Ming Zuo

Chapter 1630 Attack!prince!

The so-called covenant faction is a covenant formed by the Scottish Presbyterian Church in the [-]th and [-]th centuries in order to defend the principles of Calvinism and oppose the episcopal system.

This is actually a relic of the European Reformation.

But in the special environment of Scotland, it has been given political functions.

Although today's Britain is integrated, in the minds of the Scots, there is always great hostility towards England.

They are the natives and masters of the archipelago. They were gradually conquered by the English and paid great sacrifices. The painful lessons are vivid.

If after the merger of Scotland and England, the king can treat them equally, after a long time, the Scots may also accept their fate.

However, the Scots have been very obviously oppressed, not to mention having no political status, and their lives are miserable, enduring heavy exploitation.

In this case, it became the choice of the Scots to fight against the Catholic king.

It is the product of this trend of thought that the Pledge School can become popular in Scotland and gradually occupy a mainstream position.

Originally, the Scots still had to live a life that was worse than death, but the English Civil War gave them a chance.

In the English Civil War, the Oath faction initially sought benefits from both sides.When Charles I was at a disadvantage, they decisively extended a helping hand.

He hoped to use the opportunity of sending charcoal in the snow to force Charles I to agree to their request, so as to improve his political status.

The Oath Sect asked Charles I to order the implementation of the Presbyterian system in England to replace the bishop system.

Once this goal is achieved, the Oath Sect will quickly become the new Anglican Church from a local power sect in Scotland, and penetrate into all aspects of British politics.

As a result, their request was decisively rejected by Charles I.

The actions of Charles I made the Oath faction intolerable, and they were already planning behind the scenes to hand over Charles I to the British Parliament.

At this critical period, the Sino-Dutch joint fleet came.

The battle on the sea was watched by the Pledge faction. The strength of the Chinese and Dutch fleet made them tremble with fear, and the Chinese and Dutch support for the king also made them very worried.

Therefore, after deliberation, the leaders of the Oath Sect secretly came to meet with the imperial mission, hoping to find out the intentions of these outsiders.

But what they did immediately made Liao Zhongjian realize that this might be a good opportunity.

Since it is going to attack Britain, how can the imperial mission not carefully understand the history of Britain?
Among them are not only what they collected hard, but also the memories Zuo Menggeng sorted out.

It can even be said that the imperial mission's understanding and cognition of Britain may be higher than that of the British of this era.

"We Chinese have a saying, which is different ways and no conspiracies. As far as I know, Scotland and England are not the same. Scotland lost its sovereignty only under the power of power. We deeply express our deep condolences to the tragic experience of the Scots. Sympathy. If we can contribute a little bit, we will be happy to do so."

The leaders of the Pledge faction were dumbfounded.

What do you mean?
We just hope you don't support the king, but you want to support Scottish independence?

In an instant, everyone in the Oath Sect was excited to jump up.

Is it more attractive to force the king to make Presbyterianism instead of Episcopalism or Scottish independence?
This is not nonsense.

They knew, of course, that even if the Presbyterian Church did replace the Episcopal system, life would not change for the Scots.

It's just that the upper echelons of the church can reap some benefits.

But England is far superior to Scotland in terms of economic and military strength.Before long, their little efforts will still be crushed by England.

But once Scotland became independent, it was completely different.

Scotland does not have England oppressing its head, and lives according to its own wishes and develops its economy. I don't know how happy it is!

The reason why the Pledge Sect didn't think about this is that their countless struggles have been brutally and bloodily suppressed by England for hundreds of years.

It's not that they haven't gone to other parts of Europe to seek support, but without exception, those countries on the European continent are all dismissive of Scotland, which is far away and has no interests.

Now a big country from the East is willing to support the independence of Scotland. What is this?
This is simply the gospel sent down by God.

"Dear guests from afar, what price do we have to pay?"

Both are realists who understand that the Empire doesn't do this for no reason.

Hopes of national restoration and independence appeared, and the Pledgemen immediately entered the practical stage.

It's easier to associate with such a person.

Liao Zhongjian didn't hide it either.

"The empire is thousands of miles away from Europe, which is not conducive to communication. The empire hopes to have a firm ally in Europe, who can provide us with the necessary places and bases, so that the empire can communicate with European countries smoothly."

The people of the Oath Sect couldn't help but wonder, but they quickly reacted.

Although the Netherlands is an ally of the empire, the Netherlands itself is very powerful.In other words, this kind of ally will certainly not be too reliable.

Once the Netherlands continues to grow stronger and develops its ambition to dominate, it may turn against the empire.

In contrast, Scotland, which is seeking independence and is weak, is much more credible.

Scotland could not find reliable allies in Europe. To achieve independence, in addition to taking advantage of the opportunity of the British Civil War, it needed the support of the Empire.

In this way, it is necessary to agree to the conditions of the empire.

Deeply intervened in many fields such as Scottish politics, economy, and culture, and even allowed the empire to station troops in Scotland.

Are these conditions a problem for Scotland?

Could there be greater Scottish independence?

The leaders of the Oath faction went back full of joy.

They need to have extensive discussions internally and achieve greater alignment before decisions can be made.

But no one thought that there was one person who was more radical.

That's Prince Charles.

"His Royal Highness is too stubborn. He is losing everyone's support. The Scots have no patience and may betray us at any time. Prince, you must take responsibility for saving the royal family and the fate of England."

Ruprecht was completely desperate for Charles I.

He had never seen such a stupid commander who could turn everyone into an enemy.

Even this civil war is unnecessary.

But Charles I not only launched a civil war, but also lost it.

It doesn't matter if you lose the civil war. After running to Scotland, you put down your body and ask for peace, and get the support of Scotland. Maybe there is a chance to make a comeback.

But in the end, it fell into the hands of the Scots, and they didn't even agree to the terms of the Pledge Sect.

This kind of self-seeking made Ruprecht very distressed.

Originally he was desperate and resigned to his fate.

Unexpectedly, Prince Charlie returned in a splendid manner and brought allies of China and the Netherlands, which immediately brightened the situation.

This immediately made Ruprecht realize that Prince Charles was far more worthy of support than Charles I.

In a word...

Let's attack, Your Royal Highness!

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