Ming Zuo

Chapter 869

Chapter 869

"Uh... huh..., this instant noodle is really good. I can eat this thing in such a cold day, and it will keep you warm from head to toe. This time, we don't have to suffer."

In the headquarters of the Eastern Group Army, a group of senior generals were eating instant noodles together.

Hearing about the new stuff sent by the logistics, this group of high-ranking officials, who are actually young people, couldn't help being curious, so they unpacked a box on the spot and cooked it by themselves.

It only takes three or two minutes to cook the noodles one by one into the hot water, and there is no need to calculate the seasoning in the jar, just sprinkle it in the water.

In a short while, the hot, delicious and rich instant noodles are ready to eat.

Although this kind of instant noodles has no oil bag, the soup looks relatively clear.But in such a season, what more can one expect from such hot food?
Especially the instant noodles made by the military, the seasoning packets not only contain salt and pepper, chili powder, and sea intestine powder, but also dehydrated vegetables and meat.

Then open a can of luncheon meat, cut into slices, and put it in the instant noodles.

Even for many ordinary people, it is difficult to eat such a rich food.

However, in today's Xia army, such things are common.

Through that soul, Zuo Menggeng was full of respect for the great army that had experienced the most difficult times in the world, and at the same time formed stubbornness.

In any case, ensuring that the army's logistics supplies and weapons and equipment are prioritized is what he cares most about.

He doesn't mind arming his army to the teeth as long as conditions permit.

It is through his hard work and persistence that Xia Jun's logistics situation is shockingly good.

Among other things, in order to support this Korean War, there are [-] sets of military uniforms prepared for logistics alone.

In other words, each soldier can change his military uniform four times on the battlefield if conditions permit.

In terms of the most important grain and grass, [-] tons of rice were shipped from Jiangnan, [-] tons of flour were shipped from Shandong, and [-] tons of pork were shipped.In order to keep the freshness of aquatic products and vegetables, there is always a fleet of boats to transport them back and forth.

These things alone are enough for the army to go out without the danger of running out of food.

At the same time, out of the consideration of the battlefield situation, various emergency foods have also been developed in the case of demand.

Chocolate, instant noodles, luncheon meat, canned pork, canned fish, canned fruit, biscuits, bread, etc., the variety is dazzling.

Under such a powerful material blessing, Xia Jun was calm and peaceful, without any sense of tension about the approaching war.

When Shen Daoxun and Li Chong were on Jeju Island, seeing these innumerable supplies, one can imagine the shock in their hearts.

When the North Korean army was fighting, there was no guarantee that there would be miscellaneous grains to eat.As a result, deserters emerged in endlessly, and everyone was tired of fighting, and they would disperse as soon as they were beaten.

Looking at Xia Jun's soldiers, they are all majestic and powerful, and they all smile when they hear the battle.

In all fairness, even they both had ideas.

I would rather be a Xiaguo dog than a Korean.

In the south of the Korean peninsula, the Xia army is still accumulating strength while waiting for news on the battlefield.

In the north, North Korea has already felt the catastrophe.

Although the striker led by Mafuta and Rausa only had [-] people, the North Korean side feared the enemy like a tiger.The North Korean troops along the road were all hiding in the mountain cities on both sides, and they didn't dare to attack to intercept them.

Mafuta and Lausa didn't bother to attack these dangerous mountain cities, but drove southward.

Right behind the two, Hauge and Nikan followed closely, expanding the occupied area to both sides at the same time.

In this way, the advance of the Manchu army became extremely smooth.

It was not until December [-]th, nine days after the entry of the Manchu and Qing troops, that the North Korean center received an urgent military intelligence report.

Lin Qingye, the prefect of Yizhou, sent people to send the news to Hanyang by taking a small route.

It's ridiculous that North Korea thought it was just the Qing army showing off its might in the border area.

It wasn't until the next day that Marshal Jin Zidian sent an urgent military message, saying that the Qing army had arrived in Anju, and the whole of North Korea realized that the danger was imminent.

When Mafuta and Lausa ran to Anzhou, they happened to meet Piao Lanying, the envoy sent by North Korea to Liaodong.

In this way, Pu Lanying didn't have to make a trip in vain.

It's a pity that his situation is not good.

Although he repeatedly stated that he was an envoy sent by North Korea, Mafuta and Lausa still treated him as a prisoner of war.

"Our country strives to live in harmony and abide by the treaty. Why doesn't your country refuse to let you go, and brazenly commit crimes?"

Man is the knife and I am the fish.Pu Lanying didn't have any fear, and still asked loudly.

"what did he say?"

Ma Futa saw Pu Lanying's expression was very fierce, so he asked the translator Zheng Mingshou.

This Zheng Mingshou was originally a lowly slave in Yinshan County, Pyongan Province, North Korea. Later, he could not bear the oppression and fled to Liaodong.

Although his status in Liaodong is not high, but because he understands the Korean language, he will be used every time he deals with North Korea.

After Huang Taiji came to power, he reused talents from all directions, and Zheng Mingshou's status rose sharply.Relying on the strength of the Jurchens, they turned their heads and bit North Korea like a vicious dog.

In him, the fanaticism of the converts is vividly interpreted.

But in front of the Manchu nobles, he was very obedient and honestly translated Pu Lanying's words.

Mafuta narrowed his eyes and stared at Pu Lanying coldly.

"You prisoner like a pig and dog, don't forget who gave you today's glory and wealth. Our Majesty has been crowned a great treasure and has become the father of the world. You North Korea still relies on the Ming people and is disrespectful to me. This time If you don’t show sincerity, you will bear all the consequences.”

Listening to Mafuta's insulting words, Park Lanying trembled all over.

Being a prisoner was a stain on his life.Not to mention other people's strange eyes, every time he dreams back at midnight, he suffers from it.

Seeing the Qing army around them like wolves and beasts, the food in their mouths was all looted from North Korea.The gold and silver treasures revealed in the pockets also indicate that many North Korean families have suffered catastrophe.

The country was ravaged by the devil, and the people were massacred by the barbarians.

This scene made Pu Lanying furious, and gradually strengthened her determination.

However, under the general trend, personal will can't play a role.

The Qing army was so powerful that no one could stop it. It took only eleven days to rush to Kaesong.

"Hanyang is not far away, we shouldn't stay here, we should continue to go south. If we can catch the North Korean leader before His Majesty arrives, the army won't have to travel long distances and brave the wind and snow."

Seeing the success of the battle, Hauge was full of confidence.

He wants to do it all by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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