Ming Zuo

Chapter 1636 Hai Sheng

A smart person never makes the same mistake twice.

So Ruprecht is an out-and-out fool.

At the Battle of Marston Moor, he was brave enough to catch Fairfax and kill him.

The central and left flanks of the parliamentary army were about to be pierced by him.


He doesn't read the line.

Just when he was about to kill through the middle and left of the parliamentary army, Cromwell had already killed through the right of the Royalist army.

The contrast between "will" and "has been" is enough to explain everything.

So when Cromwell returned with the prestige of a great victory, the whole battle was decided.

Even if Ruprecht completely defeated Fairfax in the process, it was useless.

Because his subordinates are all infantry, while Cromwell is all led by cavalry.

This time around, Ruprecht got carried away again.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the parliamentary army hadn't put in all their strength, but he blindly commanded the whole army to press up, and happily exposed his flaws to the enemy.

The insertion of the Birmingham Infantry Regiment and the Second London Infantry Regiment made Ruprecht panic, and hurriedly mobilized troops to encircle and suppress.As a result, the formation of the Allied forces was even more chaotic.

When the parliamentary army cavalry, who had been recharging their energy for a long time, came out in mighty force, everything was over.

On the vast plain, the formation of the allied forces was completely dispersed, and then they were massacred like ducks.

Ruprecht tried hard to maintain the front line, but when he saw a cavalry rushing towards him, he was timid and turned around and ran away first.

The Allies suffered heavy losses in this battle.

A total of 700 soldiers died in battle, [-] were captured, and the entire southern defense line including Carlisle, Brampton, and Gretna Green was lost, and they retreated to Dumfries in a hurry. opportunity.

Knowing that the front of the southern front was defeated, the Scottish commander, Duke James Hamilton, who was in charge of commanding the northern front, had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

The Allied forces marched into England in a mighty manner, but were driven back after the first battle.

Fairfax wins big and is in high spirits.

"Send a letter to London to tell them that we need more supplies. We can capture Edinburgh in half a month at the latest."

However, before Fairfax's letter reached London, London sent urgent orders.

"General, your department must return to help immediately."

Fairfax instinctively sensed something was wrong.

"What happened?"

"In order to cooperate with the general in the battle, General Robert Blake rallied and led the main force of the navy to rush to Scotland, but was defeated again. The joint fleet of China, Holland and the Soviet Union has arrived in the sea off London, and many docks have been attacked. In addition, the Portuguese fleet suddenly appeared and attacked Portsmouth Harbor. Our naval power is running out, and if we are landed by the Allied forces, the consequences will be unpredictable."

Knowing how serious the situation was, Fairfax felt powerless.

The defeat at sea made his big victory meaningless.

In the war in Britain, sea and land must be carried out simultaneously.

If there is only a land route but no sea route, the back road will be easily cut off.

If there is only a sea route but no land route, it is likely to evolve into a lonely army.

Therefore, when the Parliament decided to march into Scotland, Robert Blake also felt ashamed and courageous, and mobilized all the warships of the British Navy that could act.

Not only that, but he also summoned a large number of civilian ships all over the sea.

In the last naval battle, the tactics of the imperial fleet left a deep impression on him.

However, the weapons are too far behind, and tactics cannot be learned overnight.

Robert Blake thought of a coping strategy.

That is the naval tactics.

After all, this is the British mainland, and there are more people supporting Parliament, so there are more boats.

The warships of the Imperial Fleet are too fast, so they can maneuver freely on the vast sea and change formation easily.

Then use a large number of ships to block the maneuvering route of the imperial fleet, trap them, and then the main force rushes up to fight hand-to-hand.

No matter how powerful the artillery of the Imperial Fleet is, its scarcity is a weakness that cannot be ignored.

Many ants killed elephants, and Robert Blake decided to use huge casualties in exchange for a decisive victory.

His ideas were supported by Cromwell.

Cromwell was already very brave in battle.

At the Battle of Marston Moor, a bullet pierced his neck and passed by his eye, nearly blinding him.But he still led the cavalry to charge bravely and finally won the victory.

There is one thing to say, if Charles I at the time was not afraid of death, but continued to stick to the front line, and waited until Ruprecht defeated Fairfax and returned to the army, the history of Britain might have changed.

The battle plan was drawn up, and the British fleet began to come out in full force.

And their actions, not surprisingly, were learned by the Allied forces early on.

With the inside ghost of the elder faction, the parliamentary army has long lost the initiative.

Kong Zhiguang and Marton Tropp made a decisive decision and decided to take the initiative to fight.

Previous battles have shown that the wider the sea, the more beneficial it is to the Chinese and Dutch fleets.

But this time, they also brought the remaining royalist fleet and the Scottish fleet.

Representatives from Ireland and Wales arrived in Edinburgh just as the Allied fleet was leaving port.

Their purpose is self-evident, but the result depends on the feedback from the battlefield.

The two fleets encountered near the mouth of the Hull River, and the battle broke out quickly.

The overwhelming number of British ships really caused big trouble for the Allied fleet.

Forced to do nothing, Kong Zhiguang had no choice but to lead the imperial fleet to cruise outside as much as possible to avoid being entangled.

The Dutch fleet, the royalist fleet, and the Scottish fleet were surrounded by groups and fell into a bitter battle.

This time Robert Blake no longer blindly pursued the imperial fleet, but let the imperial fleet bloodbath the British ships on the periphery.

He just concentrated on dealing with Holland, Scotland and the Royalist fleet.

Although the Imperial Fleet's combat effectiveness is stronger, if the Dutch, Scottish, and Royalist fleets are eliminated, the seven warships of the Imperial Fleet alone will be difficult to support.

Of course Kong Zhiguang knew what was going on, but several times he wanted to rush over to make a rescue, but was forced to back away by the massive number of British ships.

Seeing the battleship of the friendly army being sunk by Yisou, he was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

However, no one thought that there is no unparalleled road in the sky.

Just when the Allied forces were in danger, six third-tier battleships suddenly appeared behind the parliamentary fleet.

This fleet circled from the Norwich Peninsula, well shielding the line of sight of the Parliamentary fleet.When they emerged, they were already in range.

Such a powerful force suddenly appeared from behind, and the parliamentary army was in chaos on the spot.

Because of being unprepared, five main warships were sunk by this fleet in the first round of attack.

Robert Blake sighed and almost committed suicide on the spot, but fortunately he was rescued by the adjutant.

The parliamentary fleet could no longer fight, so they had to break through individually, but more than 150 ships of various types were left behind.

When the gunpowder smoke cleared and the two sides met, they realized that the fleet that had arrived was actually six third-tier battleships purchased by the Netherlands from the Empire.

Led by Admiral Thomas Rodry, they had just returned to Holland when they were dispatched to support, which just happened to save the battle.

This battle completely defeated the British Navy and disrupted the strategic plan of Parliament.

Since then, offense and defense have changed.

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