Ming Zuo

Chapter 339 New Tactics

Chapter 339 New Tactics

In summer, Mount Tai is lush and green, and from a distance, it looks like an emerald inlaid on the ground.Both majestic and magnificent, it seems to absorb the essence of the entire Qilu land.

The mountains are not like flat land. In the hot summer, the breeze is gentle and the temperature is pleasant.

However, Hui Shanhui, head of the first regiment of the first brigade of the second division, did not have the slightest mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

At this time, he was quite annoyed.

"Trash, it's all trash. Ah... so many people, so many pairs of eyes, can't even find a few ground mice, are you all rice buckets?"

The officers and soldiers of the first regiment were so scolded that they couldn't lift their heads.

Hui Shanhui did not give up.

"I can tell you that if we lose this time, we will lose all of our faces. When we go out in the future, we don't have to look up. We have no face. How can we meet people?"

If there are white faces, there must be red faces.

For this responsibility, political commissar Zhang Zhong is the most suitable.

"Okay, enough scolding, I also know that everyone is holding back their anger. Since they don't admit defeat, then think about it, why can't they find someone? Who can tell?"

With the political commissar to ease the atmosphere, the people below finally dared to speak.

"If you want me to say it, it's just the eccentricity of the seat. Why don't you teach us such a good hiding technique, only teach that guy Zhao Sanyang?"

As soon as the company commander opened his mouth, someone immediately agreed.

"That's right. When he was in the military academy, Zhao Sanyang didn't train well, fiddling with his...what gun? Later, he disappeared. Even if his brother was a fighting hero, he played well at Qingshuiguan. , but you can't be so eccentric?"

Hye Sunhui became more and more irritable the more she listened.

"Are you long-tongued women? What are you complaining about? Don't you say it all? Zhao Sanyang's team is different from our regular army. They are called special forces. If you don't have the ability to look after your family, can you call them special forces? But... I don't care who he is. What troop, today's competition is absolutely not allowed to lose. Do you understand?"

Don't talk about him, the people below are also very angry, and no one is willing to accept the result of losing.

Zhang Zhong is also full of question marks.

"Zhao Sanyang and the others have been in this mountainous area for a month, right? You said they didn't eat? Why can't they even see the fireworks?"

Another company commander said: "Political commissar, you don't know, the stoves that Zhao Sanyang and the others dug are different from ours, and they can keep the smoke going."

This time Hui Shanhui and Zhang Zhong were both shocked.

"Is this true?"

The company commander led them to an abandoned camp, pointed to the ravines on the ground and said: "Look, this is the stove left by Zhao Sanyang and the others. These three vertical tunnels are covered with branches when they are used. , leaves and soil. In this way, when the fire is burning over there, the smoke will be dispersed in various passages, and then drift little by little along the gaps in the leaves. It is far away and cannot be seen at all.”

The more Zhang Zhong looked at it, the more strange it became. He jumped into the pit to check it out, and immediately understood the principle.

"The fire pit is lower than the smoke exhaust pit, so that when the smoke goes up, it will all enter the exhaust flue. After the exhaust flue is divided, there will be less smoke in each flue. After being filtered by leaves and soil, it is very sparse when it is discharged into the air. No wonder we can't find it, there is something in Zhao Sanyang."

Hui Shanhui looked at the traces of the stove pit, pantothenic acid in his heart.

"It must have been taught to him by the sergeant. Otherwise, with the vinegar in Zhao Sanyang's stomach, he can still make such a good thing?"

After the acid was over, he hurriedly said to the officers: "What are you still doing? Come over and study hard. This thing will be of great use in the future."

The officers of the regiment didn't look at the uselessness of belittling Zhao Sanyang on the surface, but they were not stupid in fact. They all knew how important this stove was to hide traces, and they rushed forward immediately, paying attention to every detail.

There is a lively study here, and a voice suddenly came from above.

"Do you want to learn? Say it earlier, I'll teach you."

Everyone was shocked and looked up one after another, only to see a bells and whistles emerge from among the leaves on their heads.

Not to mention that this man was dressed in green all over his body, and there were a lot of leaves sticking to his body, even his face was painted like a ghost.

Hui Shanhui took a long time to identify it, only to find out that it was Zhao Sanyang.

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhao, what's the matter, I can't hide it, come out and admit defeat?"

Zhao Sanyang jumped down from the tree, spat out the wooden stick in his mouth, and scolded with a smile: "Fuck you, you lost."

He pointed his hand to the distance, and saw more than a dozen people dressed in similar clothes as him approaching.One of them was holding a group of flags.

Hui Shanhui exploded instantly, jumping and cursing.

"Bastard, are you doing sneak attacks?"

Zhao Sanyang didn't care, and said lazily, "We originally did sneak attacks."

Hui Shanhui couldn't accept it at all.

