Ming Zuo

Chapter 456

Chapter 456
"With these things, I can sweep away those savages."

Mangurtai felt that he could do it again.

It is really that the weapons provided by General Wu and Liang Fa are too extravagant.

Five hundred flintlock guns, not to mention enough gunpowder and projectiles, there are also three hundred sets of chain mail and thousands of precision forged cold weapons of all kinds.

These things, if taken to Liaodong and the Central Plains, may not be considered a big deal.It can be used to deal with the small tribe of savage Jurchens in the north. It is really devastating and unmatched.

"Who the hell are you guys? Southerners don't have this kind of firecrackers."

After the excitement, Mang Gurtai couldn't bear it anymore.

It's not that he has never fought against the Ming army. The firearms used by the Ming army are no better than those of Hou Jin.

He was [-]% sure that the Ming army definitely did not have such a good gun.

Up to now, General Wu will not hide anything from him.

"Do you know how Amin died?"

Hearing him mention Amin, Mangurtai's expression changed.

"Are you from Shandong Zuo Menggeng?"

General Wu pursed his lips and smiled.

"I didn't expect your Jurchen intelligence to be quite powerful."

Mangurtai looked very bad.

Because among all the brothers, he has the best relationship with Amin.

When Amin died in Qingshuiguan, he was the most angry one, and he wanted to raise troops to avenge Amin at that time.

It's a pity that time has passed, and he can't protect himself now, and he even has to rely on the help of the enemy who killed Amin.

"Hmph, Huang Taiji has been plotting against you all the time, be careful."

Liang Fa is full of confidence.

"It's a pity we moved faster."

Mang Gurtai had nothing to say, and finally paid attention to this group of people.

"You guys are quite magical, you can actually transport so many things here."

Since Mongolia took refuge in Houjin, everything outside the Great Wall was under the control of Houjin.But General Wu and the others were able to transport so many things in, and they didn't know what method they used.

General Wu snorted and said, "You know, four years ago, you and Huang Taiji had a dispute in Daling River, and we started planning this matter."

As soon as these words came out, the three of Mang Gurtai felt cold all over their bodies, and the last trace of malice towards Wu Jiang and others disappeared.

Mang Gurtai originally thought in his heart that when he got to the extreme north, he would find a chance to kill these southern barbarians who didn't take him seriously, so that he could be the only one.

Waiting to hear that for today's event, these southern barbarians have been planning for more than a year and a half, and the whole process was calm and no one noticed.

These methods are like gods.

General Wu revealed this in order to dispel the unrealistic illusions of Mangurtai and others.

Returning to the map again, General Wu said: "Zhang Chun, Hei Yunlong and Gong A will come over tomorrow, let's set off immediately. As long as we pass Zhenbei Fort, the sky is high and the sea is wide, at least this winter, Huang Taiji won't be able to catch up with us."

Mang Gurtai was taken aback.

"Zhang Chun was also robbed? Didn't Hei Yunlong run away?"

Liang Fa laughed and said, "When we go to the north, we are not in exile. You have to build up territory and power to fight against Huang Taiji. We don't understand Jianyuan administration. With Zhang Chun and Hei Yunlong here, whether it is Jian Yamen or Huang Taiji Building an army is not a problem."

Mangurtai was silent again.

Let him fight, he has no fear, and he doesn't think he will lose to anyone.

But if he broke away from the current political system of Hou Jin, he wanted to stand on his own, and his simple mind would definitely not be able to work on the complicated things.

This is also the reason why the Ministry of Intelligence wanted to get Zhang Chun out.

Since Zhang Chun was captured, he would rather die than surrender, which shows that his loyalty to the Ming Dynasty and Chongzhen was very stubborn.

The Ministry of Intelligence did not think it would be able to induce him to join him.

That being the case, let Zhang Chun assist Mang Gurtai.

I believe that Zhang Chun will be willing to do anything that can cause trouble for Hou Jin.

At dawn the next day, Zhang Chun, Hei Yunlong, and Gong Ah arrived hand in hand.

Like Mang Gurtai, they were also ignorant along the way.

When did Houjin's base camp become so guarded?
In fact, it's not that the current Houjin is not as good as before. The main reason is that the mountains are blocked by heavy snow and it is inconvenient to move in the field;

Among other things, the supply of materials along the way cannot be done in a hurry.

