Ming Zuo

Chapter 567

Chapter 567
"General Zuo, this is a perverse move. Please also act impartially to maintain the rules and regulations."

Duke Shengsheng was expelled, and Lu Xiangsheng couldn't sit still.

He found Zuo Menggeng, hoping that someone could uphold justice.

"Why is this a perverse move? This is obviously a spontaneous choice made by the people. They have realized the importance of resisting oppression, and they are eager to live a better life. Who would dare to go against what the people want?"

Lu Xiangsheng was furious, and emphasized: "That's Gong Xiansheng, a descendant of Kong Sheng?"

Zuo Menggeng pointed to the vast Qufu County, and the misty and prosperous cooking smoke.

"Aren't these people the descendants of Confucius?"

Lu Xiangsheng was at a loss for words, he found that he could never win against Zuo Menggeng.

He didn't know that the reason why this happened was because he was a good official and a good person.

At least he still has the most basic morals in his heart, and he also understands the importance of people's hearts.

Zuo Menggeng speaks righteously.

"Even these descendants of Confucius Sheng did not support the so-called Xinyan Shenggong. What does this mean? It means that this is chaos, which is unpopular. This is a perverse move, and it is also one of the root causes of the chaos in the world today. "

He carried a gun with a stick, and took advantage of this incident to attack the court.

Lu Xiangsheng tried his best to mediate, and threatened: "General Zuo, isn't he afraid that the world's population will criticize him?"

"Why can't I see that the people of the world will criticize them? Or the people of the world in Mr. Lu's population are decadent feudal old literati like you? The real people of the world have long been completely disappointed with this dynasty. They are resisting and expressing themselves. The voice. And you wait, you can only linger on, and sooner or later, you will be wiped out."

Bi pulls the tiger's skin and buckles his hat. Zuo Menggeng, who has seen the turmoil of the later generations, does not know where Bilu Xiang will rise.

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't speak to him at all, so he could only ask: "How does General Zuo plan to deal with the matter of Yan Shenggong?"

Zuo Menggeng didn't play tricks.

"This is caused by the imperial court's chaos, so it should be dealt with by the imperial court. What happens here depends on the wishes of the local Kong clan."

The carefully selected representatives of the Kong Corporation came and presented the results Zuo Menggeng wanted.

"Commander, the ancestors of the Confucian family opened a precedent for civilization and proclaimed merits and virtues for all generations. They are admired by the world and cannot be ignored. Caomin and others implore the commander to set up a monument for my ancestors and pass them on to all generations. It is also for my descendants of the Confucian family to look up and pay homage. worship."

Kong Shi and the original tenant have risen very quickly, and have gained considerable prestige among the remaining Kong clan members.

He stood up and conveyed the meaning of everyone.

It doesn't matter that Yanshenggong's mansion is gone.

Anyway, when Yansheng Gong's Mansion was here, everyone didn't get any benefits, but was exploited instead.

It's not like now, everyone has been assigned to the fields and land, and the better days are just around the corner.

But Qufu cannot live without the glory of the most holy teacher.

This is the halo on Kong's body, and it is their capital to be proud of the world.

In the past, only Yan Shenggong's family was bathed in the kindness of the most holy teacher.Now, all the clansmen hope to get this favor.

The best way, of course, is to build a new Confucian temple.

A Confucian temple where all members of the Confucian clan can enter and worship.


Lu Xiangsheng was allowed to attend the meeting as a non-voting delegate. Seeing that the members of the Kong clan were so thoughtful, he couldn't help but tear up his eyes.

Zuo Menggeng didn't quite agree with this idea either.

"Is the most holy teacher just your ancestor? He is also the teacher of all ages, the totem of China. The matter of paying homage to the most holy teacher is not a matter of your Kong family, but a matter of the people of the world."

This is what sets the tone.

The tone is very good and definitely ZZZQ.

Anyone who listens can find nothing wrong with it.

Everyone applauded and waited quietly for the follow-up.

This follow-up is in charge of by Liu Zongzhou.

"My husband has negotiated with the administrative committee to allocate one million taels of silver to completely rebuild the Confucian Temple and build a museum of the most holy teachers. This museum can not only be used for the Confucian ancestors, but also can not help the world's scholars to enter and admire the ancestors. Master's demeanor. If this matter is successful, the virtue of the first teacher will be passed down through the ages and be immortal!"

Big money.

Absolutely generous.

Although it cannot be compared with Tianqi's use of more than six million taels of silver to rebuild the three main halls, it is definitely an unprecedented feat to use so much money to rebuild the Confucius Temple.

Moreover, Liu Zongzhou's proposal raised the matter to a higher level.

In the past, when talking about the most holy teacher, the first thing many people thought of was the Confucius family.

The Confucius family has also become the spokesperson of Confucius in reality.

This cognition is also an important reason why the Confucian family has the right to speak.

Therefore, as long as the rulers of all dynasties win over the Confucian family, it is equivalent to gaining the allegiance of the entire scholarly community.

Now Liu Zongzhou distinguishes Confucius from the Confucius family.

Confucius is Confucius, the most holy teacher who founded Confucianism and opened up the culture of all generations.

As for the Kong family...

Whether there is or not.

It does not affect the respect and recognition of Confucius.

To put it bluntly, it is still the theory mentioned by Zuo Menggeng before.

Since Confucius has become a god, he cannot live in the world.

After eliminating the Kong family, the spokesperson of Confucius, there is great freedom in how to interpret Confucius' theories.

Shandong's various measures...

Distributing benefits to the collateral members of the Confucian clan, establishing Confucius museums, recasting Confucian temples, etc., seem to be respecting Confucius, but in fact they are enshrining Confucius on the altar and keeping him away from the world.

So from now on, when explaining Confucianism, there will be no obstacles or doubts from the Confucian family who stand on the side of the old feudal forces.

The New Confucianism explained by Shandong can gain greater recognition and speak for their own interests.

As for the newly conferred Duke Yan Sheng by the imperial court...

This is not recognized by the Kong clan. What does it have to do with Shandong?
Shandong did not prevent him from taking office.

With insidious and insidious methods one after another, Zuo Menggeng, Liu Zongzhou and others began to attack Confucianism and expand their ideological discourse power.

When I go to debate with the feudal defenders in the future, I won't have so many constraints.

Lu Xiangsheng didn't notice at all that the eyes of Liu Zongzhou, Jiang Cai, Jiang Gai and others were full of vigorous flames.

It was a monstrous fire that consumed all old things.

In order to achieve this goal, although the cost of one million taels is high, everyone agrees that the price is worth it.

The administrative committee acted quickly, delineating the foot of Hujia Mountain as the site of the Confucius Museum.

Together with Nishan Holy Land, Confucius Cave, Confucian Temple, etc., a museum covering a very large area has been built.

At that time, a [-]-meter-tall steel-cast and copper-plated statue of Confucius will be located on the square.

Although it can't be compared with the one in later generations, it is absolutely shocking enough at this time.

As for the Confucian Mansion in Qufu City...

Huang Zongyan directly ordered all the buildings to be demolished on the grounds that the damage was serious and no one could inherit them.

Except for the classics and cultural relics preserved by the Kong family that can be found, the rest of the traces have been completely removed.

The houses promised to be built for the surviving members of the Kong clan were chosen on this land.

The members of the Kong clan who are still alive don't know what all this means. Seeing their own vast house, it's too late to be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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