Ming Zuo

Chapter 834 The Future of Primitives

Chapter 834 The Future of Primitives
The cement castle at the estuary of Heilongjiang was finally completed before the snow fell.

This is absolutely an astonishing miracle in a barren and vast primitive land.

Not only the people on Sakhalin Island were happy about this, but all the nearby primitive tribes also came to visit the feat.

Geji River Guard, Yemu River Guard, Handa River Guard, Tating Guard, Manjing Guard, Fuduo River Guard, Yimu River Guard, all of them add up to tens of thousands of people.

It is said that Nuer Gandusi is desolate, but because the land is too large, it seems that there are few people.However, if such guards and tribes gather together, the number of them will be very impressive.

Looking at the fifteen to six meter high concrete building, these primitive people were all dumbfounded.Many people immediately fell to their knees and kowtowed to the castle.

Apparently they have regarded the castle as a miracle.

When the fair trade started, the Jurchen tribes of wildlings from all directions naturally approached.

Now in the entire lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River, all the tribes have changed the previous state of hostility, vendetta, and conquest, and live in harmony with each other.

The reason is that the things they need to survive have become abundant.

With the participation of Sakhalin Island, these primitive tribes can easily obtain various necessary materials for life.

And to get these things, you only need to trade, there is no need to start a war, and there is no need to shed blood.

Even primitive people know how to choose.

Sakhalin Island buys furs, ginseng, wood, medicinal materials, wild fruits and other goods from these tribes, and then sells them salt, iron pots, and builds houses for them.

This made the nearby savage Jurchen tribes gradually begin to get rid of their primitive living conditions, revealing traces of civilization.

And to say that the fastest evolving is of course the aborigines on Sakhalin Island.

They get along with the Beishang Legion day and night, and they have already merged together.Under the influence of ears and eyes, except for the appearance, it is almost impossible to see the original appearance.

"Legion Commander, how to break through such a bunker?"

Lian Shanhai looked up at the towering castle, thinking about how to break it down.

No way, this is an instinctive reaction as a soldier.

Seeing the completion of the castle, Wei Yuanfeng was the happiest person.

Because this means that the army going north can really go north.

From then on, this castle will be the frontier base for the Northward Legion to develop.

"If our army came to attack, it would take at most three or two days to break through. Besides, any enemy can only besiege, unable to break through."

It is actually very difficult for this castle to be besieged.

Because the castle is by the sea, two figure-eight-shaped concrete walls were specially built for support and supplies.

The thickness of the city wall has reached an astonishing six meters, and there is also a female wall on it, which can provide defensive operations.

These two walls extend all the way to the sea, turning the middle into a very wide open space.

By the beginning of spring next year, a pier will be built on this open space.

In this way, support and supplies from Sakhalin Island can be sent directly into the castle without worrying about being blocked by the enemy.

The castle has a steady stream of aid and supplies, and there is no danger of being breached.

Unless the enemy has a very powerful navy and seals off the castle from the sea, it would be impossible to break through.

But Wei Yuanfeng's answer made Lian Shanhai feel incredible.

"With the weapons of our army, I'm afraid it can't be broken?"

Wei Yuanfeng shook his head and told him the truth.

"It's not the weapon of our northward army, but the heavy artillery of the local army in Shandong. It is a kind of earth-shattering artifact, and there is no city wall that cannot be broken by heavy artillery."

Hearing that there are such good things, Lian Shanhai is impatient.

"Why doesn't our Northward Army have that kind of artillery?"

Seeing his aggrieved appearance, Wei Yunfeng laughed out loud.

"It's not that the high command didn't give us the equipment, but that our soldiers are not qualified enough to control such an artifact."

Such words made Lian Shanhai unwilling to listen.

"We are the bravest fighters, even death will not make us frown."

These primitive people have nothing else but a very strong sense of honor.If anyone dares to question, they would rather die.

Wei Yuanfeng quickly comforted him.

"It's not enough to be brave enough to operate such a heavy artillery, and you need to learn a lot of knowledge. Otherwise, even if you have a heavy artillery, if you can't shoot it well, what's the use of it?"

Only then did Lian Shanhai calm down.

"When will we learn that knowledge?"

For this, Wei Yuanfeng was extremely helpless.

"There is no way to learn it here. Those are very advanced knowledge. Even I don't understand it very well. Only when I go to Shandong and enter the military academy can I learn and master it."

He looked at Lian Shanhai and suddenly had an idea.

"Your talent is unparalleled, and you are definitely a good seed to be a general. Do you want to go to Shandong and study in a military academy?"

Unexpectedly, he would talk about himself, Lian Shanhai scratched his head.

"I looked at the map. Shandong seems to be very far away, and it takes a long time to take a boat. If I go there, when will I be able to come back?"

Wei Yuanfeng became serious.

"If you want to make progress, you have to go no matter how far away. Otherwise, your current military position will come to an end."

Lian Shanhai is now the head of the Fourth Regiment of the Northward Legion.

But this regiment leader is far from being able to compare with the regiment leader of the regular army of the new army, so the military rank is only captain.

According to the regulations of the new army, soldiers who have not studied in a military academy can only reach this rank at the highest.

During this period, Riwei Yuanfeng had a lot of contact with Lian Shanhai.

In his opinion, although Lian Shanhai has no knowledge, he has the qualities that all outstanding soldiers should have.

He has a keen sense of smell, is brave in battle, is good at unity, and has a photographic memory. Even compared with the generals of the new army, he is not bad.

It would be a great waste for such an outstanding talent not to grow up and be trapped in this extreme northern place.

Hearing that he could be promoted and become more powerful, Lian Shanhai couldn't help but be moved.

He has heard the description of Shandong from his comrades countless times.

It was a magical place, bustling like a fairyland.

There are endless delicacies and countless people.That wise and mighty commander-in-chief looks like a fairy in everyone's descriptions.

Seeing that he was a little moved, Wei Yuanfeng thought of a way.

He pulled over a six or seven-year-old child, who was Lian Shanhai's son.

"Dahu is still young, so he should learn more. But if he stays here, he will be like you at most in the future. Why not let him see the world more?"

(End of this chapter)

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