Ming Zuo

Chapter 1628 The Stubborn King

When Charles I and others rushed to the beach, they saw the imperial fleet killing and killing.

Robert Blake's strategy was met with a relentless blow.

No British squadron is a single enemy of the Imperial Fleet.

Wherever the imperial fleet passed, these squadrons all fell apart, and collapse was inevitable.

Two hours later, the entire ocean was covered with ruins, and there were countless British flags scattered.

"Aren't the Dutch and the traitors in Parliament allies? Why did they fight?"

Seeing the heavy losses of the parliamentary fleet, Charles I was really happy.It's just incredible for the opponent of the parliamentary fleet.

After deciding to launch a civil war, he also sent people to the Netherlands, hoping that the Dutch ruling party could provide help for the sake of relatives.

Unexpectedly, William II did not have the awareness of his relatives at all. Instead, under the instigation of domestic capitalists, he flirted with traitors in the parliament.

Now the Dutch are fighting with the parliamentary fleet, and even have the upper hand.

Did the Dutch figure it out?
Seeing the imperial fleet re-turning in the distance, entering the battlefield at any time, Robert Blake was physically and mentally exhausted.

He knew that he couldn't fight anymore.

Otherwise, the entire fleet will have to confess here today.

It is necessary to go back and sum up the experience and come up with a way to deal with the imperial fleet.

He couldn't imagine how terrible it would be if Britain lost control of the nearby ocean.

"Order all warships to withdraw from the battle and return to London."

After receiving the order, all the British breathed a sigh of relief.

This damn battle, they don't want to fight for a long time.

After all, the opponent is too powerful, and the way of fighting makes them confused.

Although the British are all desperadoes at sea, no one is willing to bear a battle that is obviously unwinnable.

The British fleet retreated.

It just so happened that the imperial fleet was maneuvering in the distance, and when it was discovered, it was too late to turn around and come back.

Kong Zhiguang was very sorry about this, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The empire traveled all the way to Europe, with the purpose of interfering in the affairs here, so as to benefit the empire, but it was definitely not to make other countries here cheaper.

To target the British Parliamentary Army, but not easily defeated.Otherwise, how to seek benefits from the precarious British king?

On the shore, seeing the parliamentary fleet fleeing in embarrassment, many people cheered.

Although it is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, no matter who attacked the parliamentary army, the royalists are very happy.

The sea finally quieted down.

The Imperial Fleet and the Dutch Fleet began post-war processing.

Compared with the Imperial Fleet, the situation of the Dutch Fleet is undoubtedly much more tragic.

Eighteen warships were sunk by the British, with more than 700 casualties and [-] missing.

No way, the British fleet couldn't catch the imperial fleet, and basically vented all its anger on the Dutch.

The Dutch fleet played the role of MT and could only resist to the end.

Fortunately it turned out to be good.

They won.

More than forty British warships were sunk in this battle, and a large number of skilled sailors died in the sea.

Most importantly, he also killed the famous British general George Monk.

It can be said that the vitality of the British fleet has been severely damaged, and its influence on the North Atlantic has plummeted.

Never underestimate this.

The European coast is so big, and all countries are trying to control the ocean.When one country is stronger, other countries will be compressed.

Especially in recent years, the trade friction between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom has unknowingly increased a lot.Many Dutch merchants were robbed by British pirates and suffered heavy losses.

As for whether it is a real pirate or not, everyone knows it well.

Through this battle, the Dutch saw an opportunity to suppress the British.

The battlefield was being cleaned up here, and Prince Charlie couldn't bear it any longer. He asked the imperial fleet for a small boat, and hurried to the shore.

It just so happened that Charles I and the others were on the shore and watched the whole naval battle. Seeing that it was Prince Charlie who brought back reinforcements, everyone was overjoyed.

"How did you get the Dutch to change their minds?"

Prince Charlie was praised by his father, and even received the tribute of all the important ministers, sweeping away the previous haze.

"It's not my fault this time. Minister Liao Zhongjian, who came from far away from China, is wise and wise, and has a clear understanding of the situation in Europe. Through his efforts, the Netherlands has a clear understanding of the future situation and decided to support us."


Charles I savored silently, his mind was muddled.

The exchanges between Britain and China in this era were not close.

The United Kingdom is a latecomer to the Age of Discovery, and what it is trying to do now is to snatch trade and territory from other countries, and it does not have much ability to manage Asia for the time being.

Of course, Britain is naturally very jealous of other countries making a lot of money from Chinese sweaters.

But food needs to be eaten bite by bite, the route needs to be opened up bit by bit, and the territory needs to be expanded bit by bit. The attack on China is not in the British plan at this time.

As a result, not many people in the UK know about China.

But anyway, when the support came, Charles I's back immediately stiffened.

"Gentlemen, perhaps we will be able to return to London in a short time and liquidate these rioters."

Some people were worried about his complacency.

Not long after, the fleet slowly docked, and Marton Tropp, Liao Zhongjian, Xu Erjue, Kong Zhiguang and others joined hands to wait for the shore.

Charles I had waited until he was impatient, and greeted him in total disregard of the king's appearance.

"Thank you for the friendship between the Dutch and Chinese friends. For your efforts, the king will definitely give you the most abundant rewards."

This king is so good at coming?

But when the actual meeting was held, everyone realized that this was not the case at all.

"Your Majesty, the aggressive business policy of the Parliament has harmed the interests of the Netherlands and made us realize that they are not true friends. How do you view the relationship between our two countries?"

Marton Tropp needed clear assurances from the lips of Charles I.

But I don't know whether Charles I is really confused or fake, and the answer he gave is actually irrelevant.

"When the king returns to London, he will definitely liquidate them completely."

Marton Tropp and De Ruyter looked at each other.

The devil doesn't care how you fight in your country, what we want is the interests of the Netherlands.

"His Royal Highness, the domestic situation in your country is closely related to past policies. I believe that after previous failures, His Highness will be able to recognize the facts and make reasonable choices, right?"

Hearing that Liao Zhongjian questioned what he had done, Charles I's face turned ugly.

"I am the God-appointed king of England, Scotland, and Ireland. I have absolute authority. Those traitors who violated God's will must accept the cruelest punishment. Only when everyone obeys my orders can Britain achieve peace. "

All the people in the room had ugly expressions on their faces.

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