"No, this doesn't count, let's compare it again."

A majestic voice came.

"Why not? If you lose, you lose. A five-foot-tall man has no responsibility at all."

Seeing the person coming over, Hye Sunhui fainted.


The person who came was Ning Weiping, the brigade commander of the Second Division and the First Brigade.

He walked in front of Hui Shanhui with a very stern tone.

"As a soldier, you have to be able to afford to lose. You have to understand why you lost, and then you can make progress if you know how to be ashamed. What's the use of acting like a rogue?"

Hui Shanhui was scolded with tears in his eyes, and he looked aggrieved and looked like a little daughter-in-law.

"No, brigade commander. I just feel that Zhao Sanyang and the others are not the actions of gentlemen. When fighting a war, you should put on a stance and fight with real swords and guns. It's like a ground mouse, hiding in the east and hiding, shooting cold people and shooting arrows... not heroes. hero."

Ning Weiping's tone was more severe.

"This is a battlefield. The victors live, the losers die. You have lost your life, what kind of heroes are you? The purpose of fighting is to win. Everything else is just a means. If you still don't recognize it. For this, just go back to the military academy and study again?"

Hui Shanhui, who was scolded, shrank his neck, and finally became quiet.

Ning Weiping turned to Zhao Sanyang with a rather complicated expression.

"Lieutenant Colonel Zhao, your special forces really opened my eyes. We really learned a lot from this competition."

Zhao Sanyang didn't know if he was sincere or fake, so he could only say: "Haha, let's learn together and make progress together."

Ning Weiping had a straight face and said, "I just received an order from the sergeant, ordering your department to rush to Mengyin County to help in the battle. Start immediately after receiving the order, without delay."

While speaking, Ning Weiping handed the order to Zhao Sanyang.

After Zhao Sanyang took it, the two corners of the general's order were folded in half, and an irregular gap appeared in the places where the two sides approached.

He took out a coin-like thing from his pocket, but with the same irregularities around it, and put it on it, which just happened to fit exactly with the gap.

This can prove that this military order is true.

Are you finally going to battle?

Zhao Sanyang paid a military salute to Ning Weiping and said, "In this case, my department will set off today. Brigade Commander Ning, there will be a period later."

Ning Weiping was very thoughtful, and immediately said: "I will send you off."

Zhao Sanyang was like a mirror in his heart, this guy was giving each other a gift on the surface, and it was estimated that he wanted to learn something secretly.

But he didn't care.

Everything in the special forces is a start-up, and many tactics and ideas are also being explored.What Ning Weiping has learned now may be abandoned by the special forces soon.

Seeing that Ning Weiping followed Zhao Sanyang away, Hui Shanhui raised his chest again.

But this time, the grievance was spread to his partner Zhang Zhong.

"I said Lao Zhang, what's the matter with you? Just watch me and let the brigade commander scold you? Why don't you dare to fight with the brigade commander?"

Zhang Zhong rolled his eyes wildly and was too lazy to pay attention to him.


Zhao Sanyang led the troops in a hurry, and appeared in front of Zuo Menggeng three days later.

At this time, Zuo Menggeng was checking the information of Bai Dasheng.

"No wonder the battle is so well-organized, it turned out to be a hundred households."

Bai Dasheng, who was trapped in Meng Lianggu, was not a Bailian believer from the beginning, but a hundred households of An Dongwei.

Later, because his boss peeped at his wife's beauty and framed him, this fellow escaped and joined the White Lotus Sect.

When Murong Cai ravaged Qingzhou and Jinan, basically all the battle plans were made by him.Including the battle of ambush Song Wei and Liu Zeqing, it established his reputation.

It was also from that time that Murong Cai realized that Bai Dasheng was threatening his position, and the two began to have a rift with each other, and now parted ways.

In the past three days, Sui Zhizhong and Huang Sanhu attacked in two directions, but the fight was not smooth.

Bai Dasheng made full use of Meng Lianggu's rugged terrain and was very tenacious in defense.And it's not just blindly defending, and will launch assaults from time to time.

There was even one time when this guy actually organized a night attack.

That is to say, the new army has a strict system, so he did not succeed.Not only that, but that field battle was also the one with the biggest loss in a hundred great victories.

Since then, Bai Dasheng has finally understood the strength of the new army, and he will not dare to mess around, and will honestly defend the key points everywhere.

The new army has been attacking for three days, and now the western front has reached Toudao Mountain, but Erdao Mountain cannot go up no matter what.

Although the Eastern Front had captured the Eagle Nest, they could only see the top of the Da'an, but they couldn't get up.This section of the road is extremely narrow and full of stones, and artillery positions cannot be erected.

Seeing the difficulty of traditional combat methods, Zuo Menggeng ordered the special forces to be transferred to try new combat methods.

"Participate, give us two days, let's feel the terrain."

(End of this chapter)

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