Ming Zuo

Chapter 1677 Bloodfire Hell

Chapter 1677 Bloodfire Hell

"There is an order from the shogunate that no ships are allowed to go to sea."

"Joke, when will the order of the shogunate be able to control our empire? Does the shogunate want to rebel?"

The benefits of a strong country are reflected.

Facing the interrogation by the shogunate army, the imperial businessman was rebellious and his tone was very contemptuous.

They have the confidence.

Because there is a country backing them.


The imperial businessman completely ignored the shogunate's ban and insisted on leaving.

The shogunate officer who was interrogating had an extremely ugly expression on his face, and his hands were clutching the handle of the knife, loosening and tightening, tightening and loosening again.

Clearly, he was in extreme conflict.

The shogunate gave him a strict order that no one was allowed to leave.

And he was very suspicious that there were some famous spies on this ship.

Once these spies are allowed to leave, the plans of the shogunate are likely to be exposed.

But this is a merchant ship of the empire, a place outside the law, if it is really going to make trouble, can the shogunate withstand the wrath of the empire?
It won't be the end, and he will be pushed out to be cannon fodder, right?
But if the ship is let go today, regardless of whether the secret is leaked or not, can the shogunate bypass him?

"My lord, the night is dark and the wind is high, maybe you can..."

When he was struggling, the adjutant gave him a reason.

Here is the sea, surrounded by pitch-black, nothing.

At this time, in this place, if something unexpected happened, who would know?
With a fierce look on his face, the officer suddenly roared and rushed onto the imperial merchant ship.

The fighting started quickly, and the roar of human beings over the vast sea was like ghosts walking in the night, scaring away all living beings.

After more than an hour, the officer returned to his own ship covered in blood.

"Sink the ship."

On the vast sea, as long as the ship sinks, there will be no proof of death and no future troubles will be left.

After a while, the merchant ship of the empire began to tilt significantly, and finally disappeared from the screen bit by bit.

Seeing that his hands were clean, the officer was satisfied and ordered to return.

But the people in the shogunate didn't notice at all, just below the stern of their boat, there was a tired and weak figure hanging.

The army of the foreign daimyo finally rushed into the Edo Plain and approached Maebashi Castle.

This city is responsible for the important task of defending Edo, so it deployed heavy defense.

In this regard, Maori Guangguang is not surprised.

There are heavy defenses, just hit it.

Anyway, the main force of the shogunate army was suppressing the rebellion in Sendai at this time, and they were thousands of miles away, so they couldn't come back at all.

It was the battle on the Eastern Front that made him very dissatisfied. Mitsuhisa Shimadzu has not captured Mount Akagi so far, so he was unable to come to meet up.

Without all the soldiers and horses, he needs to attack the front bridge alone.

But it doesn't matter, after this battle is over, there will be no more disputes about who is the leader who deserves his name.

Mitsuhiro Mori seemed to see that he was about to replace the Tokugawa family and become a new generation of shoguns.

Tadakatsu Sakai was guarding the Maebashi.

In Doi Toshikatsu's plan, this is the top priority, and it must not be lost.Otherwise, if the daimyo's army slumped thousands of miles and really rushed to the foot of Edo city, the situation would be difficult to say.

In short, the front bridge cannot be lost, and neither can Chicheng Mountain.

These two points are the key to holding back the daimyo's army.

As for the main force of the shogunate army...

Didn't go to Sendai at all.

Although the riot in Sendai was extremely harmful to the shogunate, as long as the foreign daimyos were wiped out, no matter how big the riot was, it would be nothing more than a storm.

Whether it's Iemitsu Tokugawa or Toshikatsu Doi, they all have the confidence to calm down.

At this time, Doi Toshikatsu led the army to hide in Kumagai, waiting for Maebashi to consume a large number of enemy troops before fighting out.

Date Xiuzong was assigned a very difficult task.

He led his army across the mountains of Chichibu to the back of the daimyo's army.

The mountains here are not very tall and steep, but the mountains are so dense that there is no way to walk together.

Date Xiuzong had to find a way out.

For this reason, Doi Lisheng handed over most of the food and grass to him.

Toshikatsu Doi never thought about the consequences of Date Hidemune failing to cross the Chichibu mountains.

Dongying people have always dared to bet on things like gambling luck.

The funny thing is, you lose far more times than you win.

It is an eternal truth that there will be no winners at the gambling table.

The battle to defend the Maebashi was very fierce. Tadakatsu Sakai never retreated, completely exchanging human lives for human lives.

His 500 defenders fought for seven days, with more than [-] casualties, and only [-] of them were still able to fight.Even he himself broke his left arm, but he still persisted.

His sacrifice was worth it.

Mao Li Guangguang lost more than 1 people under the Maebashi City, and the entire army was bruised and exhausted.

In addition, the Saku Valley is rugged and difficult, and the transportation of grain and grass is very difficult, and the army has begun to starve.

Like Toshikatsu Doi, Mitsuhiro Mori was also a gambler at the critical moment.

He didn't think about retreating, so he gambled that the next attack could take down the front bridge, and then rushed to Edo.

Mao Li Guang Guang loses the bet.

At the most critical moment, Doi Toshikatsu led an army of recharged troops to appear.

The shogunate army overflowed Maebashi Castle and rushed towards the chaotic daimyo army like a flood.

Everything came very suddenly, and the daimyo army had no time to stop the resistance, and it collapsed under the powerful offensive of the shogunate army.

Toshikatsu Doi adopted the craziest style of play.

He let the Musketeers rush to the front line, shooting almost on the opponent's forehead.

Although this caused heavy casualties to the Musketeers, it directly shattered the last resistance of the daimyo army.

At the rear of the Musketeers, the bronze cannons were also pushed up, and they were also on the front line of bombardment.

The artillery of the daimyo army worked continuously for several days in order to attack the city, not to mention the lack of ammunition, and the damage was also very serious.

Even because the barrel is hot, it can no longer be used.

The difference in firepower between the two sides is too large, and they have become the winners and losers of the battle.

Mitsuhiro Mori's dead souls were daring, and he never thought that the shogunate army would appear suddenly.

Plus the daimyo army is the coalition army.

As we all know, the alliance has lost many times since ancient times.

Coalition means that command is not smooth, and it is easy to fight independently when encountering danger.

And every daimyo has the idea of ​​preserving strength. When encountering difficulties, what he thinks of is not to fight desperately, but to retreat quickly and leave the danger to others.

So the daimyo army completely fell apart and fled all over the mountains and plains.

Mitsuhiro Mori completely lost control of the army and ran faster than anyone else.

However, Saku couldn't go back.

Still on the way, bad news came.

Date Hidemune paid nearly half of the casualties, forced to cross the mountains of Chichibu, and suddenly killed Saku Castle.

Saku was smashed here before, and the daimyo's army didn't bother to repair it, but just used it as a logistics base.

Facing the sudden shogunate army, the weak defenders here were about to collapse at the touch of a button, and watched helplessly as the few grain reserves were completely burned by the shogunate army.

That's not counting, Date Xiuzong stopped the daimyo's defeated army.

The two sides launched the bloodiest fight in the narrow valley.

One side wants to wipe out the enemy completely, while the other side wants to escape.

Both sides broke out unprecedented fighting power, so that dead bodies soon filled the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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