Zhang Chun sat across from Mang Gurtai, feeling very complicated.

He never thought that one day, he would fight side by side with Jurchen's Big Baylor.

But General Wu made it very clear that Mang Gurtai had defected now.

Since he is Huang Taiji's enemy, he can become Daming's friend.

"If you want to leave, don't delay. You have to set off immediately. Otherwise, if Huang Taiji bites you, no matter how difficult your future is, the whole army may be wiped out."

With unanimity, the camp was destroyed that day and the movement began to move north.

The group of people did not disturb Liaohaiwei, who was close at hand, crossed the Xiaoqing River between Liaohaiwei and Jing'an Fort, and went straight to Zhenbei Fort.

That night, he walked outside Weiyuan Fort.

Leng Sengji led people pretending to be from Liaohaiwei, entered the city smoothly, joined hands with Mang Gurtai, Zhang Chun, Wu Jiang and others, and broke through Weiyuan Fort.

After killing all the people in the fort and loading the looted supplies into the truck, General Wu gave the order.

"set fire."

Mang Gurtai hurriedly stopped and said: "No. Zhenbei Fort is not far away, setting fire at this time is a reminder to the other side."

Wu Jiang smiled mysteriously.

"Baylor, don't be impatient, just wait."

While speaking, flames sprang up everywhere in Weiyuan Fort, and soon, the raging fire reflected half of the sky.

A group of people rushed to Zhenbei Fort with the fire on their backs.

Sure enough, Zhenbei Fort was alarmed by the fire in Weiyuan Fort.

"Eh, something happened to Weiyuan Fort. It is estimated that the savages from the north came to attack again. We should quickly reinforce it."

The people below actively challenged the battle, but Niu Luerzhen of Zhenbei Fort gave an inexplicable "hmm" and didn't move.

The people below were stunned.

"Er really?"

The knife flashed, and the man's neck was cut open.The people nearby were shocked, and when they were about to move, they were all hacked to death by Ezhen's cronies.

Niu Luerzhen looked at the people approaching from afar and muttered to himself.

"I've been waiting for this fire for a long time."

"You...you are Hunta?"

Mang Gurtai actually knew Niu Lu Ezhen of Zhenbei Fort.

Hunta sneered.

"Master Baylor, didn't you expect that Hu Erhan's descendants would be sent here?"

Mang Gurtai looked at General Wu with a strange expression, and finally understood why General Wu was so confident when Weiyuan Fort was set on fire.

It turned out that these southern barbarians had already bought the guard Hunta of Zhenbei Fort.

Mang Gurtai was not surprised that Hunta would rebel.

Because Hunta is the eldest son of Hu Erhan, the five founding ministers of the Later Jin Dynasty.

The five ministers are loyal and close friends of Nurhachi, and each of them has made great achievements.Not only them, but their descendants are all over the high-ranking dignitaries of the Houjin Dynasty, controlling the government and controlling the situation.

Only Hu Erhan.

Because of the dispute over Khan's succession, Hu Erhan was demoted and expelled from the sequence of the five ministers.

Arden was also killed at this time.

Hunta was originally a third-class general soldier, so he was implicated, and was eventually expelled to the remote and remote Zhenbei Fort, where he came to guard the border.

Once full of glory, now that the tiger has fallen to Pingyang, how can Hunta not hold a grudge.

When the Ministry of Intelligence began to operate Liaodong, it conducted a very detailed study and sorting out of the high-level figures of the Houjin Dynasty, and finally found Hunta.

Hunta had long been unwilling to be reconciled to the current situation, and immediately agreed.

With him as an internal response, Zhenbei Fort, which was regarded as a natural danger by Mang Gurtai, suddenly became a smooth road.

"Burn down Zhenbei Fort and move on."

General Wu and Liang Fa distributed the flintlocks they had brought in.

From here to the north, there are no more Eight Banners, and the scattered tribes along the way are all their supplies.

The sky in the northwest is getting more and more gloomy, and the goose feather snowflakes are gradually thickening.The traces of the large group of people passing by were quickly buried.

It was as if no one had ever been here under this sky.

(End of this chapter)

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