Ming Zuo

Chapter 1654 The consequences of offending people everywhere

Chapter 1654 The consequences of offending people everywhere
Aurangzeb is in big trouble.

It's okay to lose the battle, just regroup and start again.

Even if the national defense force is very powerful, it can still deal with it with the vast land of Tianzhu.

He just didn't expect that there was a problem in the old nest.

Just after he led the attack on the kingdom of Ahom, riots broke out in Bengal.

The Brahmins started attacking the Muslims without warning, burning, killing and looting everywhere, and even burned the governor's mansion to the ground.

Local officials were overwhelmed and hurriedly organized counter-rebellion.

Originally they thought that the riots could be ended quickly, but who knew that the situation would intensify, and the fighting power of those Brahmins was very exaggerated.

The army was quickly defeated by the Brahmins, and more than 20 cities along the coast were all lost.

The situation reacted, and the officials finally realized that something was wrong.

Where are the mobs equipped with muskets?
There's even artillery.

Moreover, many of them speak the wrong language, and even hide their bald heads.

Finally, when Bangaupazila was also lost, the whole of Bangladesh fell into a panic.

Because going east from here is the Hakata River.And after crossing the Bodo River, it is Dhaka, the political center of Bangladesh.

The local officials have not even quelled the riots in Dhaka. Once the rebels on the west bank of the river rush over, the whole of Bangladesh will fall.

News of the chaos in the rear spread to the army, and Aurangzeb, who was still on his way back, keenly noticed something was wrong.

He made a decisive decision and led his army to turn around. Instead of going to Bengal, he ran desperately and retreated to Patna.

Although he lost nearly 3 people by fleeing thousands of miles, it has to be said that this choice made him escape.

Just when Aurangzeb decided to turn around, under the cover of the first detachment of the South China Sea Fleet, the ninth regiment of the third marine division and the Siamese army completed the landing in Chittagong.

If Aurangzeb returns to Bangladesh, it is likely to be attacked by the first division and the third marine division.

With the arrival of the National Defense Forces, the situation in Bangladesh was completely out of control.

The morale of the supported Brahmins soared, and finally captured Dhaka, and began a bloody liquidation of Islamists.

According to statistics, in just half a month, more than [-] Muslims fled from Bangladesh to Tianzhu.

As for those who died at the hands of Brahmans, it can only be said that there are countless.

Such backward and remote areas cannot be carefully calculated.

Because of the involvement of the empire, the history of Bengal has been greatly changed.

In the original history, this place will be an Islamic country, and it will always live in the shadow of Tianzhu.

As a result, with the help of the empire, the Brahmans turned against the guests, changing the situation here.

Of course, amid such turmoil, Brahmanism is also undergoing tremendous changes.

While agitating and cleaning, Buddhists subtly changed the teachings, making Brahmanism different.

Tianzhu is very large and backward, so the transmission of information is naturally very slow.

Shah Jahan's emissary arrived in Patna half a month later and saw the retreating remnants.

No need for Aurangzeb to say anything, seeing the miserable appearance of the remnant soldiers and defeated generals, the messenger had a premonition that something bad was going on.

Sure enough, after hearing that the army was about to collapse in Gauhati and that Bangladesh was not guaranteed now, the messenger knew that the sky was falling.

Regardless of his fatigue, he hurried back to Delhi.

But there was no need for him to say anything more.

For bad news also came from the South and the West.

Shah Jahan fainted on the spot when he heard that the Portuguese, Dutch, and British also joined in the fun and laid down a large area of ​​land.

After he woke up, the first thing he did was to immediately order the ministers to find out what happened.


Up and down Tianzhu is still in the dark.

Even in the minds of the Tianzhu people, they didn't feel that the empire was any great.

How dare you get involved in the Kingdom of Ahom, just hit it.

How could it be that he was beaten in the blink of an eye?

In the following days, the battle reports came every day, making Tianzhu monarchs and ministers feel like they were sitting on pins and needles.

Cooperating with the Kingdom of Kandy, the British have captured Tamil and Madurai.That is to say, the southernmost tip of the entire South Asian subcontinent is occupied.

The Portuguese also took Makediri.

This position is very important.

Going south from here, Cochin can be lost at any time.

Going east from here, Bangalore is also in danger at any time.

Although these places still belong to some small states today, they are obsessed with the Mughal Empire.

But everyone knows that once the entire south falls into the hands of the Allied Forces, the Allied Forces will be able to concentrate all their forces to overwhelm them.

It was the Dutch who made the Mughal Empire the most uncomfortable.

After occupying Karachi, the greedy Dutch never knew enough was enough.

They traveled north along the Indus River and along the fertile plains, and captured Hyderabad.

For a moment, the Tianzhu people looked around, and there were enemies everywhere.

This situation is difficult for even the wisest people to adapt to.

It all happened so fast.

Think this is over?

Big mistakes.

It can only be said that the previous Mughal Empire was too powerful after killing Tianzhu, killing all directions and looking invincible.

But because of this, the Mughal Empire offended a lot of people.

Previously, because the Mughal Empire was too powerful, those forces could only shrink their heads and hide their hatred deeply.

But now the Mughal Empire has been precariously beaten by the Allied forces, and large areas of land have been lost.Where can those forces hold back, they all popped up.

Just when Shah Jahan was discussing with the ministers how to reinforce the south, a thunderbolt fell from the blue.

Both Berard and Vidal rebelled.

However, the Shahi Kingdom, which could not stop the Allied forces, simply surrendered completely, and announced that it would join the Allied forces, and turned around and sacrificed the butcher knife to the Muslims.

In the face of reality, faith also has a flexible bottom line.

Things have come to this point, it is obvious that the entire southern region has been completely messed up.Even if Tianzhu prepares a large army to go south, it will be difficult to stabilize the situation.

This is not over yet, the most fatal blow to the Tianzhu people has arrived.

As an old enemy, the Safavid dynasty in the west has suffered a lot from the Mughal Empire in recent years, so it is most concerned about the situation in Tianzhu.

As soon as Tianzhu was under siege, the news reached the ears of Safavid King Abbas II.

Although Abbas II is only 17 years old, he has the appearance of a hero.

He was keenly aware that this was a good opportunity to retake territory from the Mughal Empire.

He quickly organized an army, and went straight to Kandahar.

Originally, the Mughal Empire hoarded a large number of troops on the Western Front in order to guard against the Safavid Dynasty.

However, after problems occurred in other directions, he had accepted Shah Jahan's order and was transferred back to the country.

The empty Northwest Territory was attacked by the Safavid dynasty and could not resist it at all.

In just half a month, the Persian cavalry rushed to the city of Kandahar.

This important city in Central Asia and the northern gateway of the Mughal Empire fell into a precarious situation.

(End of this chapter)

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