Ming Zuo

Chapter 1541 New Look of the Grassland

Facts have proved that liberating productive forces is always the best way to change the social status quo in backward areas.

All the upper-class nobles in Monan Mongolia were removed, and the wealth they left behind was evenly distributed to ordinary herdsmen.

Allowing ordinary herdsmen to enjoy the fruits and dividends brought about by the reforms immediately allowed the empire to gain a firm foothold on the grasslands.

This method can only be used by the empire, and the previous feudal dynasties did not even think about it.

Because the rulers of those feudal dynasties, like the princes and nobles of Mongolia, took the exploitation of ordinary people as the basis of survival.

Even if they seized the Mongolian steppe, they would take the land as their own.

In this way, the living status of ordinary Mongolian herdsmen has not changed, and naturally they will not have any approval for the new ruler.

The contradictions they once faced still exist.

Under such circumstances, under the instigation of the high-level Mongolian princes, ethnic conflicts will still prevent the rulers of the feudal dynasty from gaining a foothold on the grassland.

Empire is different.

The empire brought more advanced production methods to bring the benefits to the most ordinary herdsmen.Even if it has just started to operate, it has already prevented the original Mongolian prince from returning.

Geng Zhangguang personally sits in Xilin Gol, constantly assigning herdsmen to various pastoral areas, and at the same time dispatching officials to manage on the ground.

With the National Defense Forces in charge, even the Mongols, who were most resistant to the empire, could not make any waves.

Not to mention, the Mongols, who were originally like slaves, have now benefited greatly.

The only thing they worry about is that when the princes and nobles come back, they will take away the wealth they just got.

In this way, the Mongolian herdsmen are more resistant to the original rulers.

To protect their hard-earned wealth, the only thing they can rely on is the Empire and the Wehrmacht.

The empire not only allocated pastures, cattle and sheep to these herdsmen, but also fully liberalized the economic field.

Following in the footsteps of the National Defense Forces, a large number of merchants flooded into the Mongolian grasslands, bringing commodities that the Mongols had never imagined before.

Ironware, salt, and tea were all in-demand commodities that were strictly prohibited from being sold to the grasslands by the Central Plains Dynasty in the past.

If the grassland people want to get these, they either send troops to loot or smuggle them through unscrupulous businessmen in the Central Plains.

But no matter which method is used, it has become very difficult and scarce for the Mongols to obtain these resources.

But now, the products that the Mongols have been looking forward to are grandly placed in the market, and they are allowed to choose, good or bad.

Most importantly, the price makes them even more delighted.

Under the strict control of the government, the merchants who came to trade had to keep the price of the goods within a reasonable range, and it was absolutely not allowed to plunder the Mongols.

In the past, Mongolians were not even afraid of death for an iron pot.On the grasslands, the Mongols with iron pots are the best people.

In the most difficult time, one iron pot can be exchanged for one cow and five sheep.

Even in normal times, three sheep can be exchanged for one iron pot.

And now under fair trade, one sheep can be exchanged for ten iron pots. How could the Mongols be unhappy?
Narentoya took her younger brothers and walked in the market with her father, looking at all kinds of goods, she was completely dazzled.

It was the first time she discovered that she was actually a rich man, and that the cattle and sheep in her hands could be exchanged for so many things.

The only trouble is that bartering is not allowed in the bazaar.

The Mongols need to first bring the cattle and sheep on hand to the notary office in the market, where the notary staff will make an accurate valuation of the cattle and sheep, and then pay them paper-like coins.

They can go to the market to buy things with this coin.

The cold winter is coming, and it is not too much to store more supplies at this time, so Narentoya's family sold ten sheep.

Originally, they were worried that the coins they received would not be enough.

Who would have thought that when they went around the market, the carriage they brought was full of things, and the money was not spent.

"The yurt's cold protection effect has always been poor. I suggest you buy that kind of stove and some coal. In this way, the yurt can be as warm as spring in winter."

In the past, Mongolians would burn fires in tents in winter, but the problem of smoke exhaust has always been difficult to solve.The Mongols had to endure the pain of smoke and fire, and naturally there was a danger of charcoal poisoning.

Astute businessmen have already discovered the business opportunities, so they shipped the stoves that had been popular in the Mainland here.

This kind of stove has a long iron chimney, which can discharge the smoke directly outside the yurt.It can not only keep warm and cook, but also avoid gas poisoning. It is an absolute good thing.

Hearing Xu Jingze's suggestion, Na Rentuoya blinked.

"Banner, we have never used this kind of stove. Can you help us install it? It won't make your hard work in vain. I will cook mutton for you."

The enthusiastic Mongolian girl made Xu Jingze really overwhelmed, so he could only nod in agreement.

So Narentoya's family purchased another tin stove, plus five hundred catties of coal.

The merchant's service attitude is very good, and the goods are delivered to the door.

With the help of Gangbalie, Xu Jingze and his two subordinates quickly installed the stove for the yurt.

After lighting the fire, the yurt quickly became hot.

"You Han people are really smart. If only you had this kind of thing, it would save a lot of people from freezing to death."

Under the influence of the raging flames, Naren Toya's face was flushed red.

She simply took off her thick fur, revealing her graceful and plump body curves all at once, and she kept stooping and standing up next to Xu Jingze, causing the Banner Master to have no place to put his eyes.

The coal sold on the grasslands was mined near Datong.

The coal mines here have been mined on a large scale since the Han Dynasty. After the empire recovered, the coal mines here were immediately nationalized and put into production soon.

As for the labor force, it is completely ready-made.

There were tens of thousands of Qing soldiers captured in Datong, all of whom were driven to the coal mines, where they did heavy labor in the dark.

Of course there are Mongols among them.

But the Mongols on the prairie didn't know that the benefits they enjoyed today were also bought by their clansmen with blood and sweat.

Through restructuring, the empire quickly stabilized Horqin and Eastern Mongolia.

However, before the snow falls, the National Defense Forces have to expand the space to ensure the safety of the newly occupied land.

The Second Cavalry Division marched westward all the way, and quickly occupied Ulanqab with the cooperation of the Second Division.

Then Zuo Shi sent people to Guihua City with a letter of persuasion.

The current Mongolian leader of Chahar is Abu Nai, and he has just married Ezhe's widow and Huang Taiji's second daughter, Princess Gulun Wenzhuang.

Although he was not born by Su Tai, his relationship is very close.

So Wang Siyi asked Su Tai to write him a letter of persuasion to let him understand the general trend.

At this moment, the [-] troops of the Second Cavalry Division were in Ulanqab, and Abu Nai, who was only separated by a mountain, was already feeling great pressure.

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