Ming Zuo

Chapter 430 Cases

Chapter 430 Cases
Shatter an old world and create a new one.

With the principle of filial piety, Zuo Menggeng issued the strongest appeal to like-minded people.

"Actually, what I'm most worried about is Duke Nian Tai, Duke Ruogu, Duke Meng An, Duke Kang Yu, Duke Dongjiao, as well as the Zhang family, Liu family, and the various families in Dongchang Mansion..."

Zuo Menggeng's roll call confused many people.

Obviously everything is fine, why is he worried?

"Everyone, how is your house? Are you living comfortably? Someone is waiting for you, so you won't even give it to a god?"

The scene was solemn, and the big guy finally understood.

Zuo Menggeng was not joking, but drawing his sword.

"You people are actually different from most of the others. Even if you don't come here to rebel, you can still live a good life, and your family can still be well-clothed and prestigious. You came here to participate in the rebellion, I I understand, in fact, you are just unwilling to lose power under the old order."

These words were very sharp, and everyone who was named by him couldn't help being stunned.

But after thinking about it carefully, I have to admit that he was right.

These people are not displaced people, nor are they refugees who sell their sons and daughters, nor are they slaughtered and tortured fish.

They were originally scholar-bureaucrats and real landlords.

There are no poor among them, and they have made good money in the old way.

The reason why they reunited with Zuo Menggeng and embarked on the path of rebellion was simply because...

Under the framework of the old order, they are all frustrated.

Note that they are only frustrated, not losers, let alone the prey of the winners.

Therefore, Zuo Menggeng was always worried. Until today, he felt that the time was ripe, so he put all this on the table.

"Man is a creature that is difficult to get rid of old habits. It is even more difficult for old people in the old era to get rid of the familiar environment. But the big ship of the new era has set sail. I wonder if you can follow up? "

No one can answer, and it's not an immediate question.

Zuo Menggeng might as well speak more clearly.

"A simple way of filial piety has become an obstacle to our progress. But in front of us, is this the only obstacle? When we need more and more people to become free laborers and become our help to create wealth and complete our careers At that time, the status quo of your families will inevitably be impacted. When you need to liberate the servants in your family to enrich the labor force, can you bear the life of no one to serve you? At the time of life and death, can you accept that sense of loss?"

Repeated questioning, like sharp blades, pierced deep into the hearts of these people.

Many people fell into contemplation and imagination, and for a while, many people couldn't help but feel frightened.

Of these people, which one is not the heyday of the family?
And which one is not a servant like a cloud?
That is their property, their private property that can decide life and death.

It was enjoying that kind of offering and that kind of service that allowed them to live a decent and noble life.

As long as they think of the huge gap when those servants who have bowed to them can face them with their heads held high, many people will accept incompetence.


"Everyone's family has made a lot of money through various businesses now, right?"

When Zuo Menggeng mentioned this, everyone smiled.

The core purpose of the new forces to replace the old forces is to seize and redistribute benefits.

And these people will naturally be the biggest beneficiaries.

As participants in the various industries and businesses that are currently developed and developed here, they naturally earn a lot of money.

Zuo Menggeng asked suddenly: "If you are asked to give up your business and return to the life of the scholar-officials in the past, would you be willing?"

Well, everyone is confused, even the wisest people don't know how to make a choice.

Zuo Menggeng smiled and said: "Perhaps someone will say, why can't we enjoy the life of a master now and earn a lot of wealth at the same time?"

There are really many people who are embarrassed by his words.

It seems that someone really thought so.

"The new productivity must be matched with the new system in order to be able to radiate full energy. So everyone, I hope you can deeply analyze your heart, are you ready...to welcome the arrival of the new world?"

Zuo Menggeng finally lifted all the cover-ups and nakedly expressed the trend that capitalism will replace feudalism.

At the same time, this is also a precaution within the camp.

Liu Zongzhou, Hou Xun and others will inevitably struggle with the choice and adaptation of the new and the old for a long period of time in the future.

He also wasn't sure how many people could stay after the big waves wash away the sand.

But the pure team is obviously more necessary.

Only a firm and united collective can exert its greatest energy and influence the future of the Chinese nation at this critical moment when the wheel of history turns.

Huang Zongxi was much more determined, and just asked: "Then where should we start?"

It is not an easy task to overthrow the moral and ethical system that has lasted for more than two thousand years.

Especially the Chinese nation today, although it is experiencing unspeakable pain, lacks the impact and destruction of advanced foreign cultures, so that people in this era will not feel that kind of tingling.

People in this era are unable to break all the old cages and reshape the spirit of China like the New Culture Movement did.

This cannot be changed by Zuo Menggeng alone.

However, the urgent need for the development of real productive forces has made everyone realize that the old order must be reformed.

