Ming Zuo

Chapter 466

Chapter 466
When he was about to leave the Political Department, Zuo Menggeng was stopped by Huang Zongxi.

"I heard that you're here. I just have something to talk about."

Zuo Menggeng stood still, waiting for Huang Zongxi to speak.

"At present, our army has four divisions. Many people have reported that it is difficult to command the army. And according to our plan, after Dongjiang Town is pacified, it should be expanded to about eight divisions. Plus For other troops, there are more than [-] troops. And you have a navy, how should you calculate the establishment? I think our military system needs to be adjusted."

This is a big deal, Zuo Menggeng also got serious.

"Then call all the big guys over and let's discuss it."

Except for Bai Xiaoqi, Mao Yuanyi, Zuo Rong, and Zuo Yong who were on the front line, the senior officers of the new army rushed over after hearing the news.

In addition, there are senior executives such as Hou Xun and Li Banghua.

The restructuring of the military has never been a matter of the military itself. After all, it also involves financial issues, and it is impossible for the administrative department to ignore it.

"Zhongheng changed the naval division into a navy. It seems to have the intention of becoming an independent army. Is it necessary?"

As soon as he came up, Li Banghua asked the most critical question.

In this era, in many people's minds, navy divisions are all thugs, and their status is not high.

But Zuo Menggeng solemnly changed its name to the navy, and it was still building in Jiaozhou Bay.Among other things, the money spent alone made the entire camp tremble with fear.

If you don't understand the purpose of the navy, I'm afraid the big guy can't feel at ease.

This thing is also easy to explain.

Zuo Menggeng asked people to move the globe, and gave everyone a global strategy lesson on the spot.

"In today's era, global trade must be transported by sea. It can be said that whoever controls the ocean controls wealth and the key to rising. We can't just focus on the land, the ocean is the center of the world. The key to Lin. What is needed to achieve this? Of course, a strong navy."

After talking about the whole ball, Zuo Menggeng narrowed the scope again.

"Even if you don't talk about the whole world, just talk about the situation in Liaodong. When Da Ming fought against the Jurchens, he relied on Denglai as a backup, and the effect was outstanding. Let me say that Da Ming didn't see the great value of the ocean. For example, you see , The long coastline of Liaodong, if we have a strong navy, can we fight wherever we want? How many soldiers and horses do Houjin need to defend?"

Hou Xun did not agree with this point of view.

"No matter how strong the navy is, it can only harass the coast. When the enemy gives up the coast and retreats to the interior, isn't the navy useless?"

Zuo Menggeng smiled.

"Mr. Ruogu, who said that the navy can only fight naval battles? We can definitely form a marine corps and carry out landing operations. With a large number of ships, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops can be sent to land in one go. What battles can't be fought? ?”

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Because the scene Zuo Menggeng described was completely beyond their imagination.

But looking at the long coastline on the map, for some reason, it is so attractive.

"Since this is the case, the navy should form an army on its own, and it should be listed side by side with the army. But now that the army is full of stars and has a mature organization, how should the navy be listed?"

Zhou You raised a key question.

Compared with the army, the navy is a rising star.

A big problem is that there are not enough generals to sit in charge.

If this point is not resolved, no matter when, the navy can only be regarded as a younger brother in front of the army, and it will never be able to hold its head up, and it will also suppress the development and growth of the navy.

Zuo Menggeng thought about it for a while, and had a plan in mind.

"I already have a candidate for the man who sits in the navy. But he is currently performing a secret mission, but after completion, I will let him go to the post. In addition, I will select some of the latest batch of regiment-level students in the military academy, etc. Enriched to go to the Navy."

He didn't say who the candidate was, obviously a huge secret was involved.

Everyone understood, so they didn't ask.

Next, is the adjustment of the military system of the new army.

After detailed research, the military department was abolished and upgraded to the command department.

In accordance with everyone's opinions, Zuo Menggeng officially removed the rank of general in the Ming Dynasty, and regarded himself as the commander in chief.

That is to say, in the future, when the new army will call him again, it will no longer be the old-fashioned senator, but the commander-in-chief.

Under the command are the Political Department, Staff Department, Logistics Department, Equipment Department, Training Department, Engineering Department, Intelligence Department, Garrison Command, Military Education Department, Army Department, Navy Department, Artillery Department and many other functional departments.

The highest decision-making body of the High Command is the Commander-in-Chief Committee.

The commander-in-chief, Zuo Menggeng, was the supreme military officer, who accepted the allegiance of the entire army and took charge of all military work.

