Ming Zuo

Chapter 173 Who is the poor person in troubled times?

Chapter 173 Who is the poor person in troubled times?

It was not until the beginning of February that the Houying finally entered the court's sight.

The cause is the memorial to Hexi's defense.

[The Ministry of Staff guards Hexi, and the Eastern captives invaded and surrendered.The month before last, more than [-] people came from the north, armed with weapons and vehicles, in a mighty way.The staff sent people to inquire, saying that our army conquered Zunhua and killed nearly a thousand Tartars.It is also said that when the Tartars return, they will slaughter the city to vent their anger.So he gave him money and food, and ordered him to go south.The job is afraid that the Eastern captives will work carefully in the room, and dare not let them enter.The people flocked to the south and disappeared. 】

This memorial was sent to the Ministry of War on the third day of the first lunar month.

But at that time, the Ministry of War was in the midst of civil strife, and Xiong Mingyue was chasing and beating Shen Yongmao fiercely, and the officials in the Ministry had no mind at all.

It was not until the beginning of February that Liang Tingdong, the new minister of the Ministry of War, sorted out the official documents that he saw this memorial.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but after looking at it, Liang Tingdong was stunned.

what happened?

Did our army conquer Zunhua in December?

No, how did Ma Shilong's troops lose at the city of Zunhua in the first lunar month?

There must be something hidden in this.

Liang Tingdong did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported the matter to Chongzhen.

Chongzhen's paranoia broke out on the spot, thinking that the people below were fooling him again, so he immediately issued a stern order to Ma Shilong, asking Ma Shilong to explain the matter clearly.

Ma Shilong was also dumbfounded after receiving the order.

I didn't beat Zunhua!
He was afraid that the generals, generals, and commanders below did it, so he asked them one by one, but no one knew about it.

Ma Shilong was relieved, and immediately replied to the memorial to Chongzhen, saying that Zunhua was always in Houjin's hands, and he had never heard of any attack by friendly troops.

Chongzhen also suspected that He Xiwu had lied about the military situation, so he traced the past again.

The Hexi garrison reported a new situation.

People passing by him said that the Ming army who captured Zunhua spoke Shandong dialect.

In December, the Shandong Army came to Zunhua?
Chongzhen was so frightened that he quickly questioned Wang Congyi, the governor of Shandong.

At this time, Wang Congyi had just brought King Qin to Gyeonggi, and was also confused by the question.

I never sent anyone to beat Zunhua!
Wang Congyi firmly denied it, and all his subordinates can testify.

Then things got weird.

In Chongzhen's view, the most likely to lie is Hexiwu's garrison.

This guy has a ghost!

So Chongzhen ordered Jinyiwei to arrest Hexiwu Guard and interrogate him severely.

Fortunately, Jin Yiwei passed through Tongzhou. Sun Chengzong and Hou Xun learned of this, and quickly wrote a letter to Chongzhen to tell the truth.

[The minister is ordered by the holy order to assist the overall situation.However, the eastern captives come and go freely, and it is difficult for our army to control each other.Zuo Menggeng, the head of the Linqing Association, said, "I should be the master, and those who attack the enemy must be rescued, and don't let the soldiers follow you."Because of his reasonable words, there are few people in his ministry, and the minister allows him to do his own thing.The act of restraining Zunhua should be regarded as meritorious service. 】

Things are clear.

Hexiwu's defense did not lie. In December, Zunhua was indeed conquered by the Ming army once.But later, when Hou Jin returned to his teacher, he was taken over again.

Chongzhen was very excited when he heard that there was a general who took back a city and beheaded hundreds of slaves when Houjin attacked the city and seized territory. Chongzhen was very excited and asked where the department was.

Sun Chengzong said that I don't know either, I just let the department fight freely, and the leader of the department decides whether to attack or prevent.

If it was a large army, Sun Chengzong would have been impeached by the ministers for doing this.But I heard that it was only a battalion, and even Chongzhen didn't care.

Since the late Jin Dynasty entered the bandits, have there been fewer generals, generals, and capitals killed in battle?

Are there still few Ming troops who surrendered and fled?

A small battalion, thousands of people, even if they have different intentions, how much trouble can they cause?
In front of Hexi, someone reported that twelve civilians took arrows with their bare hands and killed hundreds of Tartars.

In a messy situation, everything can go wrong.

Zuo Menggeng didn't know that Sun Chengzong and Hou Xun helped him prevent a disaster.

After a period of rest and the weather getting warmer, Zuo Menggeng decided to do it again.

