Ming Zuo

Chapter 1565 Good things

Chapter 1565 Good things

Zuo Rong has a resolute temperament, but he is not a person who changes organically.

When the news of Myanmar's foray into Yunnan came, he frowned.

After thinking twice, he decided to report this matter to Zuo Menggeng.

He is keenly aware that this will no longer be a purely military incident, and there may be complexities behind it.

Half a month later, he received instructions from Zuo Menggeng on a fast horse.

The reason why it was so fast was because Zuo Menggeng happened to visit Hubei.

There were not many Chinese characters in the instruction, so Zuo Menggeng gave a picture.

On the map is the marching route, with the words "Ten Years" marked next to it.

Zuo Rong and the generals of the Southwest Strategic Cluster were stunned and shocked.

Because they suddenly discovered that the plateau, which has been daunting to the Han people since ancient times, actually has such a conquest route.

With Zuo Menggeng's instructions, the southwest strategic cluster settled down.

They Chen Bing Sichuan and Yunnan border, not in a hurry to cross the Jinsha River, but sit and watch the situation in southern Yunnan.

This practice made the tripartite forces in Yunnan feel very bad.

After all, when everyone is gearing up, there is a ferocious tiger squatting next to them, and they always feel chills on their backs.

Still can't stop.

Because the evil wolf in front of him is not easy to get along with.

Chuan Er took his wife and chieftains down the mountain and came to Zuo Rong.

With the grand banquet and equal etiquette, these toasts who have not put their hearts back in their stomachs can finally sit on their buttocks.

"I heard you beat this kid up?"

Zuo Rong drank a little wine and was very interested, inquiring about the privacy of the couple.

Ayunna is not shy, but very proud.

"Who told him to lie to me?"

Chuan Er hurriedly explained.

"I didn't mean to lie to you, did I treat you badly?"

Ayunna slapped him on the head.

"You started lying to me when you pulled me into the haystack."

Chuan Er, should be called Duan Zhonglian now.

He accomplished his mission and now has a new identity.

Director of Western Sichuan Administrative Office.

His current power is even greater than that of the big boss back then.

After all, with the backing of the empire now, those chieftains who dare not obey his orders now will really be wiped out.

Of course, this doesn't change that he is still a strict wife.

No way, the way he got Ayunna back then was very dishonest.

Who dragged the big girl with yellow flowers to the haystack?
But what Duan Zhonglian said was right, at that time he would have died if he didn't do this.

After doing this, not only did he get a woman, but he also became prosperous.

It is precisely because of this that Zuo Menggeng personally ordered him to be canonized as Marquis of Dingxi.

In a daze, Ayunna became the Marquis.

The Marquise's public attack and beating of the Marquis will also become a good story in the imperial officialdom.

The exquisite copper pot was gurgling and bubbling, and the thinly shaved mutton slices were rolled in it, and soon covered with a layer of red.

Whether it is the Qiang people who came down the mountain or the local aborigines in Sichuan, they all sweat profusely from the delicious wine and food.

The humid air that has lingered in the Sichuan Basin for many years had to retreat in the face of such heat.

"Mr. Zheng, we need this good thing."

Duan Zhonglian toasted Zheng Sangui and made a request.

Zheng Sangui responded with a smile on his face.

"As much as you want, starting next year, it will be planted on a large scale in various parts of the province."

Ayunna fished out a piece of red one from the pot and threw it directly into her mouth.In an instant, a strong wire of fire spread from her mouth to her intestines and stomach, causing the air she exhaled to be full of sparks.

"Isn't this thing expensive?"

"It's not expensive, it's just ordinary food. Now it has spread in the eastern Sichuan area, and it won't be long before everyone can eat it."

This answer reassured Duan Zhonglian and the others.

Conquering Sichuan, the effect of an army of [-] is not as good as that of pepper.

Prior to this, pepper had been introduced to Sichuan in a small range.But because of the turmoil, people in Sichuan have no intention of farming, because the impact is limited.

After the National Defense Forces came, Sichuan quickly stabilized, and people began to work hard for their lives.

At this time, the natural fate between peppers and Sichuan people began to spark.

Generally speaking, Sichuanese are lazy.

After every day's hard work, it is always necessary to relax.

It's a pity that there are not many ways to get comfortable in places that are humid all year round.

The arrival of chili has made people in Sichuan find what they like.

It was obviously the first time to eat this kind of food, but the Sichuan people did not feel any discomfort, and quickly regarded it as a necessity for three meals a day.

After this situation is opened, it is no longer possible to meet the needs of Sichuan by transporting peppers from outside.

Because Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places passed along the way, snatching peppers is also brutal.

The best way, of course, is to grow your own.

When people don't need to think about eating enough, but need chili to change the taste of life, Sichuan can't even think about being stable.

Hauge couldn't settle down.

He finally crossed the desert and set foot on the territory of Khalkha Mongolia.

There are still 700 people left in the team of 900 people.

Nearly half of it was lost in the desert.

Still, his condition didn't improve much.

The whole of Mobei is already covered with white snow, and a gust of cold wind can turn people into sculptures.

He must meet with Mobei Sanbu as soon as possible, even if he can get some food.

A woman in white clothes Shengxue didn't disturb anything, and easily appeared in front of Hauge.

Looking at that alluring face, Hauge couldn't help feeling hot all over.

He greedily stretched out his hand, wanting to grab the woman.The response was a woman's fist.

The two started fighting in the tent.

After three strokes, Hauge's hand finally touched the woman's hair.But his armpit was forced by the woman's dagger.

The dagger is blue and poisonous.

"The Holy Maiden of the White Lotus really lives up to her reputation."

"The first prince of the Manchu Qing Dynasty did not expect to be so handsome."

Seeing Hauge's still handsome face after being eroded by wind and frost, Xu Yaqing was also a little surprised.

Anyone who has heard of Hauge's reputation will think that he is a rough man with a height of eight feet, a waist of eight feet, and a bearded face.

But in fact, the grumpy Hauge is actually a young and handsome guy.

"The White Lotus Sect is best at harming people behind the scenes. The saint is such a good martial artist, why didn't she go and assassinate Zuo Menggeng?"

"Can't beat it."

Xu Yaqing is a woman, so she doesn't need to be proud, to be honest.

This answer made Hauge very worried.

"That Zuo Menggeng is very good at martial arts."


Hauge was silent.

Is the greatest enemy of the Manchu Qing really flawless?
Xu Yaqing didn't care whether he was in a good mood or not. Of course, she took the risk to come here for a big event.

"King Jianzan gathered a large number of people to go south. You know, once he sees Zuo Menggeng, you and I will die without a place to die."

This situation made Hauge furious.

"These grass!"

(End of this chapter)

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