Ming Zuo

Chapter 1668 New Grassland Song

"Prince Su, where should we go?"

The Mongols are fickle and have no position at all.

The predicament they encountered before and the death of princes and nobles made them lose their trust in Hauge.

But at this moment, the Khalkha Mongols, who have lost their backbone, are about to encounter catastrophe, and pin their hopes on Hauge.

After all, compared with these people, Hauge's reputation of being good at fighting has long been spread all over the world.

Hauge is tired!

When he was in Wendur Khan, he was determined to break away from the Khalkha Mongols and find his own way out.

Unexpectedly, without the army, he led a small number of Manchus around the mountains, unable to rush out at all.

The mountains here are too desolate, lacking the cover of trees, it is impossible to hide their tracks.

The Wehrmacht can always find them easily, and then mobilize troops to encircle and suppress them.

This happened several times, and the remaining Manchus suffered even more casualties, and their strength became weaker and weaker.

Forcing Hauge to turn back, he got together with the Khalkha Mongols again.

But now everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope, Hauge has no mood to worry about other issues anymore.

"Take advantage of the fact that the army is not encircled, charge westward with all your strength. The National Defense Army in the west has only cavalry, and the number of musketeers is limited. This is the only chance."

I have to say that Hauge's vision is very vicious.

The one in the west at this time is the Second Cavalry Division who hastily rushed over.

The Second Cavalry Division has traveled thousands of miles and crossed the desert. Although it has contributed to the sudden loss of temperature, its physical strength has reached its limit.

Sudden loss of temperature in Hulan and without much rest, he ran for hundreds of miles to intercept the Khalkha Mongol remnants.Exactly how much combat power there will be is very doubtful.

And each cavalry division has only one dragoon regiment, about 5000 musketeers.

Such a small number of people is very small on the vast grassland, and it is impossible to complete all coverage.

In other words, if Khalkha Mongolia breaks through the blocking of the Second Cavalry Division in one go, there is still a chance to return to Hulanhu and lose temperature.

In desperation, someone gave guidelines, and the Khalkha Mongols had no time to distinguish right from wrong, so they could only blindly follow them.

The battle begins.

For the last hope of survival, the Khalkha Mongols mobilized their tired horses to rush towards the Second Cavalry Division.

Every Mongolian knows what today's battle means.

They had to muster their last courage and build up their morale with the loudest songs.

The Second Cavalry Division is very tiring, but as a proud soldier of the National Defense Forces, how can he tolerate the arrogance of the enemy?

Zuo Shi buckled his upper armor, drew out his saber, and ran from the left to the right of the queue. The passionate sound was the best drum of war.

"We ran thousands of miles and appeared here today, why?"

Tens of thousands of cavalry shouted in response.

"Protect the peace of the family and the country, for the peace of the world!"

"We uphold His Majesty's will, what exactly are we going to do?"

"Save the common people, eliminate oppression!"

"Are we afraid of our own fatigue?"

"I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood!"

With the response from the whole army, Zuo Shi was extremely proud.

He returned to the front of the formation, pointing at the sword.


Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison.

"Wan Sheng!"

In the loud charge, the morale of the cavalry of the Wehrmacht has never been low.

They began to speed up slowly, facing the enemies who were eager to jump over the wall, moving forward bravely!

The earth began to tremble in the collision of the two torrents, nervously waiting for the birth of a new master.

In the east, the earth is filled with dust and smoke, and the [-]st Cavalry Division has already started to attack.

They will arrive later on the battlefield, but they will never leave their comrades alone.


The second front army emerged from the mountains in a hurry, and rushed towards the battlefield spontaneously before rectifying their formation.


Under Wang Siyi's command, the phalanxes were orderly, like a moving castle, and began to press towards the center.

The artillery of the Second Cavalry Division was the first to be put into use, giving full play to the power of the God of War.

Large expanses of black and red explosion waves swept across the earth, blowing up the Khalkha Mongols one after another to ashes.

In the past, when encountering such bombing, the Mongols would collapse.But today, this direction is their only way out, and their will to survive has outstripped their fear.

But the National Defense Forces don't care what the enemy thinks. The artillerymen are shirtless, sweating like waterfalls, and tilting the ammunition desperately.

Kill a little more enemies, and the cavalry comrades will have more hope of winning.

Hauge was surrounded by the cavalry, his scarlet eyes fixed on the front.

He has fought wars for decades, and he has never been so dangerous as he is today.

He had an intuition that he might not be able to leave here today.

This intuition is wonderful, but it is very strong.

Finally, the artillery of the Second Cavalry Division stopped bombarding.

It wasn't that they were tired, but that the two torrents of cavalry finally collided together.

Such a cavalry hedge, the Mongols were unwilling to do it at their peak.After all, even if they can win, the casualties will be very tragic.

But under death, the Mongols had no choice.

All of a sudden, people howling, horses neighing, and steel colliding became the main theme of this area.

No matter if it is a tall horse or a low horse, as long as they bump into each other, there will never be a winner.

Often both sides fell down painfully, and the knight on horseback was also thrown out.

But the knight still didn't care whether he would be thrown to death, even if he was in the air, he still had to work hard to kill the enemy.

If they were lucky enough to survive the landing, it would be an even more tragic fight.

Either die by the enemy's knife, or be trampled to death by the continuous stream of cavalry.

In this kind of place, whether one can survive depends not on ability, but on luck.

There are so many cavalry that it is impenetrable.Those who fall under the horse can only feel the horror of being annihilated.

There are tens of thousands of cavalry on both sides, which looks very mighty.But in the case of a high-speed charge and collision, the confrontation actually only takes a short time.

The Second Cavalry Division killed the enemy's formation, or in other words, the Khalkha Mongols also defeated the Second Cavalry Division's formation.

In short, the khaki uniforms of the National Defense Forces disappeared, and all the surviving Khalkha Mongols were overjoyed.

They didn't dare to stay at all, and they desperately urged Zama to go west, and then west, as far as possible to escape.

But in front of them, there is still a stumbling block.

That is the Dragoon Regiment of the Second Cavalry Division.

The dragoons had already dismounted and formed a rigorous array of muskets.

At this time, seeing that the friendly forces and the enemy were out of contact, they immediately sent the most violent vitality towards the Khalkha Mongols without hesitation.

The Khalkha Mongols couldn't control this anymore, they started to divert unconsciously, they didn't dare to attack the dragoons at all, they just wanted to run away from both sides.

The attack of the dragoons was fierce, but after all, they could not wipe out all the Khalkha Mongols.

Seeing that there are still many Khalkha Mongols crossing the line of fire and going west, the generals of the National Defense Forces are very anxious.

But at this moment, the whole world could not help but calm down.

Obviously the fight between the two sides is still going on, the horses are still galloping furiously, and the guns are still roaring, but everyone unconsciously looks at the distant hill.

It was very ordinary there, but at this moment there stood a beautiful girl.

The well-dressed girl looked down at the battlefield from above, and Qingyue's singing actually overwhelmed everything else.

Everyone was surprised to hear the singing clearly, it seemed to carry an ancient call.

In the chants of "Ilite Basso", among the mountains in the west, vast and boundless cavalry swarmed out, like a devastating flood, rushing towards the remaining Khalkha Mongols.

The Mongols on horseback held their scimitars high, and with the will of all the herdsmen, they wanted to give this world a new color!

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