The prerequisite for deciding that he can do it is that the Jin army has all gone to Qian'an. At this time, they are inextricably fighting with various ministries of the Ming army, and they can no longer take care of him for the time being.

"I decided to hit Hongshan Pass."

Hongshan Pass is one of the three passes where the Later Jin entered the bandits, and it was also the place where Huang Taiji broke through.

Zuo Menggeng couldn't remember where Huang Taiji came back from, so he decided to attack Hongshan Pass first.

It just so happened that the cavalry of the Chahan tribe had been ambushed in Miaowagou near Hongshan Pass before. The terrain is very familiar and it is not difficult to fight.

The reason why Zuo Menggeng chose Hongshan Pass was not only because it was very important, but also because of another reason.

That is the behavior of Cai Tong, the guard of Hongshan Pass, who surrendered to the enemy.

When Huang Taiji broke through, he immediately surrendered without any resistance.

Later, when Hou Jin's army went to the capital, this guy followed everywhere anyway.

If the surrender was a helpless move, it was later regarded as making up for the crime anyway.But when Jin Jun came back again later, this guy rebelled again.

And he was the first to rebel.

Ma Shilong, who was stationed in Santunying at that time, sent people to persuade him, but he not only refused to listen, but also drove them back.

This time when he surrendered again, Cai Tongke worked harder, and followed Houjin to capture Panjiakou.

Obviously, this guy decided to go all the way to the dark.

Taking advantage of Hou Jin's army in Qian'an, Zuo Menggeng decided to punish the traitors first.

Huang Zongxi asked: "Should we garrison troops after we conquer Hongshan Pass? If we don't garrison troops and the Tartars attack, what shall we do?"

At that time, Zuo Menggeng had received Hou Xun's letter, knowing that the imperial court knew about the existence of Houying.

"We won't be stationed at the pass. After it's knocked down, we'll write to Ma Shilong and ask him to take over."

Zuo Menggeng would not be so stupid as to defend the city.

After the discussion was confirmed, the army set off immediately.

This time, the rear battalion can finally march openly.

Three days later, they arrived at Hongshan Pass.

But looking at the situation in the pass, the whole army resisted the urge to use force.

The former Xiongguan Pass has long lost its style, and its dilapidated appearance is not as good as a pigsty.

The gate of the city is wide open, and people can't help but come in and out.

A few soldiers under the city gate hid in a shelter from the wind and curled up into a ball. When they saw the army approaching, they just stretched their necks and took a look, but remained indifferent.

There were no vigilant guards on the city gate at all, so that when the rear battalion rushed forward, there was no movement inside the pass.

Not long after, the entire Hongshan Pass was occupied by the rear battalion.

Surrounded by officers, Zuo Menggeng walked into the pass, only to see a hundred or so soldiers thrown on the open space in the center, facing the bayonets of the rear battalion, they were calm.

Looking around, these hundred or so people couldn't find a spirit.

All were in rags, unable to cover their bodies.Some rags fluttered wildly in the wind, revealing the bony body underneath, with ribs like lutes.

The garrison general Cai Tong was brought in front of him, also showing no fear.

"If you want to cut off my head, then do it."

Huang Zongxi scolded angrily: "You have forgotten your ancestors, turned to a foreign race, and slaughtered your compatriots. You deserve death."

Cai Tong grinned, half a smile but not a smile.

"Did I die? I deserved to die a long time ago. But before killing me, I want to ask, does the court care about our lives?"

When he said this, he suddenly became excited, pointed at those weak soldiers, and cried bitterly.

"Look, take a good look. From August last year to now, we haven't received a grain of rice or a penny of money. The brothers are so hungry that they cut off the bark to satisfy their hunger. Things that can be sold in the pass They were all sold and exchanged for two hundred catties of rice. We ate all winter. Everyone said we were traitors, but Huang Taiji came and gave us money and food to make us full. What about the emperor and the court? "

The crying accusation echoed in the ears, making everyone feel sad.

He is obviously a soldier of Wei Guorong, but he will starve to death.

Those monarchs and ministers hiding in the splendid palaces and houses, have they ever thought about these poor people?
Why do these people who are plagued by hunger need swords and guns when they face the army of the late Jin Dynasty?
With only a mere grain of rice, what else can I do besides disarming and surrendering?

Who on earth sent them to the enemy with their own hands and became the accomplices of the alien race?
Cai Tong vented his anger and resigned himself to his fate.

"If you want to kill, just give it a good time. These brothers are poor people, and they all obey my orders. Please give them a way to survive."

