Ming Zuo

Chapter 1697 Contact War

Chapter 1697 Contact War

It was September, and all parts of the Central Plains were still hot, but the north of the Outer Xing'an Mountains was already cold and windy.

Although as far as the eye can see, the mountains and forests are still lush.But the cold air blowing from the North Pole still makes people shiver.

In the col of the north wind, it brought a touch of excitement to this ancient and peaceful land.

A large group of people was stationed here, and the sound of people shouting and horse neighing was extremely loud, mixed with the aroma of roasted meat.

There are everything that one expects to find, and there are even many rare delicacies from mountains and seas.

But when a group of old men get together, and they are all rough men wielding knives and guns, they can't expect to make any delicious food.

The meat is peeled, grilled on the fire, and then sprinkled with salt and pepper is the limit.

As the leader, Gu Dahu naturally didn't need to do it himself, he had the people below to arrange for him.

He was carefully polishing the musket.

In this kind of place, the sky and the earth are big, and the weapons are the biggest.

If there is a problem with the weapon, it will be dead.

Especially for their expedition team, it is not easy to get supplies, and the frequency of weapon replacement cannot be compared with that of the National Defense Forces, so they must be more carefully maintained.

"Those bad soldiers are not human beings. When I went there last time, I saw that the muskets were good, but the butt was a little broken, so they threw them away. Brother, tell me, what a prodigal!"

Wang Dashan's complaints did not cause any fluctuations in Gu Dahu.

"We make money to support our family, but they are supported by the state. Can it be the same?"

"Your Majesty is used to it. Back then, if there was a musket, it would have made people crazy. Now it's good, just change it if it doesn't go well. No matter how much money the country has, it can't be so bad!"

During the break, this group of old men gossiped no less than the old women.

Especially when they have been in the deep mountains and old forests for a long time, they have forgotten the prosperity of the world, and talking has become their little pleasure.

When the meat was about to be cooked, a mighty motorcade came from a distance and directly entered the queue.

Deng Xiaochuan was wrapped tightly in precious fox fur.Even so, I still sneezed several times.

For a person like him who has lived in Lianghuai all year round, he is not used to anything in this extreme north.

There was smoke everywhere, he could only be more careful.

In case a spark splashed on his fur, there was no place to cry.

He found Gu Dahu smoothly and sat next to him.

Gu Dahu just cut up the venison and threw him a plate.

Deng Xiaochuan didn't care about being a delicate person anymore, and he devoured it when he picked it up.

No matter who you are, once you arrive in the Northeast, you will inevitably become rough.

There is no way, the sky and the earth are big here, and people's hearts will naturally expand.

The two chatted while eating, and it was obvious that Gu Dahu was in a good mood.

Because the convoy brought by Deng Xiaochuan is very rich in supplies, and unloading has already begun.

This will be the only resupply for their expedition before winter arrives.

"Three hundred firearms and supporting ammunition, the company's request, the military also agreed, and this time we have provided you with two 60MM caliber mortars. But the military also has requirements, and the mortars are absolutely not allowed to be lost. Once damaged , must be sent back."

Hearing that there were mortars, Gu Dahu couldn't help grinning.

"We're here to hunt animals, why give us mortars?"

Deng Xiaochuan looked up at the wild wasteland to the north.

"It won't be just animals anytime soon."

Gu Dahu heard the implication.

"You mean, what kind of enemies will you encounter?"

Deng Xiaochuan said what he knew.

"The news from the center, according to the intelligence, if you go further north, you are likely to encounter Raksha ghosts. Those Raksha ghosts are extremely vicious, and the weapons in their hands are not weak. It is based on this that the army will agree to equip you Artillery."

Gu Dahu was a little nervous.

"Since the military knows, why doesn't it send troops?"

Deng Xiaochuan pointed at the endless mountains angrily.

"The military sent troops? Where did you ask the military to find the enemy? Besides, although the Rakshasa ghosts are very powerful, they are also expedition teams just like you. Naturally, you are the most suitable to deal with them. You can only deal with them when you meet them." The military will only take action when there is an enemy who does not come."

Gu Dahu understood.

The military regards these expeditions as eyes and ears, as well as cannon fodder.

It didn't make him angry, though.

High risk, high reward, this has always been the rule of the expedition.

They have wandered among the mountains and forests over the years, and they have encountered countless dangers.Even more than a hundred people died in the expedition.

But compared with the gains, these sacrifices are nothing at all.

Don't look at them all looking sloppy now, like evil spirits.But once they return to the marketplace, everyone is a rich man.

"This is a family letter from my sister-in-law. Your young master is very competitive. He was admitted to Huai'an No. 1 Middle School. He was No. [-] in several military competitions. I heard that the military already wanted someone. In the past, he went directly to the military school. Officer. My sister-in-law is also smart and capable. She has opened ten supermarket chains. I heard that many rich and powerful people are planning to buy shares. I think you won’t be able to do this job for long. Sooner or later you will have to go back to enjoy the blessing .”

Only by chatting about homework, Gu Dahu changed from a butcher in the wilderness into a human appearance, with a constant smile.

"It's because I can't do it for long, and I've become more and more powerless recently. After this winter, I will hand over this mess to others."

The expedition team is very hard, and it is impossible to work for a lifetime.

Many people come here with the idea of ​​getting rich.

If you are unlucky, you will die halfway; if you are lucky, you will make a lot of money and return to your hometown to be free and easy.

Gu Dahu, who has been working for ten years, is unique among the expedition teams in Northeast China.

Deng Xiaochuan came and went in a hurry, delivered the supplies to the expedition team, and returned with various furs, medicinal materials, gems, mountain treasures and other goods.

The money earned by the expedition is not directly handed over to these team members, but paid to their families.

After all, in this barren mountain and wild place, there is no place to spend money if you have money.

After finishing the rest, the expedition set off again.

Where they went, they had no idea at all.Anyway, there is no one in the surrounding area for hundreds of miles, so there is no way to ask.

It's just that the further north you go, the farther you are from the empire's ruling area.

But the expedition team was not afraid at all.

Where they once walked, the National Defense Forces have followed and established a base.

Even if you encounter any serious danger, just turn to the National Defense Forces for help.

As a result, whatever comes to mind.


The hunting expedition team all gave a meal, and everyone was stunned.

"Who shot?"

Gu Dahu was a little annoyed.

They found a white bear.

If hunted, the bear hide can fetch a good price.

As a result, under the sound of the gunshot, the white bear quickly got into the dense forest and could no longer be captured.

"Brother, the sound of the gun is wrong."

Wang Dashan has good ears and quickly reminded.

Gu Dahu's eyes immediately flashed cold
He remembered Deng Xiaochuan's words.

"Go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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