Ming Zuo

Chapter 840 The problem of opening the border

Chapter 840 The problem of opening the border
The surrender of the tribes of Nuer Gandusi is a completely new situation.

It is completely different from the previous pilgrimage and canonization, and then the Central Plains Dynasty did not care about the border areas.

What these tribes want is to completely become part of the Central Plains dynasty, to be treated the same as the Han people, and to accept the rule.

In this way, how to manage the land in the extreme north needs to be handled properly.

"Expanding the frontiers of the past dynasties is a major event. Today, opening up frontiers without fighting can't be compared even in the prosperous age. Since the land and population have fallen into our hands, we can't ignore it."

"Yes, the resources over there are very important to us. Once discarded, it will greatly affect our development."

At the central meeting, almost all the bigwigs agreed.

Although Nuergandusi is still a barren land, it has already had a huge impact on the construction of Shandong.

Among other things, timber alone has greatly eased Shandong's demand.

Warships could not be built without the high-quality timber harvested there.

The importance of the navy to Shandong is self-evident.

"If you want to strengthen the rule over there, you must send capable officials to establish household registration and land statistics in order to implement effective management."

Since everyone agreed, Zuo Menggeng naturally followed suit.

From his heart, of course he would not give up the territory of Nuer Gandusi.

How many Chinese people dream of that place!

Now that he has the opportunity to make up for his mistakes, if he gives up again, he will not be able to forgive himself.

"You mean to open a government office?"

Hou Xun somewhat understood his intention, but his expression was a little hesitant.

"What is Hou Xiang worried about?"

Hou Xun spoke freely.

"The past dynasties did not want to expand the territory, it was wasteful and endless, and eventually dragged down the country. Now the world is undecided, and the outcome is hard to tell. If too much power is invested in the extreme north, I am afraid that we will not be able to Deal with the chaos."

The issues he raised were practical.

It is said that the Central Plains Dynasty was conservative and only knew how to defend the land, but not how to open up borders.

actually not.

In fact, any emperor and country has ambitions, but whether they can achieve it depends on their own strength and objective conditions.

The biggest factor restricting the expansion of the Central Plains dynasty is that the border areas are too remote and poor.

Either the distance is long and the conquest is not easy; or the resources are limited, which not only cannot make up for the needs of the conquest, but also empty the national treasury, causing the local people to live in poverty.

Who said that the Central Plains region has been developed for thousands of years, and it is already the most affluent place in the world.

Especially the current situation in Daming is very delicate.

The Ming Dynasty was fading away, and it was on the verge of collapse, but it still had the confidence and was still orthodox in the world.

Except for Zuo Menggeng, no one can guarantee that Daming will be revived and brought back to life.

The Houjin in Liaodong is still developing vigorously, and its forces have penetrated into the Mongolian grasslands and become the overlord of the north.

This is the biggest enemy at present, and it cannot be solved for a while.

The Northwest and the Central Plains are in a mess right now. After you sing, I will appear on the stage. No one can do anything to anyone after fighting. It is not yet time for Shandong to end the game and clean up the mess.

Jiangnan is rich in the world, but the stubborn forces are also the most powerful.It is already a blessing to be able to win the Songjiang Mansion and own the bridgehead.

Without absolutely sufficient strength, Shandong cannot march into the south of the Yangtze River and pierce that layer of window paper.

As for Zheng Zhilong on the coast, the dormant Dongpu, and the western colonists who are constantly probing, all are factors that need to be considered.

At this time, any power is very important. If you pay too much attention to Nuer Gandusi, it may affect Shandong's progress.

Hou Xun's concerns were supported by many people.

At this time, the only person who can see through the fog of history is Zuo Menggeng.

Although because of his existence, history has changed a lot.However, because Shandong's power is not yet strong enough, the impact on the entire historical trend is still within the original range.

In this way, Zuo Menggeng is still very confident in his judgment.

"You said, can the court completely wipe out the Northwest Bandits? Or, can the Northwest Bandits really break into the capital and overthrow the court?"

When it comes to military issues, Huang Zongxi has the most say.

"Although the Northwest Rogues have fought a few beautiful battles in the past few years, they still haven't changed their true colors. Although the army of the imperial court is also bad, its strength is still higher than that of the Northwest Rogues. According to the military's estimate, there are no four to five After years of struggle, there is still no winner."

This statement coincided with Zuo Menggeng's judgment.

"What about the Jurchens in Liaodong?"

Li Banghua's inner demons are the ones he cares about the most.

"There are few Jurchens."

Huang Zongxi spoke concisely and said the fate of the later gold.

"According to the deduction of the General Staff, the Jurchens will continue to erode the vitality of the court in the next few years. But if they want to win the Central Plains, they don't have the strength yet."

Zuo Menggeng was very pleased with what he said.

I really did not expect that the growth of the new army has reached this point.

Even without his own existence, the current level of the new army is enough to fight against any powerful enemy at that time.

"Since the Central Plains can't tell the difference in a short period of time, it gives us plenty of time to develop. Nuer Gandusi has no powerful enemies, just some primitive tribes. We only need to invest a little bit of strength, it is enough Control over there. The cost of investment is not large, but the benefits obtained are extremely rich, we must not miss such a good thing."

Zuo Menggeng and Huang Zongxi cooperated tacitly, presented various arguments, and finally convinced everyone.

"According to current calculations, the land of Nuergandusi is extremely vast. If you want to open a government and build a government, you must establish a province to manage it."

Qu Shi gave an opinion.

"If you want to establish a province, the population of Nuergandusi is too small. Is it not worth the loss?"

Zhang Zongheng questioned.

There is no effective statistics on how many people there are in Nuer Gandusi.However, it is conservatively estimated that the maximum is two to three hundred thousand.

Such a small population spread over such a vast land, just thinking about it is a headache.

Once a province is established, administrative agencies at various levels such as cities, counties, and townships will be formed below.

Without population, what is the use of these levels of government?
"Is it possible to immigrate over there?"

Wang Yun asked.

He focuses on the economy, and the most worrying problem is that the population in Shandong is increasing.

Although there is a great demand from all walks of life, there is a limit to the population that the land can carry.

Now Shandong's grain has reached a dangerous red line, and it may not be available at any time.

Therefore, transferring the population and industries to the surplus land is the direction he is thinking about.

Bai Dasheng also attended this meeting.

"The land over there is said to be very good, dark and fat. But I'm not sure if I can grow crops. Anyway, the warm time there is not long, and it is frozen and snowy for many times of the year. .”

His answer caused all the bigwigs to fall into distress.

(End of this chapter)

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