Ming Zuo

Chapter 502 Offensive and Defensive Battle

Chapter 502 Offensive and Defensive Battle

"Trash, it's all trash!"

Li Yingyuan's body was carried back, and Li Jiuzheng went crazy.

He hacked and killed several of Li Yingyuan's personal soldiers one after another, but he couldn't dispel his anger.

Although as a veteran on the battlefield, Li Jiuzheng knew very well that people would die in battle.

He just didn't expect that it would be his own son who died.

Since defeating the Guanning Army, Li Jiuzheng's ambitions have rapidly expanded.

He felt that no matter what, he could crack the earth and become a king.

Once this step has been reached, Li Yingyuan will be his heir.

Although he was defeated by the new army one after another, Li Jiuzheng was still very optimistic.

After all, the army is in hand, as long as the new army is avoided.

As a result, now that his son is dead and hope is cut off, Li Jiuzheng turned into an angry lion on the spot.

"Order the whole army to attack, I will make these beasts pay for my son's life!"

Kong Youde frowned unavoidably.

But looking at the furious Li Jiuzheng, he endured it for a while.

Under Li Jiuzheng's strict order, the rebels' attack became even crazier.

On the frontal battlefield, the strength of the rebels further increased, and finally advanced to the front of the barbed wire.

Shen Xun has been paying attention to the battlefield situation.

"The Dongjiang army has made great progress."

His judgment is not bullshit, but fact.

In this attack, the rebels actually played skirmish lines.

It is no longer as in the past, rows and groups of people swarmed together, and then were wiped out piece by piece by the guns of the new army.

At this time, the rebels were scattered, not moving fast, and they used the terrain to jump around and crawl forward occasionally.

This is obviously the experience summed up after suffering three battles with the new army.

In this regard, Shen Xun also quickly made adjustments.

"Order the ministries, fire freely."

You play skirmish line, then I play free fire.

The soldiers of the new army who received the order no longer waited for the order of the captain or platoon leader to shoot a volley, but after loading the ammunition, they searched for the target and opened fire by themselves.

For a while, there was no longer the shocking feeling of a row of guns on the battlefield, and it was replaced by the messy gunshots like firecrackers in the New Year.

The flash cap gun has a long range and high accuracy, and the effect of free fire is actually no better than that of a volley gun.

And under the order of free shooting, the soldiers don't have to worry about the distance, they can shoot if they feel that there is no problem.

This makes the rebels unsafe even if they are four or five hundred meters away.

God knows if the new army's sharpshooters will target them?

Ren Dong is on the front line of the battle.

Today, he is no longer an official in Laizhou Prefecture, but an ordinary soldier in the [-]th Battalion of the [-]rd Regiment of the [-]rd Division of the New Army.

Lying in the trench, Ren Dong's blood boiled.

Any chance to wipe out the Dongjiang rebels excited him.

The flash cap gun in his hand was really easy to use, which made him very regretful. Why didn't he have such a sharp weapon when Laizhou was defending the city?
Open the ammunition box, take out a bullet, pull out the bullet, pour the fixed charge in the paper tube at the back into the barrel, then insert the bullet, and then push it to the end with a cleaning rod.

After the flat end musket, snap off a flash cap from the side of the ammo box and install it on the blast hole.

A rebel appeared in his vision.

This guy is very cunning, somehow he got through the hail of bullets, and actually touched the edge of the barbed wire.

And this person actually held a pair of large iron tongs in his hand, cutting towards the barbed wire.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Ren Dong fired his shot, and the man threw himself to the ground without even making a sound.

Just when he was rejoicing, the sound of howling piercing through the air suddenly came, and a burst of dust flew not far away, and the whole earth shook a few times.

When Ren Dong pushed through the smoke and dust and was able to see clearly, he realized that two soldiers from the seventh team had fallen to the ground, blood staining the soil.

He knew these two fighters, because he was also a member of the seventh team.

"Hygienist? Where's the hygienist?"

Ren Dong roared and rushed over.According to the acquired knowledge, he took out a clean bandage and began to bandage the wounded soldier.

As for the other, the person has been blown into two pieces, and it is obvious that he cannot be saved.

Even if it is this, the left calf is blown to nowhere, and it is estimated that it will not be able to stand up in this lifetime.

The health team came quickly, rushed over at the risk, didn't even have time to thank him, lifted the wounded on the stretcher and then retreated.

Only then did Ren Dong return to his seat, but he saw Wang Xiaoshuan next to him with his eyes straightened and his whole body trembling.

In the past, he just slapped Wang Xiaoshuan's soul almost out of his body.

"Afraid of a fart, people will die and the birds will turn to the sky, and they will not die for thousands of years."

Wang Xiaoshuan is a recruit, and this is his first time on the battlefield.

"Brother Ren, aren't you... not afraid of death?"

Ren Dong reloaded and fired again, but this time he missed the target.

"I've already died once."

He stopped and said to Wang Xiaoshuan: "On the battlefield, you can't be afraid. The more you are afraid, the faster you will die. This hellish place is bullying and fearing hard. The more fierce you are, the more likely you will survive."

Wang Xiaoshuan didn't understand, but under the extreme fear, he felt that the old soldier must be right.

Trembling, he loaded the bullet and raised his hand to shoot.

"Come on, come on, grandpa is not afraid of you."

Under the gunfire, a rebel who had just crossed the barbed wire fell down.

Wang Xiaoshuan couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Hey, hey, I really didn't die."

Ren Dong smiled for him, but then his face became gloomy.

The rebels broke through the barbed wire.

Although it took a heavy toll, barbed wire began to lose its defensive value.

Or because the number of new troops is too small.

No matter how good the flash cap gun is, the lack of firepower is always a problem.

The crazy rebels used a large number of people, even if the new army shot the barrels red, they couldn't stop them.

Seeing more and more rebels crossing the barbed wire, the sharp whistle sounded suddenly.

Ren Dong came to his senses all of a sudden, quickly pushed Wang Xiaoshuan, and shouted at the same time.

"Withdraw, quickly withdraw, withdraw to the second trench!"

The nearby soldiers picked up the ammunition and ran along the traffic trench to the second trench [-] meters behind.

Ren Dong stayed at the end and pulled up the string on one side of the wall.There was a small hook at the end of the rope, and when pulled to the other side of the trench, a round flat box with a ring was embedded in the wall.

Ren Dong carefully hung the hook on the ring.

This thing is a new weapon sent by the arsenal, called Mixed Thunder.

When the trench cannot be defended and needs to retreat, this thing can cause great damage to the enemy chasing in, and it can also delay the enemy's pursuit.

Ren Dong hung four bombs in a row, and the last one ran into the traffic trench.

Just as he turned around, there was a sudden roar from behind his head.

When he looked back, he saw a rebel jumping high, with a sharp sword straight at his head.

He was a little confused and didn't know how to block it.


On the other side of the traffic trench, the smoke was overflowing, and Wang Xiaoshuan's shout came.

"Brother Ren, come here quickly."

that rebel...

Like a broken kite, it fell far away.

(End of this chapter)

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