Ming Zuo

Chapter 820

Chapter 820
The scorching sun hangs high, and the dust and sand are long.

Looking around, there is a yellow bald space between the sky and the earth.Except for the undulating and steep loess kaolin, there is no green at all.

Cao Wenzhao was exhausted from walking, hungry and thirsty.

Half an hour ago, Cao Bianjiao sent someone to report that he had captured Qiutou Town and was chasing the bandits.

Upon hearing this news, Cao Wenzhao felt relieved and even took off his armor.

The weather in July is so hot that it is almost dehydrating.

"Come on, let's rest when we enter Qiutou Town, and go after the front army after eating and drinking."

After hearing this, all the soldiers responded one after another, and their pace quickened a bit.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Cao Wenzhao to enter Qiutou Town.

On the mountain ridge not far away, Li Zicheng kept watching his movements.

Seeing that all Cao Wenzhao's troops passed through the narrow mountain pass in Maoli, Li Zicheng finally got his chance.

"Attack with the whole army, don't let a single person go."

The orderly next to him immediately held up the colorful flag and waved it in all directions.

The bare Loess Plateau will not block the sight at all, and the rebels hidden in various places swarmed out immediately after receiving the flag.

The situation changed suddenly, everything came so suddenly.

The drums roared, the earth trembled, and tens of thousands of people ran out from every corner as if conjured out of thin air, covering the ground in the blink of an eye.

Sitting on the horse, Cao Wenzhao couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

When he saw that the mountain pass had been blocked by heavy soldiers, he knew he was in danger.

"Accelerate forward and seize Qiutou Town."

Seeing the countless cavalry bee chrysalis killed by the rebel army, Cao Wenzhao knew that he must not fight in the field.

The soldiers around him were all infantry, and they were no match for cavalry in the open field.

Only by occupying Qiutou Town and relying on the city defense fortifications, there is still a chance when reinforcements from all walks of life arrive.

The Ming army also knew that life and death were close at hand, and they all rushed towards Qiutou Town desperately.

"Uncle, I'll stop these thieves."

Cao Dingjiao knew that two legs alone could not run a war horse. For the current plan, someone must make sacrifices to slow down the attack of the bandits.

He didn't wait for Cao Wenzhao's consent, and led his troops to turn around and run towards the oncoming cavalry.

Cao Wenzhao had tears in his eyes, but in order to take the overall situation into consideration, he could only watch his nephew die with his own eyes.

"Quick! Faster! If you want to survive, you must rush to the town."

Qiutou Town is not far away, and it seems that we can only enter with more effort.

But it is a pity that Li Zicheng has laid a net of heaven and earth, and will not give him a chance to succeed.


Suddenly, behind Qiutou Town, a large group of cavalry passed around the town and charged from the front.

Not only that, but flags and flags were flying in Qiutou town, and countless infantry ran out of the town, lined up and followed the cavalry slowly.

Cao Wenzhao has fought all his life, going through life and death several times, but this time it made his scalp tingle.

Looking around, all the gaps between the valleys seemed to be filled by rogues.

I don't know how many people there are, like a flood, they are going to swallow them up like a drop in the ocean.

The troops of the headquarters led by Cao Dingjiao have disappeared and disappeared among the rogues.

Only the sound of shouting and killing broke through the sky, accompanied by the rolling of dust and sand, which proved that those people were still fighting.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Cao Wenzhao has no other choice but to go all out.

"Follow me, let's fight our way out."

At the moment of crisis, Cao Wenzhao's bravery broke out.

He took out his own bow and arrow, and drew the bows in a row towards the cavalrymen who came out.

Every time an arrow goes out, a rogue falls from the horse.

Seeing that the main general had shot all the arrows, the morale of the soldiers of the Ming army was greatly boosted. They lined up and rushed towards the cavalry with their human bodies.

The battle has been brutal from the very beginning.

The rebel army originally thought that there were so many people on their side, even if they were trampled by war horses, they could kill all the Ming army.

As a result, underestimating the enemy, half of the cavalry in the front team disappeared as soon as they fought.

This order followed the cavalrymen to be more cautious, not daring to charge forward, but circled around the infantry, firing arrows non-stop.

However, the range and power of riding bows are far inferior to that of walking bows.

The Ming army charged and fought back, but the rogues died more.

Cao Wenzhao shot all his arrows, took out his weapons and rushed forward with his own soldiers.

His martial arts are very proficient, and no one is his enemy wherever he goes.A large number of rogues died, and they all became the ghosts of his sword.

Li Zicheng could see clearly from a high place, and couldn't help being furious.

