal attack on the 2nd regiment.

Seeing that all the ministries have fallen into a bitter battle, and the main force has also been dragged down, Xu Erlu is not afraid.

"Order everyone in the regiment headquarters to pick up their weapons and prepare for battle."

When the civilian staff heard the order, they didn't hesitate at all. Like other soldiers, they also lined up a thick array of muskets around Xu Erlu.

On the mountain in the south, seeing the Mongols all rushing forward, and the battlefield was in chaos, Wang Yan turned around and stepped on his horse.

The long knife was raised, and the horn was fierce.

The divisions of the [-]st Cavalry Division, who had been waiting for a long time, began to disperse and set up a huge and wide encirclement net.

(End of this chapter)

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