Ming Zuo

Chapter 1650 Surrounded and Attacked

Aurangzeb's actions undoubtedly brought great chaos to Bengal.

Jumrah has been operating in Bangladesh for many years, with a solid background and many cronies.

Although Aurangzeb killed Jumrah with tricks, it also gave others time to react.

It's just that without Jumrah, other people's status and strength are not enough, and they also have no appeal, so they can't fight against Aurangzeb at all.

In particular, Aurangzeb's follow-up army quickly entered Bangladesh, making Jumrah's subordinates all choose to flee in despair.

Jumrah's top general Ensbad led [-] soldiers and horses to flee eastward, entered the territory of Ahom, and chose to surrender to the Allies.

Only then did the Allies know that there was internal strife within Tianzhu.

This new situation is undoubtedly beneficial to the Allies.

"After all, Aurangzeb is an outsider. He needs a lot of time to integrate the forces of Bangladesh. We only need to make a little effort to make them into chaos."

When it comes to politics, Hou Xun is top notch.

While dispatching troops and generals during this period, the Allied forces are also constantly obtaining information from Tianzhu.

In Hou Xun's view, the internal situation in Tianzhu was really a paradise for conspirators.

First of all, Tianzhu cannot be regarded as a unified country.

Even if it is as strong as the Mughal Empire, it only occupies some areas in the central and northern parts.In the south-central part of the South Asian subcontinent, there are still many city-states that only nominally surrendered to the Mughal Empire.

Secondly, as a foreign regime, the Mughal Empire also brought in external culture and beliefs.

The upper echelons of the Mughal Empire were loyal Muslims, but in the vast grassroots of Tianzhu, there were a large number of Brahmins.

Brahmanism is the native religion of Tianzhu, and it has not been assimilated by the Mughal Empire over the years.

Although many rulers of the Mughal Empire successively adopted tolerant religious policies, there is no doubt that unequal political and social status will inevitably bring about sharp religious conflicts.

This is also one of the reasons why ambitious people rebelled from time to time in various parts of Tianzhu.

It can be said that the majority of Brahmans have suffered from the Mughal Empire for a long time.

That being the case, this is an opportunity for the Allied forces to sow discord.

Hou Xun was even more sophisticated.

"In Tianzhu, Brahmanism alone cannot defeat the Mughal Empire. In this case, they must rely on external forces. And this is your opportunity for Buddhism. While helping Brahmanism under the banner , while assimilating and disintegrating it, will surely bring Buddhism back to its homeland.”

Hou Xun's strategy made the Buddhists overjoyed.

This strategy is really not whimsical.

Although in the past history, Buddhism lost to Brahmanism.But in fact, there are many intersections between the two religions.Brahmanism has also widely absorbed Buddhist teachings, which have quite a lot in common.

Furthermore, the fact that the former Buddhism lost to Brahmanism does not mean that the improved Buddhism will still lose.

Especially behind the new Buddhism is a powerful ally. The persuasion of thought and language combined with the persuasion of force will increase the power by more than a thousand times and a hundred times.

For Brahmanism, the most urgent task is to get rid of the oppression of Islam.On the contrary, there must not be much precaution against Buddhism that is making a comeback.

As long as it is supplemented by sufficient economic support, it is very feasible for Buddhism to gain a firm foothold in the South Asian subcontinent.

Once Buddhism opens up the situation on the mainland, it is not something that the Tianzhu people can refuse.

Rajsingh II and the Buddhists present immediately devoted themselves to the research, determined to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Lu Baoxing, the military and political officer of the Third Marine Division, and Shu Chengshan, the chief of staff, also arrived soon.

However, the other three infantry regiments did not go ashore.

Chang Ying has a new battle plan.

"The No.11 Regiment rushed to Karachi and cooperated with the Dutch army to open up the situation there. The battle will be very difficult, and you must be mentally prepared."

When sharing the cake, Hou Xun actually cheated the Dutchman.

Although the Indus River Valley assigned to the Dutch seems very beautiful, it is actually the core area ruled by the Mughal Empire, and almost all of the area is Muslim.

In the following years, in order to defend this territory, the Dutch will definitely have to deal with endless Islamic counterattacks.

However, this also increased the difficulty of the No.11 regiment's operations.

Chang Ying decided to hand over the battle along the way to Shu Chengshan.

Shu Chengshan, who is still a colonel, needs to be promoted by military exploits, and the more difficult the environment, the greater the military exploits.

How could Shu Chengshan not understand his thoughts, he was so moved.

"Master, don't worry, I will never make a mistake."

"Old way, you lead the [-]th regiment to Goa to cooperate with the Portuguese army. Remember, your combat direction is east to south, try not to stimulate the Mughal dynasty too much in the north, and buy time for the first division. .”

Attacking east from Goa, is the Telangana Plateau.

This was once the territory of the Baman Dynasty, but now it has been divided into five small states.Without this Allied attack, it would have been conquered by Aurangzeb 30 years later and became part of the Mughal Empire.

Since this place does not yet belong to the Mughal Empire, the Allied Forces naturally did not let these soft persimmons go.

If the western front can capture the Telangana Plateau, it can join the Allied forces in Chennai and officially divide the South Asian subcontinent into two parts.

A little more time running the business could turn the South into a whole different world.

The tasks of various ministries were assigned in place, and the operation of the Allied Forces officially began.

The first to act were the monks.

After disguised, these people began to go deep into various parts of the mainland in various identities, and contacted the oppressed Brahmins.

Although the Brahmins pay attention to resignation, there is a limit to everything.

Who wants to be a grandson if they can be a master?

As a result, the agitation of these monks soon had results, and Brahmans in many areas had hope and regarded these monks as honored guests.

The Brahmins have not yet discovered that there are evil intentions in the teachings spread by these outsiders, and they hope to be supported so that they can get rid of the oppression of Islam.

Aurangzeb is a headstrong person.

Hastily cleaned up the mess in Bengal, and before the place was stabilized, he eagerly led the army to attack the kingdom of Ahaom.

Naturally, the strength of the Kingdom of Ahom was not worth mentioning, and the border soon fell completely.

The 10,000+ army of the Mughal Empire marched against the plains on both sides of the Jamuna River. In just one month, they broke through more than forty cities.

Su Yafa and other monarchs and ministers were frightened out of their wits, and messengers asking for help rushed to the first division one after another.

At the moment of life and death, Ahaomu also quickly put away his sloppy heart.

Su Yafa mobilized a full 15 laborers to build roads for the first division along with Burma and Nanzhang.

With super high efficiency, the first division finally rushed out of the mountains before the capital was breached, and appeared on the outskirts of Gauhati.

The sudden appearance of the National Defense Forces made the Tianzhu people dare not neglect, so they had to stop the offensive.

The war is about to start!

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