Ming Zuo

Chapter 1685

Chapter 1685
The Wehrmacht has a long tradition.

That is, senior generals really like to sink to the grassroots level and directly command.

The advantage of this is that the will and intention can be thoroughly carried out by the entire army, ensuring that the entire army is directed at one place, which greatly improves the efficiency of combat.

However, after Zuo Menggeng learned about it, he clearly ordered to prohibit this kind of behavior.

It is good to improve combat efficiency, but when senior generals come down to replace the command, it will definitely infringe on the authority of grassroots officers and hinder the progress of grassroots officers.

The birth of any famous player must be tempered through trials and setbacks.

When the big waves wash the sand, you can get real gold.

Senior generals have been doing this all the time, and the officers below will definitely not get exercised.

If things go on like this, there will definitely be gaps in the talent of the National Defense Forces.

Now the senior generals are still very young and nothing.But what about when they get old?
Under this order, the first executor is Division No.12.

Blocked in front of the mountain, the officers of the No. 12 Division did not have any fear, but their hearts were surging as they watched the enemy rushing towards them overwhelmingly.

There is no mother-in-law above their heads, and how to fight the battle is entirely up to them to direct.

Although a little nervous, but a man must go through this step to make achievements.

The head of the regiment, Wei Xiaochong, stood on the front line, level with the musket array.

Although it was very dangerous here, his act of leading the way stabilized the morale of the army.

"Order all artillery to cover the enemy."

The weapons and equipment of the National Defense Forces are always improving, never resting, and never satisfied.

With Zuo Menggeng, a military master, the development of the National Defense Forces will never lose its way.

Although the achievements of the empire today are enough to look down on the world and surpass the ancients, many people are very proud.

Only Zuo Menggeng knows best, what is happening right now is really nothing.

Each of the scientific and technological achievements of later generations is an earth-shaking existence.

What he can bring to the country and the nation is to guide the right direction, so that the Chinese nation can progress and make progress, and it will always be at the forefront of the forest of nations in the world.

As a result, the weapons and equipment of the National Defense Forces are updated very quickly.

For example, regiment-level combat units are now equipped with rocket launchers.

Of course, compared with the division rockets, the regiment rockets are much smaller in terms of caliber, range, and power.

The caliber of the regimental rocket launcher is only 76MM, and the range is as far as 100 meters.The power is even slightly inferior to ordinary infantry artillery.

However, the short-term coverage shooting characteristics of the rocket launcher are unmatched by other artillery, so it has become a useful supplement for grassroots combat units.

This kind of rocket launcher is small in size, with nine thin iron tubes installed, and rubber tires, it is very light in weight.

In plain areas, one soldier can push it; in rough areas, it is not difficult for two soldiers to drag it.

This is very conducive to cooperating with infantry maneuvers.

Followed by an ammunition supply cart pulled by a horse, it will not hinder the infantry's progress at all.

A regiment-level combat unit will be equipped with a rocket launcher company, plus a light infantry battery, increasing the number of artillery pieces to forty.

This scale is unique in the world.

In addition, each company has a mortar squad equipped with five mortars.

In this way, the firepower of an infantry regiment is absolutely terrifying.

Following Wei Xiaochong's order, the artillery of the 48th Regiment fired one after another.

The sight of rockets roaring across the sky has always been spectacular, but also terrifying.

The situation where the enemy could see it but had no time to dodge it happened again.

In an instant, fireworks bloomed on the narrow plain, and thunder exploded, and the place where the steel wind and iron rain passed was invincible.

The shogunate troops that were still charging disappeared in pieces, and the wailing cries of the injured people holding their bodies became even more terrifying.

When Date Masamune saw the situation ahead, his whole body was cold.

For the weapons of the National Defense Forces, let alone him, every Dongying person is extremely envious.

However, over the years, Dongpu has sent countless spies, but they found nothing.

The empire only sold bronze artillery to Dongying.

That kind of artillery is a supreme weapon against other enemies, but when confronting the National Defense Forces, they don't even have the courage to use it.

Not to mention, there is no artillery in his army.

Breaking through the obstruction of the 48th Regiment with flesh and blood is the only hope of survival.

After the extreme fear passed, Date Masamune went completely crazy and didn't care about anything anymore.

"All charge forward, those who retreat die."

One of the better qualities of Dongying people is obedience.

Although the artillery fire of the Wehrmacht made them terribly afraid, under strict orders, they still kept walking and launched a pig-rushing tactic towards the 48th regiment.

No matter how powerful the artillery is, there will always be times when the barrel becomes hot, right?

No matter how powerful the musket is, there will always be a breakdown, right?

Seeing that the shogunate army did not flinch, the soldiers of the 48th regiment could only sigh with emotion that these people killed themselves.

The Dongying people didn't know at all that not only the artillery of the 48th regiment had been strengthened, but even the muskets were different.

Unlike other units, the No.12 Division has never participated in combat and has always been stationed on Xiayi Island.

And that stability comes with a big benefit.

That is, the No.12 Division became the second unit to start replacing the firing pin gun after the Second Division.

The 48th Regiment was the first in the No.12 Division to change their equipment. At present, the 105th and 106th Battalions have been replaced with firing pin guns.

As a result, other troops were annoyed and complained one after another...

The big brother is actually not as good as the little brother.

Wei Xiaochong naturally knew the complaints of the brother troops, and he couldn't justify anything.Only through this battle can they prove to everyone that their 48th regiment can afford the love of the division.

When he set up the formation, he fully considered the characteristics of the firing pin gun.

Therefore, he arranged the two Minie rifle battalions of the 103rd Battalion and the 104th Battalion into a musket array for frontal blocking.

The soldiers of the 105th Battalion and the 106th Battalion were scattered on both sides and in the gaps in the musket array to make up for the firing gap of the musket array.

Coupled with precision shooters and snipers, the rifle firepower of the 48th regiment can be described as watertight and impenetrable.

When the shogunate army rushed within 300 meters, the muskets of the 48th regiment began to roar.

The gunfire from the musket array was uniform, and the sound shook the whole field, like the wind blowing wheat.Every time the last round is sounded, the shogunate army will fall down.

And in the gaps between the musket arrays, the fish that slipped through the net of the shogunate army often fell to the ground stunned by scattered and crisp gunshots before they were too happy.

No matter how brave the shogunate army's charge was, when the artillery and muskets of the 48th regiment never stopped, the storm generally tilted steel on them.

The shogunate army was like moths to a flame, stubborn and desperate, and eventually turned into ashes.

Their numbers dwindled and dwindled, until at last they all merged with the earth.

Date Masamune stood dazed, losing all consciousness.

Looking around, he was covered with dead bodies, and there was no longer any soldier who could fight.

Seeing the National Defense Army approaching step by step, he didn't know whether his roar was pain or relief!
(End of this chapter)

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