Ming Zuo

Chapter 1695

Chapter 1695

The city wall has collapsed, but the sound of artillery never stops, and it is getting closer and closer.

At the same time, getting closer and closer, there were gunshots like fried beans.

"General, I can't stand it anymore! The Wehrmacht is too powerful!"

The general ran over in a panic, and the wailing sound made people's scalp tingle.

Without saying a word, Sakai Tadakatsu waved his hand and sent his head into the air, which also frightened the other panicked people.

"Anyone who dares to shake the morale of the army will be killed!"

Looking back, he cheered up again.

"As long as you hold on, there is a way. Da Ao has laid a net of heaven and earth, and Dongpu will surely turn defeat into victory."

No one believed it.

But looking at the murderous and extremely crazy Sakai Tadakatsu, no one dared to disobey at this time.

In fact, any smart person could see that Utsunomiya couldn't stand it at all.

This place is located on a plain, except for a lonely city, there is no danger at all.

But this is the gateway to Edo, and we must not give up.

Tokugawa Iemitsu's order to Sakai Tadakatsu is that other places can be given up, but Utsunomiya must stick to it.

As long as the plan to defend Edo is successful, the National Defense Forces will retreat in panic, and Dongying will see the sun again.

Tadakatsu Sakai believed in this, and concentrated all his troops here.

He also thought of a countermeasure, and planned to make false claims with the National Defense Forces to delay time.

Unexpectedly, after the National Defense Forces arrived, they only tried to persuade them to surrender once.Seeing that the city was unmoved, he immediately launched an attack.

In the fierce and brutal artillery fire, the dilapidated city walls of Utsunomiya were no harder than paper.In just one day, a gap of more than three miles was blown out.

This made it impossible for the defenders in the city to even repair it.

Not to mention repairing it, it is very difficult for them to avoid it.

The artillery fire of the National Defense Forces extended towards the city, not caring about hurting innocent people at all, and almost destroyed all the buildings in the city.

In fact, there are no innocent people in the city.

Japan has fought wars for so many years, and ordinary people have spent a lot of money on the battlefield as cannon fodder.

A small town like Utsunomiya has almost become a ghost.

That is to say, at this time there are many more troops than civilians in the city.

That being the case, the National Defense Forces are of course free to do so without any restrictions.

After the wild bombardment of the artillery, the rockets washed the ground and created a raging fire in the city.

No matter how crazy the Dongying people are, it is unbearable to be beaten but not paid back.

In desperation, Sakai Tadakatsu had no choice but to lead the remnant soldiers to withdraw from the city, and faced the pursuit of the National Defense Forces.

On the Great Plains, the shogunate army could not fight or run.

Although Tadakatsu Sakai sent a small group of troops to break the rear many times, they were always quickly eaten by the National Defense Forces and then caught up again.

In the end, in the place of Yucheng, he and his remnants will be completely surrounded by the National Defense Forces.

This time the National Defense Forces didn't even give them a chance to surrender, and directly launched an extermination attack.

Since they are all the most stubborn elements in Japan, it is best to completely eliminate them.

Only in this way will there be no repetitions in Toyo Province in the future.

Similar to the misery of Tadakatsu Sakai, Toshikatsu Doi, who was far away in Shizuoka, could not persist until the news of Edo came.

With the cooperation of the East China Sea Fleet, the Second Marine Division used a lot of artillery fire to attack the city.

Doi Lisheng insisted on commanding the battle on the city wall, but was targeted by snipers of the National Defense Forces, and sent him to meet Amaterasu with one shot.

Without the general, the shogunate army was in disarray.

Some persist in the end and go crazy, some completely collapse and attack their own people, and some cowardly and timidly run away.

Shizuoka can't stop the advance of the National Defense Forces.

The coast of Edo.

Long Zuguang swung his knife and attacked fiercely, and Tokugawa Iemitsu couldn't resist anymore.

After a scream of "ah", the entire right arm was cut off by him.

Tokugawa Iemitsu fell to the ground with a pale face, seeing the crushing defeat, and finally completely despaired.

Why is that Chinese emperor standing in the distance so powerful?

The most powerful masters in Japan are not his all-in-one enemies, and the most carefully cultivated warriors in Japan are chopped up by him.

Is it true that the sky is about to perish in Japan?

After defeating Tokugawa Iemitsu, Long Zuguang cheered proudly with his sword held high.

"Wan Sheng!"

The people of all empires are in the same mood.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

In the cheers of the past, the Great Tang defeated one powerful enemy after another, and finally achieved the prosperity of the Great Tang.

Now, the imperial people want to use this method to remind the Dongpu people of the past pain.

"Hang these people up and expose them to the sun to death."

Zuo Menggeng prevented the execution of Tokugawa Iemitsu and others on the spot, but proposed a more brutal approach.

Use Tokugawa Iemitsu's death to deter Japan's last hope.

A not-so-subtle assassination ended hastily, and the empire was not affected in any way.

But for the resistance forces in Japan, it will usher in their desperate end.

Because the empire finally had a justifiable excuse this time, they could sacrifice the butcher's knife to them without causing civil unrest.

A large number of National Defense Forces rushed into major cities in Japan, arresting and executing all those on the suspect list.

At this time, there is no need to carefully screen, if there is a mistake in the killing, it will not be let go.

And under this kind of great cleansing, there were also a lot of class gaps in Dongpu, and a lot of wealth was spared at the same time.

Like land.

Originally, Japan's limited land was concentrated in the hands of the shogunate and daimyo, and ordinary people in Japan had no place to stand at all.

Well now, through this kind of wealth redistribution, ordinary people in Japan will get real benefits, and the contrast between the empire and the feudal lords in the past will be sharp.

For ordinary Dongying people, is it not easy to tell who is really good to them?
When the potential threats were eliminated one after another, the empire held a grand and grand entrance ceremony.

The Wehrmacht washed off the dust and put on the most gorgeous and majestic uniforms.The guns are all polished, and the horses are all dressed in colorful clothes.

In addition to the preparations by the military, following Zuo Menggeng's order, a large number of civilians will also participate.

What Zuo Menggeng valued the most was a large group of folk artists who came from Chaoshan.

These people are the most excited at this time.

In any case, they never imagined that in such a battle of annihilation that is recorded in history, they would have a strong stroke.

"Are you all ready?"

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that you will never be disappointed."

Seeing that Shi Qian, who was dancing the dragon and playing the snake, was already at the front, the morale of the whole team was high, and Zuo Menggeng was full of pride.

You like dancing Awa dance, right?

Like to show off, don't you?
Let the little devils take a good look today, what is the demeanor of a great country!
"This land has been cursed by evil spirits, so that the people here are full of evil thoughts. Use your skills and let this land show light again!"

The impassioned gongs and drums sounded suddenly, and the British singing and dancing in the form of gods and Buddhas in the sky began to suppress evil worship in Edo!
(End of this chapter)

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