Ming Zuo

Chapter 1634 The Battle of Northumberland

Compared with Cromwell and the Independents, the Presbyterians are obviously closer to the king.

It's just that the former Charles I was too greedy, holding all the power in his hands and treating them as slaves.

This led to the fact that the Presbyterians couldn't bear it anymore and became a member of the parliament.

Now that the new king is willing to share the power and has shown his wisdom, the Presbyterians quickly changed their position.

Although they have no military power, they have extensive fame and status, as well as rich wealth.

The most important thing is that they are still the top leaders of the parliament in name.

There is so much that can be done with these things.

First, the Presbyterians betrayed Parliament's plans to march on Scotland.

This information is undoubtedly very important.

After all, Charles II has just completed the peace talks with China, the Netherlands and Scotland, and everything is still being rectified.If you are unprepared, being caught off guard by the parliamentary army may be a disaster.

The information was quickly sent back to Edinburgh, which quickly attracted attention.

"In any event, parliamentary forces must not be allowed to enter Scotland."

Although Kong Zhiguang is an admiral, he is not at all unfamiliar with land warfare.

After checking the terrain, he immediately made a judgment.

The essence of Scotland is all in a narrow plain near Edinburgh and Glasgow in England.The vast northwestern part of Scotland is all plateaus and mountains, with little output.

As long as Edinburgh and Glasgow are lost, basically the Royalist side will lose all their fighting power.

Facing the threat, the Oath Sect was also very decisive.

"Our troops will be mobilized quickly, but we lack the necessary weapons."

Scotland's human resources are still relatively sufficient. Although the fighting literacy is average, it can only pile up people at this time.

However, the enthusiasm of the Scots for participating in the war is still very high.

Because this time they are no longer serving the king, but helping their friends as independent Scots.

They understand more deeply that only by defeating Parliament can Scotland's independence become a reality.

So nearly [-] Scottish troops began to gather in Edinburgh from all directions to accept the command of Charles II.

The biggest problem at present is naturally the weapon.

Although the major workshops have tried their best to put into production, it is definitely impossible to meet the needs of [-] troops.

"We can provide a batch of weapons, but in view of the fact that the soldiers are good and bad, we suggest that it is best to select a group of elites so that they can play the role of the pinnacle of the sea on the battlefield."

There is a batch of wealthy weapons on the warships of the Imperial Navy, which were originally reserved for the Navy.But in front of the enemy, Liao Zhongjian and others didn't want to hide.

Hearing that the empire was willing to provide weapons, Charles II and others were overjoyed, and quickly started the selection according to the suggestion.

In the end, a group of brave soldiers who were brave and good at fighting were selected to form the first regiment of the Scottish Guards, headed by Colonel Matt Antonis.

The imperial navy quickly distributed the weapons, and then the imperial soldiers served as instructors to provide them with basic training.

In a state of war, it is unrealistic to completely change the way the Scottish army fights.Therefore, what the Imperial Navy taught them was only how to use new weapons.

Ruprest also issued a convening order, quickly uniting a large number of loyal members of the royal family.

He organized these people and formed a team of 3 people.

"If the parliamentary army crosses the border, they will have three roads to choose from. Among them, Dumfries, Moffat can all lead to Glasgow, and there is a large plain near Galashiels that can lead to Edinburgh. Therefore We suggest that it is better for the Allied forces to go forward, enter England, and keep the enemy out of the country. Only by making full use of the complex terrain in Northumberland can there be hope of victory."

The imperial mission began to serve as the staff of the Allied forces, providing various tactical guidance.

Although there are some mountains and hills in the southeastern part of Scotland, the roads extend in all directions. If you want to completely block the parliamentary army, you must divide your troops.

But once the troops are divided, the Allied forces are likely to be defeated by the parliamentary army one by one due to the mixed fighting qualities of the allied forces, making it difficult for them to support each other.

On the contrary, in the Northumberland area at the junction of England and Scotland, the roads are rugged and complicated, and the mountains are endless, which can be the best battlefield to stop the parliamentary army.

Ruprecht is also a famous player, and he appreciates this idea.

"I agree with this battle plan."

Charles II is more concerned about a problem.

"What if the parliamentary navy raids Edinburgh?"

The war has progressed to the present, and on land, the royalist army and the parliamentary army have each won or lost.Only at sea, the parliamentary navy has an absolute advantage.

However, Britain is an island country, and the navy can be used everywhere. This is the reason why the royal party is getting weaker and weaker.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, we are here at sea to ensure nothing goes wrong."

The Sino-Dutch fleet has no intention of watching from the sidelines.

In order to help Charles II win, they intend to participate deeply in the English Civil War.

Charles II was also decisive in order to survive and the throne. After careful consultation with the Oath Faction, he simply handed over all the Scottish navy to the command of the Sino-Dutch fleet.

Although the Scottish navy is dilapidated, there are still hundreds of ships of all sizes.

These ships may not be able to fight, but covering the sea and scouting the enemy's situation can effectively make up for the lack of strength of the Chinese and Dutch fleets.

With everything in place, Ruprecht led the Allied forces and began to march south.

They easily crossed the borders of England and Scotland, seized Gretna Green, Carlisle, Brampton, Bellingham, and completely blocked all roads leading to Scotland.

And where is the parliamentary army at this time?
They had only just walked to Sheffield, hundreds of kilometers from the border.

The reason for this is of course the credit of the Presbyterians.

In the parliament, the Presbyterians vetoed a food supply plan, which directly disrupted Cromwell's work.

Cromwell was so devastated by this that he had to negotiate with the Presbyterian MPs many times and tried his best to lobby.

Of course, the Presbyterians did not dare to anger Cromwell completely. Seeing that they had been delayed enough, they pretended to be persuaded and agreed to the logistics supply plan.

But this time, there was a full delay of more than ten days.

Fairfax waited for supplies in Sheffield until he was dying to see it through. The battle reports from the front kept coming, but he could only stare blankly.

It's just that neither Cromwell nor Fairfax have noticed that they have fallen into extreme danger.

At this time, Charles II ushered in a new guest in Edinburgh.

Ireland and Wales are coming!

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