Ming Zuo

Chapter 873 Dominance

Chapter 873 Dominance

The five infantry regiments of the Korean Rebel Army were completely split up and used by Zhang Guanhua.

He personally led the first battalion to Jinjing Mountain City, where he established a headquarters for the follow-up troops.

Of the remaining four battalions, two control the ferry on the Nakdong River and cut off communication with the west; two control the northward passage and cut off the connection with Ulsan.

Li Yuanlao was left behind by him and led the regiment headquarters to control the Busan Wharf to prepare for the arrival of the Fourth Division.

Because Mr. Li is a Korean, he can still use this identity to deal with the local area and get local help.

Elder Li Yuan made clear his mission, and after arranging the defense of the pier, he hurried to meet Shen Qiyuan.

It was a normal communication, but unexpectedly, there was an accident.

Elder Li Yuan was led into the inner room, and seeing Shen Qiyuan sitting on the wooden floor, he took off his shoes and walked over, and sat down directly.

"Master Shen..."

Before the words fell, the people next to Shen Qiyuan suddenly changed color.

"You bastard! How dare you kneel down and salute when you see Lord Gongju?"

Shen Qiyuan remained silent, obviously a little annoyed by Li Yuanlao's actions.

Elder Li Yuan was stunned, just as he was about to salute according to his words, he suddenly thought of something and sat up straight.

"Forgive me, my lord. I am now an officer of the Xia army. In my Xia army, everyone is equal, and the act of kneeling and saluting has long been cancelled."

Shen Qiyuan's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

"If the old man has not forgotten, General Li is a native of North Korea, and he still has an official position in the court. What's more, the army you are in is called the Korean Rebel Army. But you don't abide by the etiquette of North Korea. Do you want to rebel?"

Old Li Yuan was nervous and anxious.

He turned out to be a North Korean military officer, and he had been taking orders under Shen Qiyuan's command.For this old man, it can be said that he is afraid to the bone.

According to his nature, he wanted to give up on the spot a long time ago.

But every time he wanted to move, touching the military uniform on his body made him afraid to kneel down.

"Your official is wearing the military uniform of the Xia army, and he should obey His Royal Highness King Xia's teachings. When the official takes off his military uniform one day, he will salute and apologize to the boss."

Shen Qiyuan was furious, picked up the paperweight next to him and threw it at it.

"Respect and humility, be a courtesy to others. Do you, a lowly warrior, dare to act like a beast?"

Elder Li Yuan didn't expect that he would strike brazenly, and he couldn't dodge for a while, his face was covered with blood.

Under the severe pain, blood flowed into the eyes, making the pain even more painful.

But because of this blow, his heart became firmer.

"The lower official was ordered by Head Zhang to come to talk with him. Since the boss can't calm down, this matter will be shelved for the time being. When the boss is calm tomorrow, the lower official will come to ask for advice."

After speaking, he stood up proudly and was about to leave.

What he did was completely unimaginable in North Korea.

When did a lowly general dare to be so rampant in front of the two classes of masters?

As soon as Shen Qiyuan's servants rushed forward, they wanted to take him down, and then questioned him.


A cold light shone in the room.

Old Li Yuan stood with his sword horizontally, his eyes were fierce.

"I am an officer of the Xia Kingdom. Anyone who insults me is like insulting the Xia Kingdom. Do you want to try all the consequences?"

Seeing the sharp saber in his hand, Shen Qiyuan's servant trembled and did not dare to move forward for a moment.

Shen Qiyuan was a little mad.

It is undoubtedly the greatest disrespect for a warrior who dares to use a knife in his room.

Just as he was about to give an order, the closed hall door was slammed open, and a group of soldiers from the Xia army rushed in.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen muzzles of black holes were aimed at the people in the room.

The situation reversed, and Shen Qiyuan was at a disadvantage instead.

A young officer ran in and was furious when he saw old Li Yuan's face covered in blood.

"Captain, who did it?"

While speaking, the leopard-like eyes of the young officer swept back and forth on everyone in the room.

Anyone who was targeted by him seemed to be pierced by thousands of steel needles, and their heartbeats almost stopped.

They had no doubt that as long as the young officer gave an order, those sturdy soldiers would definitely shoot and kill them on the spot.

Shen Qiyuan trembled all over, he did not expect that Li Yuan would have such power.

Is this still the martial artist who prostrated himself in front of him, bowed his knees and obeyed him?
Will Mr. Li identify him?
Will he be killed?
In the midst of his trembling, Old Man Li shook his head slowly, choosing to be rational.

"Nothing, let everyone retreat, let's go back."

In any case, Shen Qiyuan is the leader of the Western People's Party, and the leader who chose to cooperate with Xia Guo on the North Korean side.

Although he was arrogant and insulted himself, but considering the overall situation, Li Yuan still chose to be patient.

Seeing Elder Li Yuan turn around and leave, Shen Qiyuan felt relieved and was able to breathe again.

In such a short period of time, it was as if he had walked between life and death, which made him feel far more exhausted than the contest in the court.

The young officer who walked last suddenly turned his head and looked at him suspiciously.

"This matter is not over yet. In the world, no one dares to insult our Xia soldiers."

These words caught his ears, and Shen Qiyuan couldn't help but raise his heart again.

He even felt a little remorseful, shouldn't he cooperate with these arrogant people?

Are these people here to save North Korea, or to destroy the status quo in North Korea?
Thinking of Li Yuanlao's repeated emphasis on "everyone is equal", Shen Qiyuan couldn't help but get angry.

There is a difference between high and low, and there is a difference between high and low. This is the way of etiquette.

If you don't even abide by this, how is it different from a barbarian?
If North Korea's ritual system collapses because of cooperation with Xia, what is the difference from surrendering to the Qing Dynasty?

The feudal scholar-official fell into a dilemma of thinking for a while.

But it didn't take long for him to figure it out.

At noon the next day, Bai Xiaoqi and others led the Fourth Division to officially land in Busan, where a frontline headquarters was established.

Originally, Liu Yiyuan planned to rush to Busan in person, but Zuo Menggeng gave his opinion and suggested that he still set up the headquarters in Jeju Island.

In this way, being in the center and staying out of the way makes it easier to take a look at the overall situation and avoid bias.

After careful consideration, Liu Yiyuan accepted Zuo Menggeng's opinion.

The military operations on the Busan side were fully entrusted to the Fourth Division.

In other words, Bai Xiaoqi is the highest military officer in Busan.

As soon as he came, he immediately took over all the power without hesitation.

Be it Shen Qiyuan or Quan Li, they all have to obey his orders.

Seeing the soldiers of the Xia army from the brigade landing one after another, and the tall and majestic warships overwhelming the sea, Shen Qiyuan and Quan Li were extremely helpless and did not dare to fight at all.

Even so, Bai Xiaoqi decided to stand up.

"Master Shen, I heard that you injured our officer?"

(End of this chapter)

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