"Order the ministries to fight to the death without retreating. Whoever dares to fight timidly will follow the military law."

After the strict order came down, all the ministries of the Chuangjun did not dare to fish in troubled waters, and squeezed towards the middle one after another.

Cao Wenzhao killed layer after layer, and the corpses at his feet were piled up like a hill.Because he didn't have time to put on his armor, he also suffered a lot of injuries, and his white silk underwear had already been dyed red.

But he couldn't feel the pain, and he was still waving the weapon and trying to find life.

Although the cavalry intruding into the army were numerous and condescending, they lost the power to charge and affected their combat effectiveness because of crowding people and horses crowding horses.

If the fight continues, maybe even more people will die.

At this moment, the infantry from Qiutou Town rushed to the battlefield.

Seeing that all the ministries were in a mess and could not form a joint force, Liang Yue was really angry.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Let the pawns fight."

The people under his command shouted together with him, finally waking up the chaotic cavalry.

After fighting for more than an hour, Li Guo, who led the cavalry, had already lost his will to fight.

Seeing his subordinates dying non-stop, he even had the heart to avoid the battle.

Now Liang Yue is willing to step up, which is exactly what he wished for.

Following Li Guo's order, the cavalry dispersed, leaving the battlefield to Liang Yue's front battalion.

Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when the cavalry unit, which was like an iron wall, disappeared suddenly.

He thought these rogues were afraid and wanted to run away.

As a result, the sound of uniform footsteps gradually approached, and Rulin's spears spread endlessly, which made him sigh dejectedly.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

Looking at the rogue pawns coming up, Cao Wenzhao knew that this time he was in trouble.

The fighting power of these infantry is far more terrifying than those scattered cavalry,
But he couldn't retreat, he could only move on.

"Array. As long as we kill them, we will survive."

Only the remaining one thousand Ming army infantry followed Cao Wenzhao and rushed towards Liang Yue's main formation.

The battlefield was in chaos, and Liang Yue couldn't tell who Cao Wenzhao was, so he could only fight according to the established plan.

The infantry formations on both sides quickly collided.

The smell of blood immediately filled the air.

Liang Yue's infantry spears kept stabbing the soldiers of the Ming army into blood gourds.

The soldiers of the Ming army kept blocking the spears with the weapons in their hands, tried their best to get up, and wanted to get closer.

But in the end, there are more people in Liangyue.

After completing the first wave of attacks, the spearmen in the first row began to retreat, and the pikemen in the second row stepped forward.

The Ming army suffered heavy losses in the first wave, and they also needed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Even Cao Wenzhao had a cut on the outside of his thigh, which made him a little unstable in standing.

But at this moment, when Chuangjun dragged a Ming sergeant on his spear to the front line, the soldier became anxious and shouted loudly: "General, save me, come and save me!"

Liang Yue was taken aback, looked in the direction of the soldier waving, and immediately realized something.

He pointed at the panting Cao Wenzhao and shouted loudly: "This is Cao Wenzhao! Capture this man and dedicate it to the general."

When Chuang Jun heard Liang Yue's shout and saw Cao Wenzhao's crumbling appearance, he went crazy.

The cavalry who had been scattered all around also returned.

Countless people in all directions were constantly squeezing, and the number of Ming troops was getting smaller and smaller.

Cao Wenzhao was trapped in the formation, fighting with all his strength, the knife in his hand was getting slower and slower, and his body was getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, a long spear came, and he was about to block it with a knife.As a result, the blade rested on the barrel of the spear, and it was slid away by the shock.

The long spear pierced into his left shoulder like a poisonous dragon, and it knocked him back four or five steps in a row.

Cao Wenzhao roared in pain, gritted his teeth, grabbed the barrel of the spear, and pulled it out of his body.

A burst of blood arrows flew out, making his body lighten even more, his mind was dizzy, and the world in front of him was no longer so clear.

Cao Wenzhao understood that he had no strength.

If this continues, he will definitely be captured by these rogues, and then he will be humiliated endlessly.

Cao Wenzhao is a good husband, he stands up to the sky and the earth, and he never relents in killing thieves, how can he fall into the hands of thieves?

Seeing that there were not many troops left, none of the reinforcements he had been waiting for came.

Cao Wenzhao grinned wryly, took one last look at the majestic mountains and rivers, and slammed back...

With a cold light, the blade cut his throat.

The tower-like body wobbled and fell forward to the ground.

Seeing that he committed suicide, the surrounding rebels all looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one dared to step forward.

Although Cao Hu is dead, his power is still there!
(End of this chapter)

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