Ming Zuo

Chapter 232 Fumbling

Chapter 232 Fumbling
The concepts of Huang Zongxi and Liu Yiyuan were different from the beginning.

Huang Zongxi advocated the complete overthrow of the monarchy, and he believed that the feudal emperor was the root of all evil.Only by overthrowing the imperial system can the people be completely liberated and the country returned to the people.

However, Liu Yiyuan's idea is that before the people's wisdom is fully developed, the pace of progress might as well be smaller, so as to avoid chaos or even division in the country.

The current goal should be to liberate the labor force.

If we want to make an accurate positioning of their ideas, then it is a radical and a conservative.

Radical is not necessarily a good thing, and conservative is not necessarily a bad thing.

At least from Zuo Menggeng's point of view, he still can't judge which of these two concepts is better.

In politics, he is just a novice in his studies.

Although there is some relevant knowledge in the inherited memory, it is not enough to support him to make a promise in the relevant field and convince everyone.

Therefore, such a debate is very necessary. It can clarify the thinking within the camp, and finally reach a compromise and unity, and it can become the most in line with the current political philosophy.

At the same time, he also noticed that the reason why there is such a huge ideological gap between Huang Zongxi and Liu Yiyuan may not be just a question of ideology, but related to their own interests.

Those who stand on Huang Zongxi's side support the complete abolition of the imperial system. Huang Zongxi and Zhou You are victims of the old feudal dynasty, and they are naturally hostile to the feudal imperial system.

Wang Xiuqin is an oppressed woman and common people. After fully enjoying enough respect and rights here, what she fears most is losing these.

Although Chen Zhi, Jiang Wei, Wang Yun and others were scholars, they were devastated under the old system.Not only failed to enjoy the benefits, but narrowly escaped death.

After full reflection, they also did not have any good impressions of the feudal monarchy.

They not only opposed the feudal monarchy, but even had some reflections on Confucianism.

Zuo Rong, Zuo Yong and others were born as domestic slaves. They have a complete personality here, and they cherish this achievement very much, so they have become strong supporters of overthrowing the feudal monarchy.

On Liu Yiyuan's side, there are the big families in Linqing, Li Banghua, Huang Daozhou, Dang Huanchun and other wealthy and noble classes.

They don't have urgent pressure to survive, and naturally they don't have that much hatred for the feudal monarchy.

What they value more is to transform the labor force obtained by liberating the people into a tool for them to grab wealth.

Under such circumstances, they will instead support the monarchy to a certain extent.

Because under the imperial system, they will become a new elite class, and they will control more means of production under the new regime.

If Zuo Menggeng was deeply affected by memory, he would definitely stand by Huang Zongxi's side unconditionally and smash everything in the old society to pieces.

But he has a whole soul of his own.

Under this soul, he is still the son of that general, born rich and noble, and does not possess a thorough revolutionary spirit.

From many perspectives, Zuo Menggeng is closer to Liu Yiyuan's side in terms of interests.

Moreover, since the development of the camp, it can be clearly seen that the help provided by these big clans and bureaucrats is huge and plays a pivotal role.

This is only in Linqing, and there will definitely be more conflicts like this when it marches across the country in the future.

If these people are pushed to the opposite side, then it will definitely be difficult, everyone will be enemies, and the possibility of failure will increase greatly.

This is a realistic consideration, so Zuo Menggeng had to weigh it.

And there is one thing Liu Yiyuan said is right. Today's people's wisdom is indeed insufficient, making it impossible for the political system to make too much progress at once.

"Guys, I have a question I want to ask everyone? Is it really a good choice to involve all the people in politics?"

Zuo Menggeng's question sparked heated discussions.

"Since the country belongs to the people, the people should have the right to participate in state affairs. Only in this way can we ensure that our rights will not be arbitrarily robbed."

Tu Yixian is also a supporter of Huang Zongxi. He is a representative of craftsmen and one of the most diligent learners. He can already sit here and discuss political issues with everyone.

On the contrary, Yang Gui and others really have no possibility of progress, and in the end they can only end their lives as craftsmen.

Liu Zongzhou was terrified and spoke for the first time.

"It's absolutely impossible. If everyone can interfere in the state affairs, then there are so many people with mixed opinions, and whose opinions should prevail?"

What Liu Zongzhou thought of was the struggle between Donglin and the Eunuch party not long ago, and the entanglement between reformers and conservatives during the Northern Song Dynasty.

Only among the literati and bureaucrats, it is already so difficult to adjust.If it is true that all the people can intervene in politics, wouldn't it be a mess?

Zuo Menggeng also thought of the situation of those western countries in later generations, and couldn't help but sweat.

"Nian Taigong is right. Everyone can only discuss politics, but not everyone interferes in politics."

Huang Zongxi was quite displeased.

"Isn't it an empty talk that everyone is equal?"

Zuo Menggeng had some ideas.

