Ming Zuo

Chapter 829

Chapter 829
Gao Yingxiang guessed that Lu Xiangsheng had a backhand.

I just didn't expect this backhand to be so violent.

Under the bombardment of the new artillery, the rebel army collapsed across the board.Even the soldiers of the old battalion couldn't bear such a blow, and began to retreat one after another.

The morale of the Ming army was greatly boosted. Seeing Lu Xiangsheng's commander-in-chief move forward, all the ministries rushed to counterattack.

At this time, the benefits of the bronze cannon are unquestionable.

It only takes four people to push a cannon to follow along, and the peasants behind push the cart, which is loaded with projectiles and gunpowder, and there is no delay in firing the cannon.

When encountering ditches, thick wooden planks are laid, and light bronze cannons can be crossed.

When you need to fire, you only need to open the back shelf and hit the ground, and the artillery will be as stable as Mount Tai.

Although the cannons of the rebel army also counterattacked, the rate of fire of the two was not at the same level at all.

Often the rebels could only fire one round of shells, while the Ming army had already fired three or four rounds.

Although the shells of the Ming army were not large, their power was not small.The frequent firing speed and the earth-shattering loud noises caused great psychological pressure on the rebel army.

The two lost trenches in front of the Ming army were quickly regained.

Not only that, under the cover of artillery, the Ming army chased and killed the defeated soldiers of the rebel army all the way.

In the Chinese army in the distance, Gao Yingxiang wanted to vomit blood seeing that the defeat had been decided.

The casualties at this time were all the elite of the old battalion.This battle was enough to hurt him.

But now is not the time to be sad.

At the critical moment, Gao Yingxiang showed the qualities of a hero.

He ordered Liu Zhe, his confidant and favorite general: "Go and collect the retreating troops, go west, there is no need to wait."

Liu Zhe hurriedly led his own soldiers to meet him, trying his best to maintain the front line.

Gao Yingxiang didn't care about the situation of the soldiers and horses in his headquarters, he recruited all the cavalry to his front.Then with a finger of the long knife, he rushed towards the left wing.

He could see clearly that the frontal war was irreversible.

The cavalry was behind, and there was no way to enter the battlefield.I can only watch the infantry of the old battalion being eaten up little by little, and worry about the rout of the soldiers and the formation.

At this time, if you want to stabilize the battle situation, you must find a breakthrough point.

Zhang Xianzhong and Zuo Liangyu on the right wing rubbed against each other, neither could do anything to the other, the front line was complete, and there was no chance.

Only Zuo Wing, Lao Huihui and others had gotten involved with Zu Dabi, and the fight was very brutal.

The cavalry is the biggest threat to the rebels.

Knowing this, Gao Yingxiang put all his eggs in one basket.

He led more than [-] cavalrymen under his command to copy directly to Zu Dabi's rear.

The addition of this new force instantly broke the balance on the battlefield.

Zu Dabi was really frightened enough, he didn't dare to charge desperately, but gathered the main formation together, not giving Gao Yingxiang a chance to disperse.

The joining of Gao Yingxiang cut off the rear team of Guan Ning's army, but he could do nothing to Zu Dabi's main team.

Helpless, Gao Yingxiang had no choice but to eat up all the rear troops of the Guanning Army who were alone.

In this battle alone, more than [-] armored cavalry of the Guanning Army replaced more than [-] rebel cavalry.

But no matter what, after paying a terrible price, Zu Dabi's Guan Ning Iron Cavalry was considered to have lost its combat effectiveness.

Having achieved his goal, Gao Yingxiang sent out a signal to command all the ministries to retreat.

Lao Huihui, Yi Zi Wang, Zhuang Tian Wang and others had long since given up fighting, and retreated immediately after receiving the order.

Zu Dabi had few people, and after fighting for so long, his horse had already lost his strength, so he didn't dare to pursue him.

Gao Yingxiang personally went to the rear, covering the other leaders from all walks of life and heading west slowly.

As for the infantry who broke into the army, they were defeated by Lu Xiangsheng. Only one-third of the troops caught up with the main force and fled.

Lu Xiangsheng wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but he had to stop when he received a report that Guan Ning's army was unable to fight any more.

As for the right wing, Zhang Xianzhong dared to stay when he saw that all other parties had withdrawn.

He had an extra heart, instead of following Gao Yingxiang and the others, he turned around and headed southward, heading straight to Huguang.

Since Lu Xiangsheng led an army to Fengyang, Huguang must be empty.

Zhang Xianzhong has long coveted the wealth of Huguang, how could he let this opportunity pass.

The battlefield gradually calmed down, and finally ended with the victory of the Ming army.

Seeing the dead bodies all over the ground regardless of enemy or friend, Lu Xiangsheng's mood faded.

Even if such a battle is won, what is there to be happy about?
All the people who died were all citizens of Daming!
When will the world be peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment?
The generals under him are very happy, after all, they have won a big battle and have achieved solid military exploits.

Tang Jiuzhou ran back covered in blood, smiling like he had made a fortune.

"Your Excellency, the last general fulfilled his mission and killed thousands of thieves and bandits. You have to ask for credit from the imperial court and reward the sons and daughters."

Lu Xiangsheng came back to his senses and forced a smile on his face.

"General Tang has made great contributions to this battle, and I will remember it in my heart. Be safe and don't be impatient, it should be your credit, and there will be no shortage of credit."

With Lu Xiangsheng's guarantee, Tang Jiuzhou was relieved.

Seeing that the artillery was returning to the team, he was really jealous.

"This cannon is really good. It hits fast, goes far, and is not easy to damage. The Prime Minister should buy more of this kind of artillery, so that bandits will not be afraid."

Looking at the still intact bronze cannon, Lu Xiangsheng's heart was full of turmoil.

Although this cannon is good, it costs four thousand taels of silver each, which is really beyond his ability to bear.

Maybe this time they won a big victory, so they can ask the court for more military pay.

Lu Xiangsheng is confident that if there are twice as many artillery pieces like this, Gao Gao Yingxiang will be wiped out just around the corner.

But when he thought of the more terrifying weapons in Shandong, his good mood dissipated again.

It is easy to destroy the bandits, but it is difficult to destroy Shandong!

The second battle of Fengyang ended with Lu Xiangsheng's complete victory.

There were more than [-] Northwest rebels killed in this battle, and many of them were elite old thieves.

It can be said that the Northwest Rebel Army who returned to Henan was seriously injured and could no longer compete with Lu Xiangsheng.

Lu Xiangsheng reported victory to the imperial court, and at the same time commanded all the ministries to chase Gao Yingxiang and beat him fiercely.

Gao Yingxiang couldn't stand at all, so he could only retreat all the way, avoiding the Dengfeng area.

It wasn't until this time that Lu Xiangsheng received the military report, and Zhang Xianzhong caused disasters in Huguang.

Huguang is Lu Xiangsheng's base camp, and all food and grass supplies come from here, so there is absolutely no room for loss.

In desperation, Lu Xiangsheng could only lead his troops back.Whether it is to eliminate Zhang Xianzhong or expel him, in short, the safety of the base camp must be ensured.

As for Gao Yingxiang who fled to the mountains, he could only hand it over to Tang Jiuzhou and Zuo Liangyu.

I fully thought that the two generals would cooperate with each other, and even if they lost, they could be sure of it.

But Lu Xiangsheng never expected that the attributes of Zuo Liangyukeng's teammates had already been lit up, and they were preparing surprises for him.

(End of this chapter)

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