Ming Zuo

Chapter 903 Tsushima Sea Battle

Chapter 903 The Battle of Tsushima Sea (3)

The appearance of the Xia State Navy's ship in the Satsuma domain seemed to be a signal, which suddenly made the situation in the Tsushima Strait tense.

"According to the report of the scouts, there are at least [-] warships gathered by the Satsuma domain. Although it is not clear how many troops are on land, there are at least tens of thousands of people."

Bai Dasheng told Zuo Hua the information obtained by the scouts who were born and died.

E Honglue was the first to make a judgment.

"Just because the Satsuma clan definitely doesn't have so many troops, it seems that there are other daimyos who have made moves."

During this period of time, in order to deal with the battle in Japan, the commanders of the navy all learned relevant intelligence in a surprise attack.

Zuo Hua asked, "Why not the shogunate?"

"The Tokugawa shogunate has always been committed to closing the country and consolidating its own power. Once it goes to war, it may repeat the mistakes of Toyotomi Hideyoshi."

Zuo Hua pondered.

"If you look at it this way, I'm afraid these daimyos have bad intentions towards the Tokugawa shogunate."

Zhang Keda raised his head from studying the chart.

"No matter how intriguing he is in Dongying, since North Korea has been resolved, Dongying is our next target. Originally, we had to find another excuse. Since Satsuma came to our door, we are welcome."

His words remind everyone.

Regarding the significance of the first island chain, there has long been a consensus within the navy.In their eyes, Dongpu should not exist and can only be used as China's frontier.

Don't look at the fact that Xia Guojun is still immature, but their hearts are higher than the sky.

From the day they were established, their eyes have been set on the deep blue sea.

"Without the participation of the Tokugawa shogunate, just relying on a few big names will definitely not be able to last for too long. I judge that the Japanese attack will definitely start in the next few days."

Zuo Hua is a qualified commander and has always been very decisive when he is required to make decisions.

It's finally time to fight.

E Honglue was gearing up, looking impatient.

"Then let's go to sea immediately, set up a defense line, and wait for him to come."

As the chief of staff, Bai Dasheng performed his duties very well at this time.

"Send all the small boats out, and we must find out the route of the Dongying people."

He was just a soft sentence, but what it represented was the cruelest and bloodiest fight on the surface of the sea.

On the sea between Busan and Dongying, the main forces of the two sides have not yet met, and the strangulation of the reconnaissance troops has already dyed the sea red.

On Xia Guo's navy side, Cangshan boats and centipede boats were all dispatched, forming small clusters one by one, desperately heading towards Dongpu.

On Dongpu's side, all the small boats came out together, with only one purpose, that is to shield the sea and cover the main force's advance.

There are actually similarities between combat at sea and on land.

Investigate the position of the opponent and hide the position of the own side, so as to gain an advantage in information and win the game.

And to do this, killing the opponent's reconnaissance force is the only option.

On the sea, the two sides cannot escape, and they can only do their best to achieve their respective combat goals.

"Captain, the pirates are coming up again!"

On a Cangshan ship, the shouts of soldiers attracted the captain's attention.

The young captain showed no fear, watching the little morning boat crashing into him like a mad cow in the distance, and gave orders decisively.

"Fire and sink it."

Because the Cangshan ship is too small, it cannot be equipped with Xia Jun's standard artillery.Therefore, it is better to push the bronze cannon onto the ship than to use nothing.

At this time, the sea had already become a pot of porridge, and the Xia army and the Dongying army were mixed together, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

Following the captain's order, the two bronze cannons turned their muzzles, aimed hastily, and fired successively.

As a result, one shell was emptied, and although the other shell hit the enemy ship, it only opened a big hole on the side, killing many people, but did not cause fatal damage to the ship.

The opportunity was fleeting, and with the reloading speed of the bronze cannon, it was already too late for the second round.

The captain is still like Mount Tai.

"The musketeers line up to shoot, and the others prepare for the board."

Xia Jun soldiers are busy but not chaotic.

A team of musketeers ran to the side of the ship, raised their cap guns, and stared at the enemy who was not slowing down.

The Dongpu soldiers on Xiaozao's boat also raised their guns.

The commander of Dongpu showed a ferocious smile and roared: "Fire!"

Hundreds of firecrackers were fired together, and the round projectiles were thrown high into the sky, and then fell rapidly by inertia.

This is the most commonly used method by the Japanese in naval battles, which is to use firecrackers to play projectiles.

During the Imjin Japanese Invasion, the Ming army and the Korean army suffered a lot in this way.

How could Xia Jun not be prepared?
When they saw a white smoke rising from the opposite ship, the soldiers here raised their shields one after another.Those without shields hurriedly hid behind various bunkers.

There was a crackling sound on the deck, accompanied by the screams of two soldiers, and the attack of the Japanese people came to an end.

At this time, the little straw boat had rushed within fifty meters.

The captain quickly shouted: "Fire!"

The cap guns here are direct fire, and they are all aimed at them.

Under the attack like the wind blowing wheat, many Dongpu people also died on the spot because they couldn't dodge in time.

After Xia Jun's musketeers finished shooting, they all threw their muskets aside, and then drew out their knives.

For cold weapon fighting on a ship, muskets and bayonets are too crowded, and it is far less comfortable to use short knives.

The two ships were extremely ferocious, and neither of them had the intention of avoiding them, so they collided fiercely in the end.

As the ground shook and the mountains shook, people on both sides of the boat fell down one after another, but quickly got up again, screaming and rushing towards the opposite side.

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

In a place like this, there is no turning back.The only way to survive is to kill all the opponents.

The samurai of Dongpu jumped up high like a wolf, waving their sabers, and slashed at the soldiers of the Xia army in the air.

However, the bowstrings were bursting here, and the crossbow arrows knocked back their bodies that had just jumped up.

The soldiers of the Xia Army threw out their claw hooks, bringing the two ships close together, and then began to fight.

Both sides are fearless fighters, making the battle intense from the very beginning.

Although Japanese samurai swords are extremely sharp, they cannot be assembled by everyone because they are not easy to manufacture.In fact, most Japanese soldiers use harpoons.

Instead, everyone on Xia Jun's side was equipped with knives.

Although not as long as a katana and harpoon, it is easier to maneuver on a boat.

In addition, Xia Jun's soldiers were taller and stronger, so they gradually gained the upper hand in the fight.

Xia Jun's captain also jumped over, swung his knife around, and an enemy's head flew into the sky.With a sideways kick, he kicked another enemy into the sea.

It gave him extra satisfaction to see his soldiers fighting against the enemy.

"Kill them all, take no prisoners."

He even looked at other places on the sea leisurely.

At this time, the entire sea was filled with gunpowder smoke, and a group of navy broke through the obstruction of the Dongying people and headed eastward.

The captain knew that this team was looking for the main force of the Dongying people.

Seeing that Xia Jun broke through the defense, the Dongying people in many places rushed over like crazy, trying to block this column.

The more the enemy doesn't want it, the more we have to do it.

The captain's expression became grim.

"Hurry up, we're going to help."

(End of this chapter)

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