Before Zuo Menggeng could speak, Qu Shixu said, "Speaking of which, a case recently happened in Linqing, which had a great impact, and now there are a lot of discussions outside. The root cause of it happens to be related to family ethics."

After everyone questioned, they learned that the case was so sad and indignant.

There was a village woman named Tian Xiao'e, who was sold by her greedy father for ten taels of silver two years ago to Zhang Dacai, a Lai Han in a neighboring village, as his wife.

Tian Xiao'e has a childhood sweetheart in the same village named Ma Tianjiu. The two have already hit it off and want to stay together for life.

But Ma Tianjiu was poor and penniless, and couldn't afford the gift money. Tian Xiao'e was about to be married to Zhang Dacai.

The two fateful mandarin ducks got together, discussed, and prepared to escape secretly.

Unexpectedly, Tian Xiao'e's father, Tian Gouzi, was prepared, and the two were arrested before they left the village.

Because the two of them decided to live their lives privately and were immoral, Ma Tianjiu was severely beaten under the auspices of the old man in the village, and he couldn't get off the kang in March.

Tian Xiao'e was tied up tightly, almost into Zhang Dacai's house.

After a lot of trouble, Zhang Dacai and Tian Xiaoe's marriage was completed, and the raw rice was cooked, and Tian Xiaoe finally gave up.

But what she never expected was that this was the beginning of her misfortune.

"That big fortune is lazy. He is a well-known young gangster from all over the world. He hangs out in restaurants and gambling shops all day long. He is addicted to gambling. He owed a lot of debts in the gambling shop, and was chased by the gambling shop. He beat him up." Half dead. The gambling shop threatened him to beat him to death if he didn’t pay the money. This bastard Zhang Dacai..."

Qu Shixu was clearly just introducing the case, but he was still half-dead from anger.

"That bastard forced Tian Xiao'e to be a half-closed door for money. Tian Xiao'e refused, so Zhang Dacai and his parents tied up Tian Xiao'e and sold himself."


Huang Zongxi slapped the table with his palm, his face was livid, and he only said two words.

"It should be killed."

Seeing that everyone's faces were ashen and burning with anger, Qu Shixu sneered.

"Do you think this is the end of the matter? Tian Xiao'e was forced to sell herself to Zhang Dacai to pay off her debts, and later became pregnant, but Zhang Dacai's family said that they didn't know where the evil seed was in her stomach, and they asked a witch to beat her up." Lose."

It is obvious that the atmosphere in the room has become [-]% colder, and it can be seen that everyone is extremely angry.

"Ma Tianjiu found out about this matter. In order to save the life of his sweetheart, he begged bitterly and gave Zhang Dacai five taels of silver, saying that he would take care of the child born. Seeing that he cared so much about Tian Xiaoe, Zhang Dacai planned to In his heart, he coaxed Ma Tianjiu to say that as long as he was given twenty taels of silver, he would reconcile with Tian Xiaoe and make the two of them happy. Ma Tianjiu believed it was true, so he ran to borrow interest, thinking that he could save Tian Xiaoe from the fire pit. Who would have thought that Zhang Dacai took the money but reported to the village elders, saying that Ma Tianjiu and Tian Xiaoe had committed adultery. Not to mention that Ma Tianjiu had no wealth, he was beaten severely and his legs were broken. Tian Xiaoe's child was not kept either, so Zhang Dacai The house was destroyed."

Speaking of this, a strong man like Qu Shixu was full of tears.

"Tian Xiao'e became disheartened and became murderous. In a few nights, while the whole family was asleep, she lit a fire and burned Zhang Dacai and his evil parents to death at home. The matter was very troublesome in the countryside, and the village unanimously decided that Tian Xiaoe was a slut and wicked woman, and she was imprisoned in a cage to be soaked to death. Fortunately, the passing soldiers snatched her from the hands of the villagers forcibly, and the case was closed. Stabbed me here."

Everyone heard the case.

Everyone's heart is heavy.

Because based on their knowledge and experience, they know that what happened to Tian Xiaoe is not an exception in this era.

A weak woman cannot control her own destiny at all.

Although many of them believe that the orders of their parents and the words of matchmakers are justified, but compared with the miserable life of a woman, even the most stubborn people can't say the words of persistence.

Zuo Menggeng's thoughts changed, and he immediately realized that this case was a good opportunity.

It is entirely possible to set up this case as a model, thereby propagating new ideas to the general public.

"Since this case is attracting the attention of the world, it should not be hasty. It must be handled in a special and careful way. Not only is it a solid case, but it also serves as a wake-up call to the world."

Turning his head around, he told Fu Yijian: "Give me an order to make Huang Zonghui come back."

(End of this chapter)

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