The generals in charge of the remaining departments and the chief generals of the field armies are all members of the Commander-in-Chief Committee and participate in decision-making.

From now on, the decision-making work of the New Army Army will be in the charge of the Ministry of the Army.

At the same time, above the division-level combat units, corps-level units were established.

The former First Division and Third Division of the New Army were merged into the First Army of the New Army.

Zuo Menggeng served concurrently as the commander of the army, Zuo Rong as the deputy commander, Hong Qi as the political commissar, and Ji Conghua as the chief of staff.

The former Second Division of the New Army and the Fourth Division under preparation were merged into the Second Army of the New Army.

Army commander Mao Yuanyi, deputy army commander Zuo Yong, political commissar Zhang Zhong, and chief of staff Zuo Yong.

After such adjustments, the command system from top to bottom was completely straightened out.Moreover, the preparations for the third army can be started, and a large number of generals have been promoted.

This was the case in the war years. The promotion of officers and generals was often jaw-dropping.

Teachers in their teens and generals in their twenties abound.

In the final analysis, there are still many opportunities for tempering, and it is easier to stand out under the waves.

This is why soldiers like to fight.

After discussing and finalizing the reform of the military system, the entire army will be launched immediately.

So far, the full name of the New Army has been changed to Shandong New Army.

The highest leadership organization was changed from the original military department to the command headquarters, temporarily governing two armies, four divisions and several militia units.

The navy and the army are side by side. Although there is no combat power yet, the new army has already understood the strategic intentions of the next few years, decades, or even hundreds of years.

Just after the study on the reform of the new army's military system was completed, Zhang Zhenxiu and Huang Zonghui joined hands to find the meeting before the meeting was adjourned.

"In these days, we have conducted some research on the law based on Zhongheng's case and other experience in handling cases. We agreed that we should enforce our own laws in the area we are currently occupying."

Since the defeat of the Guanning Army and the new army took over the banner of counter-insurgency, a situation of independence and independence from the Ming Dynasty has been formed here.

How to manage in the future will inevitably need the support of appropriate laws.

"Hahaha, that's just right, everyone is here today, let's make a decision after discussing it."

Huang Zongxi had some doubts.

"How to legislate, do we also need to participate?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people's expressions flickered.

Nowadays, the concept of separation of powers is already familiar to the top management.

We all know that the most important thing in the establishment and rule of a regime is the legislative power.

It can be said that whoever controls this power is equivalent to controlling the entire country.

And the people present here are all bigwigs in the administrative, judicial and even military fields.

Can they also get involved in the legislative work?
No one knew, but Zuo Menggeng had long thought about the issue of legislative power in private.

Of course he is not a master of politics.

Fortunately, there are hundreds of thousands of years of experience there, and I have a good quality.

After careful thinking, Zuo Menggeng still has some ideas about how to establish a stable and good state power system.

Zuo Menggeng knew that the separation of powers in Western countries cannot be completely copied.

The Western political system did not come out of thin air, but after thousands of years of evolution, it has long been taken for granted by people in Europe.

The modern political system established by the West is nothing more than a further improvement on the original basis.

There is no such soil in the East, and he is not sure whether copying it will turn his regime into a second Beiyang.

Another one, after thinking about it, Zuo Menggeng believes that although the legislative power belongs to one of the three separation of powers and is the most important one, it seems that there is no need to separate it from the other powers too clearly.

Under the Western system, the legislative power belongs to the parliament, which is composed of members.

These members of parliament do not participate in direct administration, but only demonstrate their power in the parliament.

On the surface, this approach seems to form a check and balance of power, but it also creates a serious problem.

That is, those who are in charge of legislation are out of touch with those who actually administer justice and administration.

In many cases, the bills established by the parliament seriously violate the reality and cause immeasurable losses.

The second is that after such a division, there will be enough reasons within the ruling class to shirk responsibility.

Anyway, I am the legislator, and the judiciary and administration are not under my control.

You didn't do a good job, it's not my problem with legislation, it's your problem.

And the judicial and administrative aspects also have something to say.

We work strictly in accordance with the laws established by you, and if something goes wrong, it must be your responsibility for legislation.

The final result will definitely become that everyone is a British civil servant, and everyone is not responsible.

Whether the country is doing well or doing badly, these people will not be delayed from grabbing benefits, and they will not even be burdened with harming the interests of the country.

It is precisely because of these thoughts about right and wrong that Zuo Menggeng feels that it is entirely possible to establish a neutral legislative system within his own regime.

(End of this chapter)

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