Ming Zuo

Chapter 885 Deadly 1 Strike

Chapter 885 Fatal Strike

The North Korean monarchs and ministers trapped in the mountain city of Namhan are like drowning people. They clearly know that disaster is imminent, but they still struggle blindly, pinning their hopes on that straw that is not real.

On December [-], after repelling North Korea's last counterattack, the Qing army did not take any military action, but hurriedly besieged Namhan Mountain City.

However, the actions of the Qing army caused misunderstandings in North Korea.

"Your Highness, if you want to find out whether the Great Khan has arrived, you can take this opportunity to send a New Year's gift."

Whether or not Huang Taiji arrived at the foot of Nanhan Mountain City, the consequences would be different.North Korean rulers are eager to make this clear.

The arrival of the Spring Festival makes them feel that this is an opportunity.

Cui Mingji's proposal was approved by Li Zhen.

However, to the surprise of the North Korean monarchs and ministers, the New Year gifts they sent were returned by the Qing army.

The person who came forward from the Qing army was only Mafuta.

"Since you don't know etiquette, why bother people during the festive season, come back tomorrow."

After the three of Hong Ruifeng went back in a daze, they reported the matter to Li Zhen.

Jin Shangxian was furious when others were not doing well.

"Jurchen, barbarians too! Stepped into the territory of another country without permission, and then withdrew the congratulatory gift, where did you send your highness? What is the dignity of North Korea? I implore your highness to abandon unrealistic illusions and wait for the arrival of reinforcements from all walks of life. Fight to the death with the Jurchen."

In terms of feudal etiquette, the Qing army's return of the New Year's gift was completely torn face.

Angry people abound in North Korea.

Even Li Jing felt ashamed.

But the situation is stronger than the people.

The siege of the Qing army became more and more severe, and the food and grass in the mountain city of Nanhan was about to bottom out.

As for the various reinforcements that Jin Shangxian mentioned, they couldn't see them at all at this time.

Li Zhen was really afraid that before the reinforcements came, Nanhan Mountain City would be breached by the Qing army, making him a prisoner.

Under Cui Mingji's strong request, he still sent envoys, hoping to negotiate with the Qing army.

On the second day of the first lunar month, the three of Hong Ruifeng finally gained something and received Huang Taiji's edict.

In this edict, Huang Taiji completely shifted the responsibility for the war to the North Korean side.

The country has been invaded for no reason, but it has to be charged with crimes. This makes the denunciations in North Korea even more unbearable, and once again clamored for resistance to the end.

On this day, the only food Li Zhen ate was bland rice cake soup, and even a little bit of pickles.

Although he didn't ask about it, he also understood that this situation meant that the food and grass in Nanhan Mountain City were really running out.

But whether it was captured or starved to death, it was not the result Li Jing wanted.

He didn't want to lose face, so he continued to maintain the system.

The only thing that can be done is to continue to send Hong Ruifeng and others to Qingying on the third day of the first lunar month, and at the same time send the letter of credence written by Cui Mingji.

At this point, North Korea still wants to maintain the status quo.

Huang Taiji didn't know how to evaluate the innocence of the Koreans.He simply did not respond, and stopped negotiating with the North Koreans for more than ten days.

Normally, the ten days are fleeting, and many people don't care.But for the North Korean monarchs and ministers who are now trapped in the mountain city of Namhan, it seems that it has been as long as a lifetime.

The suffering they endured also reached its peak.

For ten days, all the reinforcements still disappeared, but the siege of the Qing army at the foot of the mountain was already impenetrable.

The horses in Namhan Mountain began to starve to death due to lack of feed.

Although Li Zhen ordered that these horses be stewed into meat and rewarded to the soldiers who defended the city.But everyone knows that after the horse starves to death, the next step is the human.

Under strong mental pressure, the North Korean side is not much able to persist.

On the eleventh day of the first lunar month, the North Korean side wrote the letter of credence again, hoping to submit it to Huang Taiji.