"Everyone is equal, which means that in a country, all citizens can enjoy the same political rights, survival rights, welfare rights, etc., and they can also put forward their own opinions on the state policy for the ruler's reference. After all, the people's will I believe everyone knows the importance of it. However, as Nian Taigong said, once everyone can participate in politics, the country will not be able to function. Because many people have different demands, the country cannot satisfy all of them. "

The venue fell into silence, and everyone was thinking about his words.

Zuo Xianmei hesitated for a long time before speaking bravely.

"So how does the state decide whose interests are to be harmed when the state cannot serve the interests of all?"

Zuo Menggeng used his brains to search for memories.

"This is determined by the class of the ruler. For example, the current emperor of Ming Dynasty, his approach is to satisfy the fundamental interests of the landlord class, thus abandoning the ordinary people. If we govern, we will also learn from the interests of our class. Set off."

Jiang Cai asked: "Then can we represent the interests of ordinary people?"

Zuo Menggeng said earnestly and solemnly: "Then the next step is to look at the direction of our political ideas. At least we can still represent the interests of ordinary people at this stage. I am afraid that after the new class we cultivated takes power in the future, They will become new exploiters like the landlord class.”

He looked at Liu Yiyuan and the others.

These words made everyone terrified, and they couldn't help feeling vigilant in their hearts.

Thousands of years of history have told everyone that the fact that the dragon slayer eventually becomes a dragon is not one of the reasons for the rise and fall of dynasties.

Zhang Zonghuan said with a wry smile: "It seems that we must not forget our original aspirations, otherwise, sooner or later in the future, we will become villains who will be overthrown."

Lu Hao also said: "My Lu family is based on business, and now I am often bullied by the rich and powerful, and I almost want to destroy the family. In the future, when we break through the barriers, we should also pay attention to this, so as not to repeat the same mistakes."

Zuo Menggeng didn't feel much about the words of these big families.

Now what they say sounds good, and they can do it, but it doesn't mean that their descendants can also do it.

After all, in the face of interests, etiquette, integrity, and human nature are not important at all.

This kind of thing can be done in his heart, but he can't say it.Otherwise, the faction might split immediately.

Secretly, he had to think of a way how to restrict these young dragons in the future.

The first general meeting was not considered a success, because the differences were not resolved.

That night, Huang Zongxi, Zhou You and others found Zuo Menggeng directly.

"Zhongheng, do you disagree with us because you plan to be emperor?"

When he asked this sentence, Huang Zongxi was very nervous.

Here he saw the hope of creating a new world.But if Zuo Menggeng, as the leader, chooses the Ninth Five-Year Lord, he really doesn't know what will happen to him after his ideals are shattered.

Zuo Menggeng also knew that this was the knot of life and death for a close friend.

He did not dare to neglect.

He thought about it seriously, and then gave his thoughts.

"If we succeed in the future, I'm still not sure whether we need an emperor or not. Taichong and Sigui, you have to admit that politics often requires compromise with reality."

This statement made Huang Zongxi, Zhou You and others look gloomy, feeling disappointed and powerless.

In fact, they have been spreading the idea of ​​abolishing the imperial system in the ordinary grassroots.Huang Zongxi himself is the person in charge of the Political Department, which is exactly his scope of functions.

But to be honest, it didn't work out very well.

Even those who believed in them the most couldn't figure out what the world would do without an emperor.

However, Zuo Menggeng used a different idea to rekindle hope for Huang Zongxi and others.

"In my opinion, the people need an emperor, or more precisely, the country needs a leader and a symbol. Then, under this premise, can the future new emperor be separated from the feudal emperor? Why did the Ming emperor endanger so much? Big? Just because they enjoy supreme power and status, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are as high as gods. Can we let the emperor return to the mortal world? Since everyone is equal, the emperor can also Isn't it superior?"

Zhou You was dumbfounded.

"Then is such an emperor still an emperor?"

Zuo Menggeng laughed.

"How many people can figure out what belongs to the emperor? What they need is a title that gathers people's hearts."

Seeing that Zuo Menggeng really didn't mean to be greedy for power, Huang Zongxi smiled again.

"This is not bad, it is the best choice."

Zuo Menggeng said to them: "The next thing you have to do is to consider the position of the emperor under the new regime. For example, the military, administrative, judicial and other powers are separated. As a symbol of the country, the emperor can control Military power is used to maintain the overall situation, and at the same time, it has a certain influence on the state affairs. But the real administrative power can be returned to the hands of the administrative agencies. Avoid problems such as national turmoil and decline caused by the emperor's fatuousness."

Zhou You thought for a while and asked a very sharp question.

"Then how do you ensure that you or your descendants can grab more power without relying on strong force?"

Zuo Menggeng said sincerely: "I haven't thought of this yet, so give me some time and I'll think about it. Or, you should all think about it too. Only by brainstorming can we come up with the best solution, right?"

His words touched everyone's heart.

As a freshman camp, everything is blank.In the process of creation, it is necessary to constantly explore and try.

Although this aspect is seriously unable to keep up with the speed of military expansion, there is no way, there is no rush.

(End of this chapter)

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