Ming Zuo

Chapter 576 Encounter

Chapter 576 Encounter

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The third regiment of the third division was advancing at full speed, and the scouts rushed over to report the urgent situation.

Shen Xun rushed to meet him.

"what's the situation?"

The scout did not dismount.

"More than [-] Dongjiang rebel cavalry are coming towards your department."

Shen Xun couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

There were no more than a thousand people in their regiment, and because of their hasty march, their heavy weapons were left behind.

Looking around, the terrain is also too flat.

If this collided with the cavalry, it would be more or less fatal.

But I can't retreat.

Infantry retreating in front of cavalry is courting death.

In a critical moment, Shen Xun quickly made a decision.

"Seize the small hill next to you and build a line of defense."

The third regiment immediately stopped advancing and rushed to the vicinity of Huangshan on the left.

Huangshan is a small hill, less than [-] meters high, full of rocks everywhere, and it is the best way to defend against cavalry attacks.

But because the mountain is too small, the whole third group can't go all the way up the mountain.

Shen Xun also took advantage of the terrain on the west side of Huangshan Mountain.

On the west side of Mount Huangshan are the larger Guanshan and Langshan mountain ranges, with undulating valleys and even many small puddles in the middle.

Shen Xun deployed the entire army here, and set up mortars on Huangshan, leaving a company of soldiers to defend.

Just as preparations were being made here, the earth rumbled violently.

Mao Chenglu has arrived.

Mao Chenglu learned that the scouts reported that a group of infantry from the new army had left the main force. He thought this was an opportunity and immediately led the cavalry to rush over.

I thought it would be a raid, but the new army was caught off guard.

However, the battlefield reconnaissance capabilities of the new army are much higher than those of the Dongjiang rebels.

When he arrived, the third regiment had already set up its formation.

However, Mao Chenglu couldn't help laughing arrogantly when he saw that the third regiment had neither barbed wire nor trenches, but only deployed a small number of troops on the nearby mountain.

"This is God helping me!"

The rebel cavalry also burst out with fighting spirit.

As if they had been chased away by the new army all this time, their hearts were filled with anger.

At this time, seeing the single new army unit, it happened to take revenge.

"Participant, the end will rush in from the left wing."

Dusi Chen Bushe took the initiative to ask for a fight.

"Fighting the right wing in the future."

Another Dusi Mao Kai is not far behind.

Mao Chenglu felt that the military spirit was available, so he didn't delay.

"Tell my sons, rush in and kill these bastards."

The rebel cavalry began to move, split into three groups, and pressed on the third regiment's line from three directions.

If it was in the past, the third regiment would definitely be in chaos if they encountered the cavalry without any cover.

However, after the blocking battle at Muling Pass, the third regiment has been tempered, and the recruits have become veterans, who have already adapted to the war.

Seeing the cavalry rushing forward, the soldiers remained undisturbed.Under the command of the officer, line up in three rows.

This is the best formation for musketeers against cavalry charges.

In fact, as long as it is a frontal confrontation, even without machine guns and fortifications, the musket array is not afraid of cavalry.

In many cases, it is also the cavalry who suffer under such confrontation.

After all, the firepower density of the musketeers in the array is there. After three rounds of strikes, there are very few cavalry who can rush to the front, and they cannot break through the infantry's line.

The biggest advantage of cavalry against infantry is actually to use mobility to attack the two wings.Find openings in the movement of infantry formations, break through and cut.

But in the place Shen Xun chose, there were mountains on the left and right sides, and the cavalry couldn't get around it.

In the middle, there are ditches, ridges, and pools of mud, making it impossible for the cavalry to attack with all their strength.

Even so, Shen Xun was also very nervous.

This should be the first time the infantry of the new army has faced off against the cavalry without cover and artillery, and he has no way of judging the result.

The shaking of the ground became more and more violent, making all the muscles in his body tremble, and his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

The moment his eyes gradually became bloodshot, seeing the cavalry entering within [-] meters, Shen Xun shouted suddenly: "Fire!"

Although the cavalry is still far away, the cavalry is very fast. If they do not fire at a distance of [-] meters, even three shots cannot be completed.

Although the first wave of firepower did not kill much, there was still time to reload and increase the chance of firing another round.

Accompanied by his order, the new army's position was filled with gunpowder smoke, and the sound of Chaodouzi's firing directly suppressed the power of the cavalry's charge.

Some people faintly fell in the rebel cavalry ranks, but it didn't affect the overall situation.

Mao Chenglu crouched tightly on the horse's back, using the horse's head and neck to block the vital parts of his body.

Seeing the new army firing, he was even more pleasantly surprised.

"Speed ​​up! Don't give them a chance to reload."

With just one sentence, the cavalry rushed out for more than a hundred meters.

The accuracy of the new army's second round of fire strikes was much higher.

More than a hundred rebel cavalry were shot down on the spot.

The war horses that lost their masters, some blindly followed the brigade and continued to charge, and some ran indiscriminately.

Those who ran wild were quickly knocked down by the follow-up horses, causing great chaos.

bang bang bang bang bang...

The third row of shots also went out.

The commanders on the front line shouted in mournful voices.

"Bayonet on! Array!"

Under this wave of salvo, the rebel cavalry paid the price of more than [-] people.

Before fighting the new army hand-to-hand, the rebels lost more than a tenth of their damage.

The earliest to finish the first row of soldiers of the shooting team, really completed another reload.

At this time, the rebel cavalry had rushed within fifty meters.

The breath on both sides is already audible, and the details are clearly visible, so there is no need to carefully aim.

And this time the shooting is also the most effective salvo.

The cavalry in the front row of the rebel army were all knocked down, and the fallen horses became even more obstacles.

The cavalry in the second row had no time to react, and many fell and rolled, adding to the confusion.

With such a delay, the momentum of the cavalry's charge inevitably stagnated, and the infantry of the new army felt the pressure inexplicably relieved.

Shen Xun keenly seized this opportunity.


The sound of the horn resounded across the battlefield, and the new army did not retreat but advanced, facing the rebel cavalry and pushing up.

The cavalry rampage that Mao Chenglu expected did not appear.

Although in the first wave of collisions, many new army soldiers were indeed knocked into the air and paid the price of their lives.

But the rebels' men and horses suffered even greater losses.

The long bayonet is very effective in stabbing people or horses.

The sabers in the hands of many cavalry did not touch the enemy at all, and they were pierced into hedgehogs by forests of bayonets.

It is better for the cavalry to be stabbed to death, but the consequences of being stabbed by the horse are more serious.

A mad horse has limited influence on the people running on the ground, but to the following cavalry, it is like death.

It is no different from the modern European battlefield.

After the cavalry penetrated the first infantry line, it became the massacre target of the subsequent two fronts.

Shen Xun asked the second line of defense to rush forward to support, and let the soldiers of the third line of defense continue to reload and shoot.

The rebel cavalry lost their horse speed, and after falling into the formation, riding on the horse was a living target.

The battle situation began to fall on one side.

(End of this chapter)

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