Ming Zuo

Chapter 1672

Chapter 1672
The entire empire fell into madness because of the peace of Mobei, but Zuo Menggeng was very peaceful here.

As emperor, he knows more things.

"Seeing that the situation was over, those lamas collectively betrayed Gyaltsan and assassinated him. Now they dare not make any demands and resolutely implemented the imperial policy."

By Zuo Menggeng's side, only Liang Fa was reporting.

When it comes to private information, only the Minister of Military Intelligence handles it personally.

In this regard, Zuo Menggeng is like watching the fire.

"They are not really convinced, but they have recognized the reality. In the future religious reform, we must not be soft-hearted, and we must mix sand in it. What kind of religion the empire needs, they must be like that."

Liang Fa quickly wrote down that the Ministry of Military Intelligence will have some operations in the future.

Everyone understands that the surrender of the Grassland Yellow Sect this time is due to the collapse of the original secular forces.Religion alone cannot withstand the imperial offensive.

The lamas didn't want to be wiped out, and seeing that the vast number of herdsmen had already turned their hearts to the empire, they could only choose their positions again.

Everyone is a political creature, belief and persistence are just lip service.

Who dare not care about their own survival?

In the future reform of the yellow religion, the interests of many people will inevitably be touched, and this matter will inevitably be repeated from time to time.

But Zuo Menggeng didn't care, and neither did the empire.

In the face of the general situation, if some people want to use their arms as a cart, they will be wiped out from the body to the spirit.

What Liang Fa wants to report is the close situation.

"Hauge is dead."

"How did you die?"

"I encountered a tiger in the deep mountains and old forests, and only a few bones were left after being eaten. The first special brigade buried him on the spot and claimed to have lost his trace."

How to deal with Haug is something the empire must be cautious about.

Although the Manchus were destroyed, the Manchus were still there.

Even though most Manchurians are now happy with their new life, it is undeniable that there must be a small group of people who miss the past.

They dare not jump out blatantly, but they must be full of expectations for Hauge behind the scenes.

Therefore, Zuo Menggeng made a decision long ago, absolutely not to let Hauge live, nor to let the news of Hauge's death be exposed.

It is in the best interests of the empire to be buried in the mouth of wild beasts in the deep mountains and old forests.

Those Manchurians who are unwilling to do so can only wait with hope like a cloud of mist.

After a few years, when the heart is gone, it will be assimilated by reality.

The hidden crisis will also be completely wiped out under the concealment.

Concealing the news of Hauge's death has another purpose, which is to appease the high-ranking Manchu Qing who have surrendered.

For example, Bumbutai, Fulin, Sony and others.

They all live in the empire today, and many others hold positions in various fields.

If you know Hauge's end, you will inevitably feel fear, and then you will be alienated.

Missing is the best way to deal with it.

Sure enough, after learning about the battle in Mobei, Bumbutai came to the palace to inquire about the news.

Seeing Fulin playing around with Zuo Xuanyan and the others like a kid, Bumbutai has actually resigned himself to his fate.

Her child will not have the fate of Long Wutianxia after all.

It may be good to be able to live well and grow up healthy now.

"The northern strategic group reported that there was no trace of Hauge, only that he got into the mountains. The mountains are densely covered, and it is very difficult to find them. Maybe he really escaped."

Zuo Menggeng lied without blinking his eyes, which is also a good quality of a politician.

After getting the answer, Bumbutai couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

In short, Hauge became a glimmer of hope for these Manchurians.With this hope hanging, they will not despair.

And once people have hope, they will be motivated to do things.

A few years later, this hope will be gradually forgotten by them consciously or unconsciously.

"There are many flaws in the history of Mongolia on the empire's side, which is very detrimental to the future history summary. If you are willing to help, you can come out and work."

For these surrendered people, arrange things to do for them, so as to prevent them from thinking wildly and enduring suffering all day long.

After so long, Bumbutai has adapted to life in Jinan.

She also met Zhang Yan.

When the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty and the Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty sat opposite each other, the situation was very delicate.

Both sides marveled at each other's power, but didn't know whether to hate or not.

In the end, under Xu Ruolin's mediation, the two women who had lost their homeland became best friends who talked about everything.

Seeing that Zhang Yan was not immersed in the past, came out to do things bravely, and even chose to remarry, it touched Bumbutai a lot.

Speaking of which, she is not very old, and it is the most beautiful season for a woman.

Hearing Zuo Menggeng's invitation and Zhang Yan's example before her, she readily agreed.

Participating in the summary of Mongolian history and giving the grassland a fair judgment is already one of the few contributions she can help the tribe.

Good news never comes alone.

On the second day after the good news from Mobei, the Clippers from South Asia also sent the envoy to Jinan.

Memorial of Yu Wang Hou Xun.

Under the joint attack of the Allied Forces and the precarious situation inside and outside, the Mughal Empire had to choose to submit.

The plenipotentiary envoy sent by Shah Jahan met the Allied forward in Telangandi.It won't be long before the Allied forces will rush down from the plateau and gallop across the plains.

Once that time comes, the Mughal Empire will have no danger to defend, and the destruction of the country will not be too far away.

Aurangzeb also sent advice to his father.

While the situation is still under control, the allied forces should immediately make peace and give up unnecessary illusions in order to preserve the foundation.

In the face of strong military pressure, Shah Jahan and the Mughal Empire finally recognized the facts.

Under the authorization of Shah Jahan, the envoys of the Mughal Empire formally launched negotiations with the Allied Forces.

In fact, there is nothing to argue about, after all, the strengths and weaknesses are distinct.

Facing the conditions put forward by the empire, the envoys of the Mughal Empire tried hard to argue at first.But when the Allied forces reported that the Eastern Front troops had captured Patna, all resistance was meaningless.

The Mughal emissaries accepted the Allied terms in full.

[-]. The Mughal Empire recognized the independent status of the Ahom Kingdom and the fact that it was a vassal of the empire, and no further interference should be allowed in the future;

Second, as a punishment for the Mughal Empire's unreasonable invasion of the imperial country, the political institutions and troops of the Mughal Empire were completely withdrawn from the Bengal area.The area will be managed by the Allied forces from now on to maintain peace in eastern South Asia;
Third, the Mughal Empire ceded Andhra Pradesh to the United Kingdom; ceded the entire west coast to Manjaro to Portugal; ceded Karachi to Hyderabad to the Netherlands; ceded Surat to the Empire; Ownership of places such as Durai;

Fourth, the Mughal Empire recognizes the freedom of missionary rights of Buddhism, Christianity, and Taoism within the territory, and shall not interfere or obstruct;

Fifth, the Mughal Empire must allow allied countries to establish embassies in Delhi, and each embassy has the right to adjudicate disputes between locals and locals.

The above five clauses are almost equivalent to completely dismembering Tianzhu.

From then on, the South Asian subcontinent will completely open its doors to all countries in the world.

It can be foreseen that in the future, this place will surely become a place where dragons and tigers fight.

(End of this chapter)

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