Ming Zuo

Chapter 1662 The choice of the people

"How are you doing now?"

Unexpectedly, Squad Leader Chu asked her instead.

Qi Qige tilted his head, showing a happy smile.

"Of course. The cattle and sheep we feed are all our own, and we can also get food and clothing. Such a day was never imagined before."

Hearing what she said, Squad Leader Chu also laughed.

"Then do you know? Because you are living a good life, the people in the Central Plains are also living a good life."

Qi Qige's eyes were ignorant, obviously he didn't understand the relationship.

Squad leader Chu looked at the vast grassland, feeling relaxed and happy.

"The life of the herdsmen in the grassland is better, and they don't need to go south to plunder, so the people in the Central Plains will not encounter disasters. They can live in peace and don't have to worry about their families being ruined, isn't it great?"

Qi Qige's face was heavy, and he nodded involuntarily.

In the past, what she heard the most was men bragging about how many things they had robbed when they went south.

Although those snatched things are very good, she also likes them very much.But looking back at this moment, behind everything, there may be blood and tears of strangers.

It turns out that you can make others happy just without looting.

Squad leader Chu's words are not over yet.

"Now because of you, the people in the Central Plains can also eat cheap meat. In the past, it was a great thing to eat a bite of meat during festivals and festivals. Now everyone can eat meat if they want it. What a day!"

Qi Qige smiled again.

It turns out that their hard work in raising cattle and sheep can still be of such use.

Squad leader Chu's plain words opened a door for her that she never thought of.

The grasslands and the Central Plains can actually complement each other rather than confront each other.

Without war, without killing, everyone can live a good life.

Qi Qige suddenly discovered that there are better ways to live in this world.

As night fell, the air was filled with murderous intent.

A wolf howl broke the silence, followed by a wave of howling wolves.

All the herdsmen were terrified, and despair burst out from the bottom of their hearts.

Wolves are coming!

A kind of disaster that grassland people fear most.

On the grasslands, wolves are the most terrible disasters just like snowstorms and storms.

And this time, the wolves appeared on an unprecedented scale, and they ran with the momentum of thousands of troops and horses galloping.

In the face of such wolves, everything will be destroyed.

Qiqige rushed out of the tent, looked at the frightened cattle and sheep in the fence, and could only shed tears in pain.

She knew that the fruits of these hard labors would be lost today.

Without these things, what is the next winter going to do?

The sound of quick footsteps approached, and squad leader Chu's hard and forceful voice suddenly exploded.

"Go back to the tent."

Qiqige looked at the heavily armed soldiers, feeling a little confused.

"Squad Leader Chu, what are you going to do?"

Squad leader Chu was in high spirits.

"Of course it is to protect you. Don't worry, with us here, the wolves will definitely not hurt you."

Qi Qige only felt a rush of warmth directly to his heart, but he was very scared.

"It's dangerous."

Squad leader Chu had already run away, but when he turned around, he left her with a firm and sunny smile.

"National defense soldiers, when have you ever been afraid of danger?"

In a short while, the entire grassland was full of shouts from the Wehrmacht soldiers.

"Everyone stay in the tent, don't come out. With us, the cattle, sheep and people will not be in danger."

In fact, there is no need to remind, the herdsmen on the grassland know the horror of wolves best.Although the tent is weak, it is already the best tool for them to avoid danger.

The night is getting darker, but not quiet.

Suddenly there was a gunshot, followed by the howling of thousands of wolves accompanied by the sound of killing.

Qi Qige hid in the depths of the tent, holding a dagger in his hand, staring at the tent door.

She is very scared.

I was very afraid that the wolf would rush in suddenly.

But for some reason, she was more worried about the soldiers of the Wehrmacht who were exposed to the wild.

This night, the herdsmen had a very difficult time.So that it was dawn, calm, and the wolves retreated, but the big guys were still terrified.

The strong smell of blood in the air could not dissipate, heralding the cruelty of a fierce battle.

Qi Qige carefully opened the tent and looked out.

In the early morning mist, the cattle and sheep in the fence were all safe and sound.

They have calmed down and are enjoying the sun and grass.It seemed that everything that happened last night had nothing to do with them.

Qi Qige's heart was beating wildly, he slowly moved out of the tent, turned around, and suddenly his eyes were completely red.

She found a strip of cloth at the tent door.

The fabric she recognized was Wehrmacht uniform.

She became more and more afraid, walking all the way, searching all the way.

But the things that can be found include Wehrmacht muskets, swords, military caps, watches, and even damaged leather boots.

Just can't see a living person.

More and more herdsmen came out, just like Qiqige, but they couldn't suppress their crying.

Finally, Qiqige found something familiar among a pile of wolf carcasses.

That is a telescope.

She will never admit it wrong.

That's Squad Leader Chu's stuff.

Because squad leader Chu said that only the squad leader can wear binoculars.

Squad leader Chu once played with her, and she felt novelty that no matter how far away things were, they were always close in front of her eyes.

Now the telescope is shattered badly, but Squad Leader Chu is gone.

The man who was as reliable as a mountain last night, the soldier whose smile was brighter than the sun and the moon, were deeply engraved in her memory.

The ground was covered in blood red, as if it had gone through a fierce battle.

But the herdsmen have nothing to lose.

People live well, cattle and sheep are also well, and tents are also well.

They know that they are protected from disaster.

And the people who protected them all died in this grassland.

Qi Qige finally had enough crying, there were no more tears in his eyes.

Looking at the peaceful and beautiful grassland again, she gritted her teeth and got on the horse.

Boji hurriedly stopped the horse's head.

"Qiqige, what are you going to do?"

Qi Qige looked towards the west with an unprecedented firmness.

"Changshengtian brought a savior and let us live a new life. Are we willing to lose all this and become slaves again? Boji, I'm going to help the National Defense Forces, will you come?"

Boggy paused, then showed fanaticism, and got on the horse as well.

More and more Mongolians have made a choice.

They took out their treasured armor, polished the scimitars that had not been used for a long time, and put on simple bows and arrows, leaving the camp like a long dragon.

The aged Abumu stood beside him, with his arms open, muttering words, and for the first time in his life, he prayed devoutly to the Longevity Heaven, so that the warriors who set off could win a complete victory.

The team began to gallop, all the way to the west, setting off a huge cloud of smoke and dust.

Along the way, more and more Mongolians merged into it, and finally turned into the long river of history!

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