However, Huang Taiji is definitely a master at manipulating people's hearts. He did not accept it on the grounds that it was dark.It dragged on until the next day. Although I accepted the letter of credence, I didn't make any reply.

This situation is tantamount to lighting a fire on the restless body of North Korean monarchs and ministers.

Five days later, Cui Mingji and Hong Ruifeng rushed to Qingying again to ask about their attitude.

Mafuta came forward, and his words were quite rude.

"If you don't have any new words, don't come again."

Cui Mingji and Hong Ruifeng were dumbfounded on the spot.

They knew that the Qing army was not satisfied with the existing conditions, and they had to force North Korea to bow its head.

However, just as they were about to return to their missions, Mafuta informed them of a news like a bolt from the blue.

"I heard that there are two other princes in the royal family of North Korea, both of whom are on Ganghwa Island. His Majesty can't bear them starving on the deserted island, and plans to invite them to come and reunite with the King of North Korea."

Hearing that the Qing army was about to attack Ganghwa Island, Cui Mingji and Hong Ruifeng rushed back to Namhansan City like crazy.

As for whether Ganghwa Island can be defended, none of the North Korean monarchs and ministers in the Namhan Mountain City are sure.But everyone knows what it means once the royal family falls into the hands of the Qing army.

Afterwards, the North Korean side repeatedly lowered the conditions, but none of them were recognized by the Qing army.

"We've spent a long time in North Korea. Since the North Koreans still can't recognize reality, Prince Rui, fight this most important battle well."

Huang Taiji handed over the task of attacking Jianghua Island to Duo ErGun.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will return as soon as I go."

Dorgon was full of confidence, and immediately launched an attack on Jianghua Island.

At this time, the strength of the North Korean defenders on Jianghua Island was only more than a thousand, and the leader Zhang Shen was still an idiot.

In addition, the procurator Jin Qingzheng and deputy Li Minqiu not only have no military power, but they also don't know anything.

Jin Liu arranged for his son to come here for gilding, but he did not treat North Korea lightly.

Although the Qing army had already prepared to cross the sea on the opposite side of the Jianghua Strait, Zhang Shen didn't care.

"The Jurchens are just tigers in the mountains, but they turn into chickens in the water. There is no way for them to come over here."

On the twenty-second day of the first lunar month, the Battle of Ganghwa Island officially began.

Dorgon divided the army into two parts and rushed to Ganghwa Island from the south and north.

Knowing the military situation, Zhang Shen panicked, and also divided the army into two.

He personally led twenty-seven wooden house boats to the north, hoping to block the main force of the Qing army by virtue of the advantages of strong ships and guns.

Zhongqingshui envoy Jiang Jinxin led seven wooden boats to the south.

However, something embarrassing happened.

The fleet led by Zhang Shen had just arrived at the battlefield, but encountered an ebb tide.

The wooden house boats with deeper drafts ran aground on the beach one after another, unable to move, and could only watch the Qing army's boats speeding past and landed on Jianghua Island one after another.

Although Jiang Jinxin on the South Road did not encounter the low tide and ran aground, but facing Dorgon's red cannon on the shore, he was beaten and collapsed on the spot.

Seeing that the Qing army landed on Jianghua Island so quickly, Huang Shanshen of the Chinese army could only lead more than [-] people around him to resist.

It is conceivable that it is of no use.

In Jianghua City, Li Hao, the Great Lord of Fenglin, is the leader.

He also wanted to organize resistance, but none of the soldiers below obeyed his order and hid one after another.

Seeing the Qing army approaching the city, the concubines and royal family around him were all trembling with fright, Li Hao sighed dejectedly, had to order the city gate to be opened, and chose to surrender.

North Korea's plan to use Ganghwa Island to preserve the incense of the royal family just in case was completely shattered.

Li Jing was trapped in the mountain city of Nanhan again, and had no way to escape.

Maybe it won't be long before the Joseon royal family will be extinct.

(End of this chapter)

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