Ming Zuo

Chapter 1679

Chapter 1679

The civil war in Japan has been going on for five years, and both sides have exhausted all their resources in order to win.

It can be said that at this time, everything in Japan is in decline, the people are in dire straits, and the country has completely collapsed.

Moreover, the search by the shogunate and the daimyo had caused ordinary Dongying people to lose confidence in the country when their families were ruined.

During the war, a rather interesting phenomenon occurred.

That is, in order to avoid the war, a large number of people began to flee.

The destination chosen by the Japanese people on Kyushu Island is naturally Shimabara.

Later, the outside daimyo strengthened the control of the border, and only slightly slowed down the number of fleeing.But even so, some people still choose to take the risk.

Another place where a large number of Japanese people fled is Osaka.

Under the strong pressure of the empire, Osaka has become a paradise, and none of the warring parties dare to set foot here.

What's more, Osaka is located in the center of Honshu Island, and at the same time, it is close to the online tug-of-war between the two sides.Because neither side can achieve effective control, it is very easy for the people of Japan to flee to Osaka.

This caused the population of Osaka to skyrocket, even exceeding 700 million.

Such a scale is definitely the largest city in the world today.

In addition, Osaka is the most important material distribution center in Japan, so it created a different kind of prosperity in the tragic war.

At the same time, because they stayed out of the war, they also developed a mentality in Osaka.

They don't even consider themselves Japanese.

In other words, they did not feel that they belonged to the Tokugawa shogunate, nor did they belong to the foreign daimyo.

For the poverty in other places, Osaka people have developed the habit of looking down, only to feel that they are superior.

This mentality is very similar to somewhere in the afterlife.

However, in the land of Japan, it is impossible for Osaka to truly stay out of the matter.

Especially after the defeat of the foreign daimyo, some of the original rules will not be followed at the end of the road.

The retreating foreign daimyo army lost everything, and there was no supply anywhere they passed, which made their hungry eyes turn green, and they no longer had any scruples.

The army of daimyo first set its sights on Kyoto.

Although this is the emperor's residence, it has been smashed to pieces after several wars.No matter whether it is Emperor Gomizuo or Emperor Meisho, no one wants to live here.

No one thought that such a situation actually meant that in the eyes of the Dongying people, the emperor would no longer have authority.

The army of daimyo like hungry wolves rushed into the capital, burning, killing and looting wantonly, but what they could get was very limited.

Kyoto has long been dilapidated, and people here will naturally go to Osaka not far away in order to survive.

The things snatched from Kyoto were not enough to fill their stomachs, which made the daimyo army even more anxious.

At this time, Mitsuhiro Maori was no longer able to control the army.

The result was that a small group of daimyo soldiers, starved of hunger, rushed into the outskirts of Osaka and carried out looting.

The results are very rich.

How can the other soldiers bear it when they see it?

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, and the entire daimyo army is in a commotion.

Oblivious to the imperial ban, they rushed into Osaka like locusts, grabbing anything that looked valuable.

The city of Osaka has been singing and dancing for many years, and the people here have long forgotten the smell of gunpowder.Facing the vicious daimyo army, many people died under the butcher's knife before they even had time to react.

The ease of obtaining wealth and food further aroused the beastliness of the daimyo's army.

They began to advance towards the central area of ​​Osaka.

By this time, the news had already spread, and the entire city was filled with fear.Countless people packed up their belongings and wanted to flee.

Especially those rich people can't sit still anymore.

However, before they started to flee, the merchants of the empire came to the door.

"There is only the sea behind Osaka, where can you escape to?"

The businessmen in Japan trembled.

"If we don't run, we'll all be killed."

The merchants of the empire looked resolute.

"There are so many of us, and we still have weapons, why don't we dare to resist? Are we going to sit back and watch those beasts destroy Osaka, and all your wealth is looted?"

What he said made the Japanese merchants look at each other in blank dismay.

"That's the army, how can we beat it?"

Before the words fell, the imperial businessman clapped his hands, and then one wooden box after another was opened.

Inside are all brand new muskets.

"With these weapons, can you fight?"

All the businessmen in Dongying were irritated.

There is a saying that the imperial merchants are right, even if they want to escape, where can they escape?
Don't say that there is only the sea behind Osaka, and other places in Japan are not suitable for survival now!
When driven to a desperate situation, people have no choice, and they will be desperate.

Harumi Goro, president of the Toyo Chamber of Commerce in Osaka, is only worried about the last point.

"If we resist, we will be regarded as rebellious by the army. Will the empire protect us?"

The imperial businessman obviously came with a mission.

"That depends on what you think. If you think you are an imperial person, you will naturally be protected by the empire."

The Japanese businessmen present here immediately understood the meaning, which made them extremely excited.

Only fools are willing to continue to be Japanese people these days.

Those who followed the empire to eat and drink spicy food accumulated a lot of wealth.If you can become an imperial person, your status and political status will be guaranteed from now on, isn't it much better than being a pariah in Japan?
The Japanese merchants quickly reached an agreement.

They quickly summoned brave warriors in Osaka City.

On behalf of the chamber of commerce, Chunjian Goro offered a big reward.

"Osaka is ours, and no one is allowed to destroy it. For our lives, for our wealth, we must resist. Everyone heard clearly, kill one enemy, reward 50 yuan! Kill ten enemies, reward A house!"

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Not to mention that people here in Osaka are basically involved in foreign trade and are well-informed.And traveling north and south, never lacking in courage.

The whole of Osaka immediately took action.

The Imperials, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, and British all took up arms and joined the resistance.

If it is a normal battle, these mobs are certainly not the opponents of the daimyo army.

But now the daimyo's army has long been defeated, not only can't form an effective organization, but it doesn't have much combat effectiveness to speak of.

The Osaka people held better weapons and had more people. The counterattack caused the daimyo's army to suffer disaster from the very beginning.

On this day, Osaka is no longer the capital of singing and dancing, or the land of fireworks.

All of them turned into warriors, fighting to defend their homeland.

Men, women, old people, children, all contribute their strength.

Facing the mighty attack, the daimyo's army quickly collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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