Ming Zuo

Chapter 916 Bombarding Nagasaki

Chapter 916 Bombarding Nagasaki
"Military affairs are the continuation of politics. The war is basically over at this point. Next, we have to work hard for profit."

In the face of everyone's doubts, what Zuo Hua said was quite profound.

"You didn't want to vent your anger?"

Seeing Zuo Hua's calmness, Zhang Keda was quite surprised.

"I am the commander-in-chief of an army. I am responsible for the life and death of all of you. How can I be arrogant?"

Zuo Hua blinked his one-eyed eyes all the time, and all that shone in them was the brilliance of wisdom.

Only then did everyone suddenly have a new understanding of him as the commander of the navy.

"I'm afraid that if Nagasaki is attacked, it will cause the reaction of the Tokugawa shogunate, which will lead to an all-round expansion of the war."

Bai Dasheng expressed his worries with the duty of chief of staff.

Zuo Hua shook his head.

"According to the information we got, the shogun inherited the ideas of his predecessors and only wanted to close the country to maintain the rule of the shogun. This person is completely different from Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He cares about his own rule more than expanding the territory. .This time, the Japanese military action looks more like the self-assessment of a few daimyos. It is hard not to wonder, what kind of filth is there between them and the shogunate?"

After all, Zuo Hua has been tempered.

Just through one battle and the existing intelligence, the internal situation of Dongpu has been guessed completely.

"Even so, Nagasaki is under the direct control of the shogunate. If we fight here, if Tokugawa Iemitsu does not act, how will his prestige be maintained?"

Zuo Hua already had a comprehensive idea.

"Nagasaki wants to fight. If we don't fight, we won't be able to shake the mountain and get what we want. But we can't fight big. Nagasaki is the only window for Japan to trade with the outside world. Merchants from all over the world gather here. Once It’s not good if the scale expands and affects these people.”

Seeing the troubled faces of the people, he quickly appeases them.

"You don't know anything about Dongying. In Dongying, the strongest navy is Satsuma. The rest, including the Tokugawa shogunate, are not as good. The previous battle has completely defeated Satsuma's navy , so Japan has nothing to do with us. As long as we put the cannons on the coast of Japan, the Tokugawa shogunate will have to accept our terms."

As soon as this situation was mentioned, everyone's worries dissipated somewhat.

The naval fleet headed north along the coast of Dongpu, first went to the previously occupied Goto Islands for repairs, and then rushed to Nagasaki.

Like the Kagoshima Bay occupied by the Satsuma Domain, Nagasaki also has a very good harbor.

This bay is similar to a "J" shape, and there is an inward shrinking turn when it reaches the inside.

The city of Nagasaki is located on both sides of the depth, and is also protected by high mountains. The terrain can be described as very dangerous.

However, the depth of Nagasaki Bay cannot be compared with that of Kagoshima Bay, so it cannot stop the front of the Xia Kingdom Navy at all.

"The first and second columns rushed in, and the third and fourth columns bombarded both sides of the strait to drive out the Japanese army."

Following Zuo Hua's order, the naval fleet began to disperse.

The first and second columns acted as arrows, heading all the way to the interior of the bay.The third and fourth columns lined up one after another, aiming their muzzles at the shores on both sides.

At the mouth of Nagasaki Bay, there is a protruding land on each side of the sea, plus three scattered small islands.

For defense, the Dongying people have set up military fortifications in these places, which can play a very good role in blocking the enemy.

But this time, these fortifications were useless in the face of Xia's navy's heavy artillery.

Amidst the rumbling cannons, these fortifications were overturned one by one.The Japanese soldiers inside were killed one after another, and the other resisters were frightened when they saw it, and fled in all directions.

The sound of cannons shook all directions, and immediately awakened Nagasaki, who was singing and dancing.

Everyone looked at the sea in astonishment, not understanding what happened.

Then they saw warships overwhelming the sky, raised unfamiliar flags and rushed in, while forming formations on the sea.

Zuo Hua looked at Nagasaki with a telescope.

The bay runs north-south, and the innermost end is connected to a river, which leads to nowhere.

The city is located on the east side of the bay, and as far as the eye can see, there are wooden houses stretching endlessly.

On the west side of the bay, there are various shipbuilding factories and piers.Many ships are docked here for repairs and maintenance.

"Blow up all these shipyards and docks."

The navy's muzzles were all raised, and hundreds of shells were delivered to these shipyards and docks in a short period of time.

These shipyards and docks are all built of wood, and after being baptized by high explosives, they quickly ignited a fire that soared into the sky.

Countless people who had no time to escape, were covered in flames, howling and rolling.In the end, I couldn't stand it any longer, and jumped into the sea all at once, and then fell silent.

Live or die, no one cares anymore.

In the cities on the east bank, the Dongying people stared dumbfounded at the tragic situation on the west bank, and finally understood something.

In an instant, the whole city was in turmoil, and countless people fled in terror, fearing that such bad luck would happen to them.

After destroying the shipyard and dock, Zuo Hua looked towards the east bank.

"Sunk all ships on the water, except the Dutch and ours."

Nagasaki is Japan's external window, and only Ming Dynasty and Dutch people are allowed to trade here, so the ships on the water are divided into three categories.

The Galen boats of the Dutch, the blessing boats of the Chinese, and the Anzhai boats of the Dongying people are so distinctive that they cannot be mistaken.

Zuo Hua came here to gain prestige, not to make enemies, so naturally he couldn't attack indiscriminately.

Under his order, the navy put away its heavy guns, and began to call the ships on the water with only light naval guns.

The Anzhai boats of the Japanese merchants did not end up any better than the navy.It was also shot one by one, turning into fragments on the water.

The whole Nagasaki was shaken.

Everyone was trembling, wondering what the new fleet was up to?
It wasn't until a long time passed that some people felt relieved when they discovered that these enemies were only attacking the facilities of the Dongpu people without expanding them.

"Minister, there is a galenic ship with a white flag that wants to come."

Zuo Hua has already seen it.

"It should be that the Dutch can't sit still, let them come over."

Two ships of the navy went up, picked up people and returned, and a distressed Westerner appeared in front of Zuo Hua.

"Dear General, I am the Dutch businessman Van Driesi Skrtel. We, the Netherlands, have diplomatic relations with your country. Why do you come to attack us?"

The corner of Zuo Hua's eyes slanted, and he asked coldly: "You said you attacked your door, where is the evidence? Can there be any damage?"

Skrtel's chubby face was wrinkled, and he said redly: "You attacked Nagasaki."

Zuo Hua sneered.

"When did Nagasaki become yours?"

Skrtel was so uncomfortable that he had to find a reason again.

"You affected trade."

Zuo Hua seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Dear Mr. Skrtell, I think you have misunderstood. What we are doing is not hurting trade, but expanding trade."

(End of this chapter)

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