Ming Zuo

Chapter 710 Nong Zunsa?

Chapter 710 Nong Zunsa?
Due to the rush of time and the lack of a serious army at hand, Wang Ruixian and Li Chongtian made very rough defensive preparations.

In addition, the city wall of Songjiang was reinforced during the Jiaqing period to prevent Japanese pirates. Now decades have passed, and it has long been in disrepair.

Both Wang Ruixian and Li Chongtian were very worried. Such a city defense might not be able to stop the champion's artillery.

As a result, as soon as the battle was fought today, the artillery of the government and army pulled the brakes, which somewhat relieved the two of them.

He fired a squib as soon as he opened the door, which made Zhu Guobi lose face.

"You bastard, you can't even maintain your weapons well. What are you waiting for? Come and drag those hundred households down and cut them down."

Soon, there were mournful cries of grievances outside the military tent.

Not long after, a head was sent into the tent, which immediately cheered up all the officers and generals.

Although Zhu Guobi didn't have much experience in the battlefield, he also knew that this battle must not be lost, otherwise the family's official title would be lost.

"Jiangnan is an important place for the court's finances and taxes. The safety of the country depends on it. There is no room for loss in suppressing the rebellion. If anyone dares to neglect, this person will end up."

The murderous words suddenly changed the morale of the officers and soldiers.

Fang Yuegong who was on the side looked at it, and couldn't help but look at Zhu Guobi with admiration.

These old honored ministers originally thought that they had all become waste, but they didn't expect that they still had some skills in their hands.

The farce of the artillery passed, and the offensive of the officers and soldiers resumed.

This time without the support of artillery, the officers and soldiers could only attack with infantry.

"The officers and soldiers are coming up!"

The sentries at the top of the city shouted again and again.

"Come up to the wall."

Wang Ruixian ordered immediately.

People who had been hiding under the wall ran out one after another.

But the process is messy.

Some people forget where they should be and go elsewhere.

Some people just ran away, but left their weapons where they were.

Others deserted, not knowing why they went.He didn't hear the order, so naturally he didn't come back.

The messy situation is enough to last a stick of incense.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ruixian and Li Chongtian really couldn't laugh or cry.

But for these non-professional soldiers, they really can't ask too much.

Fortunately, the city is chaotic, and the outside of the city is not much better.

No matter how strict Zhu Guobi's military discipline is, the officers and soldiers have collapsed for dozens or hundreds of years, and it's not something that can be changed by his whim.

The officers and soldiers were also in confusion for a long time, and finally got into formation and began to press towards the city wall.

Everyone inside and outside the city is afraid of death, so the speed of natural action cannot be quickened.

The officers and soldiers all bowed their backs, stepped cautiously, and fixed their eyes on the city wall.I'm afraid that if there is a slight change, they will turn around and run away immediately.

Everyone in the city was also terrified, and many people even had thoughts in their mouths.It is estimated that Mantian gods and Buddhas have been invited, but I don't know if I can bless them.

There is no moat outside Songjiang City, and the terrain is flat.

The officers and soldiers advanced to a distance of [-] meters and stopped, and began to deploy trebuchets.

Compared with artillery, trebuchets are often more effective.

Because the trebuchets in the Ming Dynasty could throw explosive bombs, causing surface damage.

It is this kind of shell that cannot destroy the city wall, so it is not as important as artillery in many cases.

But now that the artillery of the government and army can't be used very much, they have to use trebuchets to attack the city.

The trebuchets of the officers and soldiers were all mounted on wooden carts, which could be pushed by manpower, so it was very convenient.

Once within the firing range, these trebuchets immediately began to throw flower shells.

The effect of dozens of catapults is still amazing.

The flowering bombs pierced the sky, covered the sunlight, and finally scattered all over the ground.

Several of them landed on the city wall with a bang, killing everyone around them.

The city guards were all terrified, screaming and running around.

"Don't panic, don't be afraid, it's nothing serious, just keep your positions."

Li Chongtian kept yelling to appease the rebellious soldiers, fearing that these people would bring down their morale.

At the same time, he also said that he would shout from behind.


There are also trebuchets in the city.

This was found from the arsenal in the city after the riot.

Another part was brought by Jinshanwei.

With his order, the trebuchets in the city began to fight back.

There was not enough flowering ammunition in the city, so stones and earthen pots were used as shells.

All of a sudden, the fighting inside and outside the city was extremely lively.

The accuracy of the trebuchet was really not flattering. After fighting for a long time on both sides, the casualties caused were almost negligible.

And the officers and soldiers have already rushed to the city with their shields and long ladders on their backs.

"Fire arrows!"

The head of the city began to shoot arrows downward.

Similarly, the officers and soldiers below also began to suppress the city with bows and arrows.

The arrows on both sides were crouching dragons and phoenixes, wasting countless arrows, and did not cause a single casualty.

However, such a battle has an advantage, that is, it more or less stabilizes the morale of the people in the city.

After all, many of the city defenders participated in the war for the first time, and their actions were deformed due to fear.

After fighting for a long time now, seeing that they are still intact, many people's courage has also come up.

The officers and soldiers erected a long ladder and put it on the top of the city, and some people climbed up.

The nearby guards rushed over immediately, trying to push the ladder down.But as soon as they leaned out of the city wall, they were shot to death by the bows and arrows below.

Several lives were sacrificed, but the long ladder remained motionless.

While commanding the battle, Wang Ruixian couldn't help but twist his mouth in anger when he saw this situation.

"Idiot, how can you push it down with your hands? Hit it with a giant log."

There are claw hooks at the front of the long ladder for siege. Once it is placed on the city wall, it will be very firm with the weight of the people on the long ladder.

It is impossible to overturn the long ladder with bare hands.

The way to deal with this kind of long ladder is that the people on the city wall work together to hold up the giant log and use the force of the collision to knock the long ladder apart.

After getting his instructions, someone immediately carried the giant log over.

A dozen or so people worked together, howled and ran faster, and only then knocked over the long ladder.

Other places followed suit and destroyed many long ladders.

However, the city wall was too long, and people in many places did not understand the situation, and the officers and soldiers actually climbed up.

"It's not good, the officers and soldiers rushed in!"

Fear began to spread, causing the defenders to slow down their movements.

Li Chongtian was about to go crazy.

He had never fought such a messy battle in his life.

"Defend the city well, don't panic. You come with me and beat back the officers and soldiers."

He greeted a group of people and ran directly to the place where he lost his defense.

When he got to the place and saw the actual situation, it really almost made him vomit blood.

Not many officers and soldiers climbed to the top of the city, only about a dozen of them.

At this time, these people leaned against the city wall and were confronting the defenders.

"Nong Zusa?"

"Nong organized again?"

"If you want to organize it, I will organize it!"

"Nong group spread four four."

(End of this chapter)

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