As soon as he finished speaking, he smiled wryly again.

"Forget it, even if you don't kill them, how can they survive? Forget it, they're all dead."

Liu Yiyuan couldn't bear to watch, and turned his back slightly.

"The court is wrong about this matter, and it seems that they can't be blamed."

Seeing that everyone seemed to agree with Liu Yiyuan's views, Zuo Menggeng decided to teach them a thoughtful lesson.

He shouted: "Those who participated in the attack on Panjiakou, come out."

Among the garrison at Hongshan Pass, twenty or thirty people came out one after another.

Zuo Menggeng ordered people to tie them up and bring them closer.

"The imperial court has treated and failed you badly, regardless of your life or death, and made you sacrifice in vain. This is the imperial court's fault."

The people who were tied up couldn't help but be surprised while being terrified.

The boss seemed to be talking to them, but why did he tie them up again?

Zuo Menggeng continued: "It's only natural for you to hate such a court. Even if it's a rebellion, it's justified."

When the defenders at Hongshan Pass heard this, they were terrified, as if the rebellion was a big deal.

Only Zuo Menggeng's voice was extremely loud and clear.

"You rebelled and overthrew the imperial court. That's the way to survive. No one can say anything. But you should never, never should. You should not surrender to foreign races and torture your compatriots. Tiger poison does not eat children, and helps foreign races to bully you. , The massacre of compatriots is not even as good as animals."

The defenders at Hongshan Pass finally understood what he meant.

Those officers and soldiers who were bound were trembling even more, but they couldn't say anything to refute.

Zuo Menggeng walked up to Cai Tong, and asked loudly: "Is what I said reasonable? What are you dissatisfied with?"

Cai Tong was silent for a long time, finally closed his eyes helplessly, and chose to accept his fate.

If Zuo Menggeng just reprimanded him for defecting to the enemy for glory, he still has many reasons to refute.But Zuo Menggeng was outspoken, and even said the words of rebellion, which sent him into hell.

Nowadays, there are many people in Ming Dynasty who rebel because they are dissatisfied with the tyranny, and they can rebel if they can't survive.

Zuo Menggeng even raised the legitimacy of the rebellion.

But before this choice, they became accomplices in the slaughter of compatriots by other races, so it is unforgivable.

Zuo Menggeng speaks righteously, full of majesty.

"Since you understand the sin you have committed, let's atone for it with death."


Accompanied by his order, the bayonet was stabbed, and these traitors who helped the foreign race to do evil were all killed.

The Hongshan Pass defenders who were still alive were all in fear, not knowing what fate awaited them.

Zuo Menggeng looked around and found that none of these people was an official.

In this bastard world, these poor soldiers can't even get something like surrendering to the enemy for glory.

While ordering people to drag out the executed traitors and bury them, Zuo Menggeng asked people to get food for the hungry defenders.

The fragrant potato powder was delivered to the eyes, making these hungry ghosts go crazy.Ignoring the threat of death, let's fill my stomach first.

While they were eating, Zuo Menggeng asked: "You are not guilty of death, of course it is with me. I don't know how the court will judge you. Do you have a place to go?"

The delicacy of potato flour is something these people have never tried in their entire lives, and they are reluctant to part when they see that the soup in the bowl has been drained.

The fragrance remaining between the lips and teeth made these defenders courageous.

"General, take us away. If we stay here, we will only die."

Crashing, dozens of soldiers all knelt in front of Zuo Menggeng, their wishes were very unified.

 "Northern Strategy of the Ming Dynasty: Shang Jingshi is good at archery": Daqing Pi will lead [-] riders to Yushan, and when he reaches the west of Hexi, suddenly [-] riders will suddenly arrive. He wants to capture him. The [-] riders are good at archery. die.All the armies were aware of the front, and fell in response to the strings, and there were many people who died.The soldiers took out their knives and arrows, and all twelve of them received them with their hands, and no one was injured.The soldiers retreated, twelve men chased and shot, and more than three hundred people died, all of them stopped.Gai Twelve are thieves, led by Shang Jingshi.Hearing that the soldiers had entered, he asked his party to make meritorious deeds, but he suddenly met him at this point, so he went to Tongzhou to guard.The battalion reported meritorious service, and the guard applied to the Ministry of War, which was under his command.At that time, the large army was about to go to Hexi, Tianjin and other places. It was heard that the twelve horsemen in Tongzhou had killed four hundred soldiers and would not go there.

(End of this chapter)

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