Ming Zuo

Chapter 570 North Korea

Chapter 570 North Korea
"Your Excellency, do you also believe that the sun is the center of the universe?"

Galileo was a madman of science, he dragged Zuo Menggeng to study astronomy as soon as he settled down.

"No, sir, after our research during this period of time, we found that the sun is not the center of the universe. In fact, the sun is only the center of the galaxy where our earth is located. This galaxy is just a drop in the ocean in the entire universe, very small."

Galileo was taken aback.

Deng Yuhan said in the letter to him that the position of the center of the sun has been proved here.

Why is Zuo Menggeng saying something different now?
When he looked over, Deng Yuhan gave an explanation.

"My friend, you know that science and cognition are always improving. In just a few years, the research here has made great progress. We have better astronomical telescopes that can observe farther into the sky, Therefore, the previous heliocentric theory has been overturned."

Knowing this was the reason, Galileo was pleasantly surprised.

"Really? Can I observe it on the spot?"

Zuo Menggeng laughed.

"Of course, everything here is for you. As I said, you can do whatever research you want."

Galileo couldn't wait for a moment.

"I think I can work now."

Deng Yuhan looked at Zuo Menggeng, and after receiving the signal, he smiled and said, "Let's go, friend, go to where we should go. I believe that you will fall in love with this place immediately."

Deng Yuhan took Galileo away.

They have to go to Linqing first and settle down in the Academy of Sciences.

After the construction in Jinan is completed, the Academy of Sciences will also move there along with it.

After finishing Galileo, Liao Zhongjian came to report the result of the southbound trip.

"Zheng Zhilong has an urgent need for our artillery. Here is an order. He plans to use the tax money from the past to offset it."

Zuo Menggeng was not surprised that Zheng Zhilong would buy artillery.

Even the front-mounted Napoleon guns are much better than the artillery of this era.

If he wants to beat the Dutchman, he will definitely need a better weapon.

Zuo Menggeng was more concerned about the issue of trade routes.

"How's the deal with Ma Fan?"

Liao Zhongjian only said one thing.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

A flash of light flashed in Zuo Menggeng's eyes, he patted Liao Zhongjian on the shoulder, and said with approval: "The first achievement for us to enter the ocean is none other than you."

Liao Zhongjian hurriedly said modestly: "It's all planned by the commander in chief."

The bell rang again through Jiaozhou Bay.


When they first went to sea, the southern and northern fleets left together.As a result, when he came back, it was the work of the front and rear feet again.

When Zuo Menggeng arrived at the pier, he saw the expedition fleet heading north slowly entering the port.

Zhang Keda stood at the bow of the boat, with thick hair and thick hair, scruffy like a savage, but his expression was full of pride.

"Commander, we found it!"

"What did you find?"

Zuo Menggeng didn't react at first, but then he was overjoyed.

"Really found it?"

Zhang Ke nodded wildly, and at the same time took out Jiang Wu's notes and handed them to him.

"Look, this is General Wu's summary. It will definitely be of great benefit when we attack Liaodong in the future."

Zuo Menggeng opened it, and after just one glance, he was sure that this was indeed General Wu's handwriting.

Zhang Keda, a simple soldier, doesn't know that there are always secrets in the intelligence department.

Even if it is just a seemingly ordinary summary note, the authenticity can be seen from the handwriting and the layout of the writing alone.

If he is not from the Ministry of Intelligence, even if he is asked to imitate according to this notebook, there will be flaws.

"Tell me how you found it?"

Zuo Menggeng didn't care about Zhang Keda's fatigue from the long-distance travel, so he dragged him to the pier and asked him in detail.

After making a voyage of thousands of miles, Zhang Keda became full of pride.

When he explained in detail the process of his northward voyage, everyone was amazed.

"I really didn't expect that the land in the extreme north could actually communicate with Liaodong."

Fu Yusun pondered while talking.

This time, through the voyage with a big mouth, it was determined that the back of Liaodong could be sneaked.In other words, the role of the Jiaozhou Bay naval base will increase infinitely in the future.

