Ming Zuo

Chapter 1726 Treat People With Sincerity

Chapter 1726 Treat People With Sincerity
"You said, is the Wehrmacht lying to us?"

At the end of the road, Liang Yue couldn't help worrying about gains and losses.

For a long time, because of the grudge in his heart, he couldn't fully trust the National Defense Forces.

If it weren't for the sake of his old brothers, he would rather die in battle than take the big guys to the Western Regions to expand the empire's territory.

Now, seeing that the overall situation in the Western Regions is about to be settled, it seems reasonable for the National Defense Forces to take the opportunity to sell them.

Jiang Chaoyun didn't see it that way.

"If the National Defense Force betrays us, it's fine if we don't show up. There's no need to send someone over to report."

Liang Yue was taken aback for a moment, and realized that this was indeed the truth.

With or without the presence of the National Defense Forces, the retreat of the Liang army has become a big problem.

Even if it is possible to retreat to the south of the Tianshan Mountains, it will inevitably suffer heavy losses and damage its vitality.

The National Defense Forces can sit back and watch them and the Yarkand people lose both sides, and then jump out to pick peaches.

Since they came to report at this time, it is enough to show that the National Defense Forces really have no intention of betraying them.

After thinking this through, a warm current surged up in Liang Yue's heart unexpectedly, and then he suppressed it silently.

Since joining the Peasant Army Uprising, he did not know how many times he had experienced intrigues and infighting.Those who are sincere like the National Defense Forces naturally give him a different feeling.

"Stop and line up on the spot. Let's not go, and help the National Defense Forces hold back the Yarkand people."

After figuring it out, Liang Yue no longer had any worries, and decided to make a good bait.

The Liang army ordered up and down, and immediately changed formation.

The infantry began to shrink towards the center, and finally, under the cover of the cavalry, a circular formation was established on the great plain.

All the carriages and camels were placed outside and became natural shelters.

The cavalry and the Yarkand people strangled for a while, retreated into the formation, and began to rest.

The center of the formation is the artillery, which can support any direction.

Seeing that the Liang army was not leaving, the Yarkand people did not dare to attack rashly.

The powerful firearms of the Liang army dealt a great blow to the Yarkand people. Using cavalry to attack such an infantry phalanx was purely hitting a stone with an egg.

Abdullah quickly caught up, puzzled by what the Liang army did.

"Have these people given up? Or do they feel that they can be forgiven for desecrating the land of Allah?"

No one could answer him, and the people of Yarkand could only hurry up and prepare for the battle.

After all, this is their territory, how can a powerful enemy be allowed to occupy this place for too long?
The land of the Western Regions is surrounded by a pack of wolves. If there is a long delay, new enemies may appear.

The next morning, just after dawn, the Yarkands began to attack.

They did not use cavalry.

The weakly protected cavalry charged the musketeer infantry phalanx, which was purely courting death.

The Yarkand people jumped off their horses, mobilized a batch of shields, and formed a huge convoy, slowly advancing towards the Liang army.

Faced with this situation, the Liang army had no choice but to bombard it with artillery.

Even if they are running out of shells.

The only thing that can smash the shield car is the artillery.

Fortunately, on the Great Plains, the accuracy of the artillery was good, smashing the carriages of the Yarkand people one by one.

When the number of shield chariots was insufficient, the Yarkand people did not force them, but retreated slowly.

Abdullah frowned.

"The weapons of the Han people are too powerful. With the blessing of Allah alone, we cannot maintain our strength forever. After this battle, we must find a way to obtain these weapons."

Yerkand deeply felt the same way.

They have realized that the enemy from now on is no longer the brave Mongols on horseback, but the Han with powerful firearms.

Moreover, several enemies in the west are also slowly increasing the proportion of firearms.

If things go on like this, and one goes up and down, Yaerqiang will definitely not be an opponent.

It's a pity that Abdullah's long-term considerations are doomed to be useless.

Now that the empire has come to the Western Regions, it must regain its territory and will not give him time.

Fighting continued in the afternoon.

The Yarkand people stepped up their efforts and pushed the return guns up.

When the Mongols marched west and fought invincible opponents all over the world, they also spread some military technology.

Throwback cannons have been eliminated in many places, but they still have a place to play in the Western Regions.

Of course, the return cannon is not an opponent of artillery, but fortunately, it is easy to manufacture and low in cost, and it is very good for fighting the war of attrition with the Liang army.

The result of the bombardment was not surprising. The return artillery of the Yarkand people was completely destroyed, and the artillery of the Liang army also ran out of ammunition.

"Brother, tomorrow the brothers will have to fight hand to hand."

Jiang Chaoyun caressed the cannon regretfully, regardless of the hot feeling.

People are greedy, and they are used to fighting with artillery, but once they lose it, they will become unsuitable.

But they had to persevere until the Fifth Division came to turn things around.

The next day, the battle officially entered a fever pitch.

When it was discovered that the artillery of the Liang army had stopped ringing, the Yarkand people quickly became fanatical.

They launched an attack on the Liang army from all directions, completely ignoring the baptism of the hail of bullets.

Many Yarkand people fell on the way of charging, but more people were still brave enough to die.

When Liang Jun's muskets did not stop at all, the barrels of the guns turned red.

"Open the gap on the left wing, and the cavalry charge!"

Seeing that the musket could not hold on any longer, Liang Yue dispatched the cavalry who had recharged their batteries in a timely manner.

The infantry phalanx on the left wing divided left and right, and tens of thousands of cavalry rushed up to meet the Yarkand people.

The formation of the Yarkand people had already been beaten to pieces by muskets, and their power was gone. At this time, they were rushed by the cavalry and collapsed on the spot.

But Abdullah was already prepared, and with a wave of his hand, the Yarkand cavalry also joined the battlefield.

The dust and smoke from the desert shot straight into the sky, like a sandstorm blowing up from the flat bottom.

The two cavalry churned together in the storm, trying to kill their opponents with all their might.

After fighting for more than an hour, the cavalry of the Liang Army finally couldn't hold on, and could only retreat back in embarrassment.

The Yeerqiang people finally seized the opportunity, so they were willing to let it go, and rushed to the Liang army's main formation after them.

If they were rushed in, the Liang army would be in chaos and unable to maintain its formation.

The [-] cavalrymen of the Liang army who were dragging behind realized the problem, and instead of saying hello to Duoyun Shanhai, they turned around and rushed towards the Yarkand people fearlessly.

In this formation, all the Liang soldiers had tears in their eyes, and could only watch helplessly as these fellow soldiers flew into the flames with moths.

But the sacrifice of these people is worth it.

The brigade of Liang army cavalry withdrew, the formation was closed again, and the muskets that had rested for a while began to roar again.

On the third day, the Liang army held the formation at a terrible cost, but the encirclement of the Yarkand people became tighter and tighter.

Chun Jia.

The main force of the Fifth Division finally arrived here.

Forty miles further east is the battlefield between the Liang army and the Yarkand people.

In other words, the fifth division fulfilled its promise and really arrived within three days.

Not only that, Ma Shihua also carried out a bold division of troops.

He personally led the main force to rescue the Liang army, while Liao Fengzhi, the military administrator, led the No. 20 regiment to advance along the Tekes River, bypass the mountains and go straight to Ili, preparing to dig the Yarkand people's back.

(End of this chapter)

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