Ming Zuo

Chapter 815

Chapter 815
The appearance and application of the steam engine also influenced Zuo Menggeng virtually.

He became more confident and calm.

Although he has a very powerful army, Zuo Menggeng has always been worried.

He is also not sure whether what he has done can change the history of the Chinese nation.

For five thousand years, many heroes were powerful for a while, but in the end they ended up in an embarrassing end.

It wasn't until this time that he saw the steam engine appear more than [-] years in advance and put it into use, that he was finally convinced that history was under his control.

The appearance of the steam engine not only represented how many advanced and powerful weapons could be manufactured, but also represented the vast resources.

How much resources are available, how much land can be conquered.

Otherwise, no matter how much the army can fight, there will be a limit.

And once the country has a steady supply of resources, then the external expansion can go further.

Zuo Menggeng stared at the north, thinking secretly.

"Huang Taiji, it's your turn."

In the grassland in July, the water and grass are flourishing.

At this time, the nomadic people should drive their cattle and sheep to find the most abundant pastures, so that the livestock can grow as much fat as possible.

Because it won't be long before the cold winter like the gate of hell is coming.

Livestock do not store energy well, so it is difficult to persist in the severe cold.

But in the current grassland, people are panicked by a major event.

Dorgon, Sahalian, and Haoge returned to the army from the Hetao area.

They walked very slowly, very slowly, leisurely, as if they were out on a field trip.

It's not that they have any difficulty, but it's intentional.

"This time the Mongols have to choose whether to be our friend or our enemy. I believe they understand what the result of the choice will be."

As Dorgon said, today's Mongolian grasslands are surging.

Every Mongolian prince and noble has no way to stay out of it.

Finally, when the returning army arrived at Horqin, all the princes and nobles in Monan Mongolia rushed to catch up.

"Lin Dan Khan is unpopular, and we have long since disowned him. Now that the Chuanguo Yuxi has fallen into the hands of the Great Khan, it can be said that it is destiny. We Mongolians have long recognized that Dajintian Khan is our co-lord."

Badali rushed ahead of everyone and offered his loyalty to Houjin.

He is Obama's eldest son.

After Auba's death, he succeeded Khan.

Although Horqin and Hou Jin became allies during Obama's era, Obama was on both sides of the coin.

When Huang Taiji conquered Chahar for the first time, Auba disobeyed orders and responded falsely, which made Huang Taiji furious.

The matter finally ended with Auba personally rushing to Shenyang and apologizing to Huang Taiji face to face.

Badali became more cautious after inheriting the Khan position, always thinking about how to repair the previous rift.

This time, Hou Jin eliminated the Chahar tribe and also won the Jade Seal of Chuanguo. Badali felt that this was an opportunity, and quickly expressed his attitude.

Sure enough, his efforts got good results, and Dorgon gave him a smiling face.

"Korqin has always been close to me, Dajin. With a friend like Badali Jinong (Prince), why not worry about the grassland?"

Badali said yes, and quietly wiped the sweat off his forehead.

He knew that after this incident, he had passed the difficulty and could sit back and relax.

But what he did made Wu Keshan very dissatisfied.

Everyone has the same thought, so why did you take the lead?
Wu Keshan thought more about the Badaling ceremony.

Because his younger sister is Huang Taiji's side Fujin Bumbutai.

If Huang Taiji goes one step further, he can also ascend to heaven with chickens and dogs.

"Mergen Daiqing, the Jade Seal passed on to the country is only for those who are virtuous. The fate of the Great Khan belongs to him, and he should be the master of the world."

As soon as this remark came out, all the Mongolian princes and nobles present were shocked.

It never occurred to Wu Keshan that he would be so radical that he wanted to persuade Huang Taiji to become emperor.

But when they looked at the obscure expressions of Dorgon and others, these human beings finally came to their senses.

"Zhu Ming has no way, and regards us as barbarians and foreigners, with no virtue and tyranny. Only the Great Khan of the Kingdom of Jin can become our master."

"The Great Khan proclaims himself emperor in the south and dominates the northern border. It happens to be a rival to Zhu Ming. This is the right time!"

The forty-nine Mongolian princes fought each other, as if they were united in one mind, for fear of being left behind and being blacklisted by Huang Taiji.

This is what Dorgon and others wanted.

Since the rise of the Later Jin Dynasty, it has covered the entire Liaodong, and at the same time, Monan Mongolia is added, and the territory is not much less than that of Ming Dynasty.

All the officials and generals of the Later Jin Dynasty wanted to go one step further, to enshrine the title of marquis and worship the prime minister, and enjoy wealth forever.

To do this, Huang Taiji has to go one step further.

It can be said that even if Huang Taiji doesn't want to become emperor now, the people below will build momentum and push him to become emperor.

Seeing that the momentum has been formed, Sahalian is very happy.

"The Great Khan is humble and self-aware, and repeatedly underestimates his own achievements. I also ask you to give more advice to strengthen the Great Khan's ambition."

The princes said yes with a loud bang, and followed Dorgon and others to Shenyang.

Knowing that Dorgon and others returned in triumph, they not only wiped out the Chahar tribe, but also welcomed back the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, Huang Taiji made it solemn.

Just outside Shenyang City, in front of countless soldiers and civilians, Huang Taiji bowed three times and nine times to the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, then held it in his hands and held it high above his head, showing it to all the people.

Hundreds of thousands of Jin soldiers and civilians prostrated themselves on the ground as if they had rehearsed, shouting nine long live.

Seeing that everyone has a clear attitude, Huang Taiji can be said to be complacent.

But regarding the matter of ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor, even though he was impatient, he still had to perform the play that should be performed.

When the ministers of Hou Jin wrote letters one after another, asking him to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, he refused all of them.

As if ascending the throne was not what he wanted, he didn't have that thought at all.

The trick of three words and three invitations is not only played by the Han Dynasty, but also by these barbarians with great proficiency.

The more Huang Taiji refused, the more radical the people below became.

The papers for the petition poured into the palace like snowflakes, which also represented the thoughts of up and down.

But looking at these memorials, Huang Taiji was extremely helpless.

Does he not want to be called emperor?

Of course he wanted to.

But to claim the title of emperor like this, something is still missing.

Just having the support of the Jurchens, the Han people in Liaodong, and the Mongols is not always so justifiable.

What is an emperor?

Son of Heaven.

In other words, the emperor is the co-lord of the world.

When proclaiming emperor without the visit and recognition of the vassals, such an emperor lacks the necessary legal principles.

The farce of persuading Jin continued until December. Seeing that everyone was not in the alley, Huang Taiji finally couldn't help it.

"Ascension to the throne and founding a country is a major event, and it cannot be ignored. North Korea is a country of brothers, and we should discuss it together."

The position of Hou Jin was determined. If he wanted to have a vassal platform, the only choice was North Korea.

Hou Jin Qunchen suddenly realized, and immediately arranged.

"I am profuse, the princess of North Korea has just passed away, and it is time to send an envoy to discuss with her."

Yue Tuo found a suitable reason and immediately got Huang Taiji's permission.

After deliberation, Susa and Mafuta went to North Korea in the name of Chunxin and condolences.

Huang Taiji was finally about to take the first step of establishing a country and proclaiming himself emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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