The more important Jiaozhou Bay is, the more important he is as the local chief.As long as you make achievements, you will definitely have a bright future.

Zhang Keda didn't have so many complicated thoughts.

"Commander, General Wu and the others are in a very bad situation now. The weapons and ammunition they accumulated in the past have been exhausted. Now they are trapped on an isolated island, and I don't know if they can stop Huang Taiji's conquest. In addition, many people are sick and lack medical care. In addition, the local living environment is very bad, and I am afraid that I will not be able to persist.”

Zuo Menggeng nodded.

What is going on in Sakhalin Island, he is far more clear than others.

Although General Wu and others have unified Sakhalin Island now, they have included all the aborigines on the island under their command.

However, these natives, who are still in their original state, are unlikely to provide them with much help in a short period of time.

But the post-Kim offense is certainly imminent.

In order for them to persist in Sakhalin Island, Shandong's support is urgent.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to rest for too long."

Thinking about this, Zuo Menggeng decided to let the Beishang fleet grit their teeth and persist.

Zhang Keda has the qualities of a soldier and didn't feel embarrassed.

"This is a big deal, no matter how hard and tiring we are, we can complete the task."

With his guarantee, Zuo Menggeng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"That's good. I'll give you fifteen days to rest. It's up to you to recover as much as you can."

He looked at Fu Yusun again.

"Order the wharf to work overtime to repair the ship, and postpone all other tasks."

Fu Yusun took the order and immediately went to make arrangements.

Zuo Menggeng gave Fu Yijian another order.

"Let the equipment department, logistics department and administrative committee immediately mobilize all kinds of materials and send them here quickly."

Fu Yijian knew exactly what supplies Wu Jiang and the others needed.Without Zuo Menggeng's detailed instructions, he went to deliver the order himself.

Zuo Menggeng approached Liao Zhongjian again.

"You, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, can't rest anymore."

Liao Zhongjian was two years younger than Zuo Menggeng. He was full of energy and didn't know what fatigue was.

"I will set off for Jeju Island and the Tsushima Domain immediately to finalize the business."

Zuo Menggeng pondered for a moment and reminded: "If we want our fleet to pass through the Tsushima Strait smoothly in the future, we must deal with Busan. After you arrive at Jeju Island, you can ask the local officials to see if you can establish contact with Busan." .”

Liao Zhongjian understood immediately.

"In this way, with Jeju Island, Busan and the Tsushima Domain, we have three strongholds. If we want to support Liaodong in the future, we can stockpile supplies in these three places first, saving time and effort."

Zuo Menggeng is completely relieved of his shrewd and strong workmanship.

Liao Zhongjian only rested in Qingdao for one day, and immediately went to sea again to Jeju Island.

But it is here on Jeju Island.

Since the last transaction with Zhang Keda, Shen Daoxun and Li Chong quickly sent what they got to Hanyang Shen Qiyuan.

Although they are all exquisite and precious items, in Shen Qiyuan's eyes, what is important is not the things, but the deep meaning behind them.

"Shangguo finally loves North Korea!"

Even though there were no outsiders, Shen Qiyuan was still crying.

It is true that the current internal situation in North Korea is becoming more and more unfavorable to those who are interested in Ming Dynasty.

Later, Jin pressed harder and harder, and at the same time continued to cultivate goodwill forces within North Korea, and has begun to influence North Korea's state affairs.

Although Injo hated Hou Jin very much, under the unfavorable situation, personal likes and dislikes could not reverse the overall situation.

People of insight in the DPRK are all worried.

I am afraid that one day, North Korea will fall into the hands of beasts.

Now Daming finally sent someone here.

Although it was just to discuss trade, it also meant that Daming hadn't forgotten North Korea.

These pro-Ming factions who are losing power may be able to take the opportunity to rise again.

"When the great angel comes again, I will send a message immediately. I will go there in person, speak loudly, get the support of the upper kingdom, and let those arrogant villains pay the price they deserve."

(End of this chapter)

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