Ming Zuo

Chapter 1569 A lackluster battle

Chapter 1569 A lackluster battle

The artillery of the Wehrmacht was not placed on the top of the city, but inside the city walls.

When in use, open the window and stick out the muzzle to bombard the enemy.

Although the shooting range will be affected, it is not a problem as long as there are enough artillery.

Why not put it on the spacious city head?
It can also make the smoke dissipate faster.

Unless you want the barrel to freeze in the freezing weather.

Of course, the artillery of the Wehrmacht is light infantry, so it is not a big deal to put it inside the city wall.

The Mongols did not have any strong cities, and heavy artillery was useless.

The artillery that can catch up with the Mongols is a good artillery.

Even though the gun windows were opened and the cold wind howled in, anyway, hiding in the room and firing the gun was much more comfortable than standing in the open air.

Especially after the first shot was fired, the turbulent heat wave began to permeate the room, making all the artillerymen groan comfortably.

They quickly took off their clothes, shirtless and began to rearrange the launch.

The Mongol shells and the National Defense Force's shells are in different states when flying.

The Mongol shell was a black spot at an extremely fast speed, and it was watched helplessly as it hit there, splashing a large cloud of smoke and dust.

The artillery shells of the Wehrmacht formed an arc-shaped line in the air, and they fell down with almost no reaction time.

In the black and red smoke, the violent air waves pushed all the sundries in all directions unreasonably, making it unstoppable.

At this time, even ice and snow have become a sharp weapon for killing people.

When snowflakes dance in the air, they are soft and beautiful.

But after falling on the ground, after the cold wind blows, it quickly becomes as hard as armor.

When this kind of snow is blown away by the blast wave, it can even penetrate the wooden boards, and it can naturally turn the human body into a honeycomb.

Nijinsky yelled and sat down on the ground.Immediately he jumped up and turned to run away.

But without running a few steps, he could only turn back with panic and helplessness.

The Wehrmacht artillery made him feel fear.

The legendary Central Plains Dynasty does not seem to be as rich and weak as the legend of Europa, but rather too strong.

This discovery must be informed to the governor, and then to the king.

Russia's eastward expansion plan may have to be changed.

He knew that he couldn't delay, but he couldn't go back.

Because only with the small team of a dozen or so people in his hands, it is absolutely impossible to cross the vast snowfield in this season.

Had they done that, they would have turned into the most artistic sculptures.

He could only helplessly wait for the Mongols to retreat, and then go back together.

In terms of specifications, the infantry guns of the National Defense Forces are even smaller than the artillery sold to Khalkha Mongolia by the Russians.

But whether it is power or range, it must be higher than not a star and a half.

Especially the artillery of the Wehrmacht is at a high place.

As a result, the artillery that the Mongols spent a lot of money to buy turned into broken copper and iron at the beginning of the war.

Nijinsky was terrified.

As an experienced officer, it was the first time he had seen such superb anti-artillery tactics.

It's not just that the artillery is powerful.

The knowledge involved in this is enough for the most learned people to spend a lifetime of energy on research.

At the very least, he can guarantee that he will not be able to find such an outstanding talent throughout Russia.

However, in this barren land, in a lonely castle, there seemed to be many such talents.

He suddenly felt that this land seemed very dangerous, very dangerous.

The Mongols had thirty cannons, so they never saw the spectacle of a hundred cannons firing at the same time.

This time they saw it, so they died.

The entire snowfield was churning, and the Mongols who staggered on the ground were buried together in the thick snow before they warmed up their bows.

No one will dig them out and put them in the ground.

They will only be frozen hard here, and then completely rot in the spring.

Rot is a disgusting thing, but the magic is that the nourishment of the earth after decay is the best.

The fertile black soil is the result of thousands of years of rotting creatures.

Amidst the sound of gunfire and artillery, the Mongols collapsed.

But they didn't run away.

It's not that I don't want to escape, but it takes more effort to turn around and escape back.

After all, the city wall was already very close. At this time, I turned around and ran back, and I still had to walk more than 3000 meters.

The distance that makes the Mongols give up even trying to survive.

This is winter in the Far North.

Amidst the overwhelming sound of guns and guns, a few Mongols finally rushed to the city.

The Mongolian princes and nobles in the far distance stretched their necks one after another, temporarily ignoring the severe cold.

Their eyes sparkled with excitement, longing for these hybrid slaves and warriors to break through the castle.

Really, on weekdays people are regarded as cattle and sheep, but at this time they are expected to become tigers.

It can only be said that the greed of Mongolian princes and nobles is really inhumane.

Poor Mongolian warriors don't know the filth of princes and nobles.

They are also very excited.

They draw out their bows, nock their arrows, and prepare for a show of valor.

But then his expression turned into astonishment.

Because from their point of view, they couldn't even see the enemies on the city.

If you can't see the enemy, how can you shoot with your bow?

But the muskets above could hit them, causing them to die one by one.

Simple and ignorant Mongolians don't understand at all. There is a science in this world called defensive architecture.

In desperation, they could only put away their bows and arrows resentfully, and then climbed up the slope.

There are such slopes on the periphery of the walls of every bastion.It looks inconspicuous, but it is the focus of defense, even more important than the city wall.

Here, with this slope, even a trench is spared.

After all, the terrifying heavy snow can fill even the largest ditch, and it looks like it is peaceful from the outside.

The slope is not very shaking, about 35 degrees, it is very subtle.

The subtlety is that it looks easy to climb to the naked eye.

In fact, as soon as the Mongols put their hands and feet on it, they slipped off.

The surface of the slope has long been splashed with water.

When it gets cold, water turns to ice.

With the simple weapons of the Mongols, it is impossible to dig ice to stabilize the figure, so they can only play on the slide.

Playing on a slide on the battlefield is naturally funny.

So the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were on top, laughing and firing slowly.

From their point of view, such a slope has no dead ends, and the Mongols have nowhere to hide.

More and more Mongols died, and finally...all died.

The Wehrmacht death toll is...

Only one unlucky guy was hit by a shell on the wall next to him, and the debris hit his hand, bleeding profusely.

The doctor who bandaged him said that if he dared to howl, he would be thrown from the city wall.

So the hospital in the castle was empty, and the bored doctors and nurses simply played poker.

(Not today!)
(End of this chapter)

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